"Damn it!"

Jing'ai couldn't help but curse again, then she walked into the bathroom with a red face.

There was nothing she could do.

The weather was a little hot, so she sweated a little. There was nothing she could do but wash again.

Jing'ai comforted herself like this.


That's it!

It's just a comic book. She's not a simple girl. It's impossible for her to have any fantasies about it.......

Absolutely impossible!

Soon, the sound of splashing water began.

About ten minutes later, Jing Keai pursed her lips, returned to the living room with a calm expression, picked up the remote control beside her and turned off the TV.


Jingai was lying on the bed, looking out the window, and the plot of the comic appeared in her mind again.......

"If you really can't find a suitable partner, maybe you can consider it......."


"What on earth was I thinking? Damn it, it’s all that guy’s fault for suddenly giving me a comic book......."

Jing Keai was originally very depressed because of her always failed blind dates, and she even began to resist. However, the comic book that Ye Feng sent her......

Just like a seed, it took root in Jing Keai's mind.

At some point, Jing Keai fell asleep in a daze.

In a trance, Jing Keai heard some sounds.

"Xiaojing, Xiaojing......"

Jingai opened her eyes blankly, and saw Ye Feng looking at her with a worried look on his face. The next moment, his hand fell on her forehead:"Xiaojing, are you okay?"


Jing Keai was slightly startled, then she grabbed Ye Feng's hand and said angrily:"Ye Feng, what are you doing?"


Ye Feng asked in confusion:"Xiao Jing, what's wrong with you?"

Jing Keai glared at him:"You actually called me Xiao Jing?"

"Is there a problem?" Ye Feng said as a matter of course:"After we got married, didn't you say that you liked me calling you Xiao Jing the most?"......Marry?

Jing Keai opened her eyes wide and looked at Ye Feng in amazement.

Then she quickly denied:"Impossible, how could I marry you? That's absolutely impossible!"

"Xiao Jing, you didn't sleep so hard, did you?"

Ye Feng pointed to the photo beside him and said,"Look, this is our wedding photo......."

Jing Keai looked at it subconsciously, and then her expression was slightly startled.

In the photo, she was wearing a beautiful snow-white wedding dress, with a shy and sweet smile on her face. She was holding Ye Feng's arm and gently leaning her head on his shoulder. Like a girl, she playfully closed one eye and made a scissors hand gesture.......

Jing's cute face suddenly turned red.

Oh my god!

The naughty and cute person in the photo......

It was me?


Absolutely impossible!

Ye Feng leaned over and whispered,"Xiao Jing, you are not angry because I came back late last night, are you?"

"I don't have, wait, your hand......"

Ye Feng said seriously:"It's still early, so I have to apologize and make up for it, Xiaojing."

"No, wait.......Well......"

Jing'ai's resistance soon collapsed......

So the next day, when Ye Feng met Jing Keai, Jing Keai looked like"I'm very angry, don't talk to me"......

Then, during the entire Chinese class, no one dared to be distracted, because they were all frightened by Jing Keai!

In short, Saturday came in a blink of an eye.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Ye Feng arrived at the tram station near Nishimiya's house, and then walked towards the small bridge where he first met Nishimiya Glass.......

Nishimiya Glass invited him to come out and play today out of gratitude. Of course, this was said by Nishimiya Glass's sister, Nishimiya Yuzuru.

As soon as he reached the small bridge, Ye Feng looked up and saw Nishimiya Glass lying on the railings in the bright sunshine, tearing bread and feeding the fish in the river.

Today, Nishimiya Glass was wearing a pink and white shirt and short skirt, with a pair of black knee-high socks on her feet.

Under the pure blue sky, the scene of the girl lying on the railings feeding the fish was unexpectedly beautiful.

However, it was not yet half past eight, to be exact, only nine minutes after eight, and the agreed time was nine in the morning.......

In order not to let the girl wait for too long, Ye Feng had already left the house in advance.

But Nishimiya Glass arrived earlier?

Ye Feng walked over, and until he leaned on the railing, Nishimiya Glass, the idiot, didn't notice at all, and continued to focus on feeding the fish.

On the river surface, many fish jumped out of the water, splashing water.

Ye Feng turned his head and looked at the girl with a quiet and gentle smile on her face. To be honest, this girl's smile is very healing.......

It's also very beautiful.

Retracting his gaze, Ye Feng took out a piece of bread from his bag and accompanied the girl to feed the fish.

Not far away, Nishimiya Yuzuru, who was hiding in the dark, saw this scene through the telescope and couldn't help but sighed.

"What are these two idiots doing?"

After a while, Nishimiya Yuzuru came to the bridge and shouted,"Sister......"


Nishimiya Glass turned around and saw Ye Feng

"Ye Fengjun?"

Nishimiya Glass was slightly startled, then said in a panic:"Ye Fengjun, when did you come?"

"Just arrived."

Nishimiya Glass looked at the bread in Ye Feng's hand that was almost finished, her pretty face flushed slightly, and she whispered:"Really, Ye Feng-jun arrived, why didn't you call me?......"

"I will pay attention next time."

Ye Feng threw the remaining bread in his hand into the river,"Yuzuru, good morning."

Nishimiya Yuzuru said calmly:"It's already morning."

After that, Nishimiya Yuzuru hugged his sister's arm, glanced at Ye Feng, and said:"Sister, let's go to the amusement park today?"

"Eh? But......"

Nishimiya Yuzuru pulled his sister's arm and handed her the prepared strategy.���Sister

"What is this?"

Nishimiya Glass took it curiously and looked at it, then her cheeks suddenly turned red. She subconsciously looked up at Ye Feng, and then quickly put the paper away.

So, what was written on that paper?

Ye Feng slightly pulled the corner of his mouth and looked at Nishimiya Yuzuru.

Nishimiya Yuzuru whistled and said calmly:"It's just a travel guide, don't worry......."

"Um, Ye Fengjun, shall we go?"


Ye Feng walked in front of Nishimiya Glass and stretched out his hand, saying,"Give me your hand."


Nishimiya Naoko instantly understood what Ye Feng meant. Seeing her sister looking at her strangely, Nishimiya Naoko hesitated for a moment and shyly put her hand in his.

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