"Wow~ So many people......"

"It's the weekend and peak season, so it's normal."

Nishimiya Yuzuru said, looking at Ye Feng beside him, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He stood outside the sisters, like a wall, blocking everything outside.


Nishimiya Yuzuru subconsciously looked at the woman not far away, who looked depressed and ashamed because of the crowd, and couldn't help shivering.

Being squeezed hard by strangers.

Maybe even being touched maliciously.

That kind of thing......

That's too bad.

Whenever he thought of that possibility, Nishimiya Yuzuru couldn't help but feel sick.


That uncle actually reached out his hand?

A pervert, right?

He really is a pervert, right?

Nishimiya Yuzuru gritted his teeth and pulled Ye Feng's clothes.

"What's wrong?"

"Look over there."

Near the door, a beautifully dressed woman held the railing tightly with her right hand, and covered her mouth with her other hand. The expression on her face was also very strange. She was ashamed, but also slightly happy.

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows slightly. Although he knew that there were perverts on the train from time to time, this was the first time he encountered one.......

However, Ye Feng had no intention of helping.

Because the woman did not refuse, maybe the man behind her was her lover, although the age difference between the two was a bit big.

Ye Feng looked over, then retracted his gaze and said casually:"One is willing to fight and the other is willing to be beaten, don't worry about it."


Nishimiya Yuzuru looked at the woman's expression, then showed a hint of disgust on his face, gritted his teeth and said:"Shameless!"

Ye Feng said calmly:"Some people's habits are a bit strange, it's no big deal"

"whispering sound......"

Seeing that his sister was also about to look over, Nishimiya Yuzuru quickly said,"Sister, please stand closer. We will have to turn around later, so as not to fall down."......"


Nishimiya Glass didn't think too much and moved a little.

After a while, more and more people came.

Nishimiya Glass suddenly exclaimed and rushed into Ye Feng's arms.

Nishimiya Yuzuru showed an expression of conspiracy on his face.

She also followed, but she didn't come here to be a light bulb, but to be an assist!

My sister took the initiative to throw herself into my arms, let's see how you can resist!

Thinking of this, Nishimiya Yuzuru looked at Ye Feng, and saw that he looked at him with disgust.

Nishimiya Yuzuru:"......"

You actually pushed your sister into someone else's arms. Don't you feel guilty?

Ye Feng exhaled and looked out the window.

Suddenly, his eyes paused. Through the window glass, he could clearly see Nishimiya Glass's expression. It was a shy and nervous expression, but there was no resistance at all.......

At this time, Nishimiya Glass felt something and looked towards the window glass. Through the glass, the two looked at each other.

Nishimiya Glass was slightly startled, then lowered her head in panic, her eyes instantly filled with shame.

Ye Feng lowered his head and pretended to be calm:"Hold on for a while, the amusement park will be here soon......."

Nishimiya Glass is ashamed, but Ye Feng also finds it hard......

Because the girl leaned against his chest, Ye Feng could clearly smell the girl's sweet fragrance.

In addition, the train was not very stable, and sometimes the girl's center of gravity moved forward, and her body would subconsciously bump back.......

As a result, Ye Feng could clearly feel the outline of the girl's buttocks, as well as the soft touch it brought!

After a while, the train turned, and as the center of gravity moved forward, Nishimiya Glass couldn't help but groan, and her body hit Ye Feng again.......

Leaf Wind:"......"

That's enough! Do you think I'm a piece of wood?

Nishimiya Glass felt something, and her cheeks instantly became hot and scary. Seeing Nishimiya Yuzuru looking at her curiously, Nishimiya Glass dared not move. If she left, Yuzuru would definitely find out, right?

There was no other way.

In order not to embarrass Ye Fengjun, she could only......

Nishimiya Glass gritted her teeth and leaned on Ye Feng completely, then her eyes gradually became dazed.


How could it turn out like this?

Feeling Nishimiya Glass's movements, Ye Feng felt a few black lines on his head.

Originally, Nishimiya Glass should have just left.

But instead of leaving, she came closer to him.......

This makes the situation even worse!


Ye Feng looked at Nishimiya Yuzuru, and saw Nishimiya Yuzuru holding up the camera and shaking it gently, with a smug expression on his face.


There was no conversation along the way.

Amusement park.

After getting off the train, Nishimiya Glass hurried to the bathroom.

Nishimiya Yuzuru poked Ye Feng with his elbow:"How is it, is your heart moved?"

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes:"Sorry, my heart is not moved, but my body is moved"


Nishimiya Yuzuru pretended to be calm and said:"Anyway, my sister likes you, you should have been able to see that, right?"

"I see."

Ye Feng nodded. There was nothing to deny. If it was, it was. If it was not, it was not.

He glanced at Nishimiya Yuzuru:"But is it really okay for you to sell your sister like this?"

"Who made my sister a fool?"

Nishimiya Yuzuru turned his head away and said indifferently:"If you like it, just say it directly, but she just won't say it......."

Just say it?

You said it so easily.

Ye Feng looked disdainful:"Do you really think your sister is a fool?"


Nishimiya Yuzuru paused for a moment, then said angrily:"Wulusai! What do you know? You know nothing at all......."

At this moment, Nishimiya Yuzuru is like a cat with its fur standing on end.

"I know."

Ye Feng was unmoved, and said calmly:"I can guarantee that Glass will be fine."

Nishimiya Yuzuru's breathing stagnated.

Ye Feng continued:"Also, don't take those kinds of photos in the future. Taking too many of those photos is not good for you."


Nishimiya Yuzuru looked at Ye Feng with a complicated expression:"She even told you all this?"


Ye Feng said seriously:"Glass is very worried that her lovely sister will become a perverted bad girl."


Nishimiya Yuzuru glared at him and was silent for a moment:"I don't believe you, but......I won't take those photos anymore."

After a while, Nishimiya Glass came over and looked at her sister curiously.

"Yuzuru, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, sister, let's go"


Nishimiya Glass looked at Ye Feng and whispered,"Ye Fengjun, let's go together."

"I understand."

The three of them walked into the amusement park together.

At the same time

, on the other side, the five idiots from the Nakano family also walked into the amusement park.

The girl with waist-length hair put her hands on her hips and said in a dissatisfied tone:"Miku, walk faster!"

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