Sanjiu panted and said:"I can't walk anymore, I'm so tired"

"So it's only been less than ten minutes!" Erno couldn't help but complain:"Your physical fitness is so poor, you should at least exercise more often!"


Miku refused.

Running for exercise, after a while you will be so tired that your heart will feel like it's about to jump out, and your lungs will become hot and uncomfortable.


It's impossible to exercise, not in this life.

Yotsuba ran over and grabbed Miku:"Miku, May has bought the tickets, hurry up, otherwise you will get lost again......."

"I won't do that!"

Sanjiu retorted, and then subconsciously looked at the amusement park where people were coming and going.

There were so many people......

Miku felt a little dizzy, and then silently followed Yotsuba's footsteps.

Although she didn't want to admit it, if it was here, the place was so big, there were so many people, and if she was alone, she might really get lost.

Yotsuba looked around curiously:"I only saw it from a distance before, but I didn't expect it to be so big!"......"

"This is just the square, the amusement park will be even bigger!"

Nino held her head high and chest out, looking heroic and proud like a proud swan, and said confidently:"Miku, don't cry when we enter the haunted house!"

"The second one is"

"Miku looked at Nino, their eyes met, and sparks flew in the air......."

"The next moment, a strong wind swept over the two girls, and the people around them cried out in surprise. They were blown into the sky like paper figures......."

Noticing that people around her were looking at her with strange eyes, Nino said angrily:"Yoshiha, what are you talking about!"

"Please don't interrupt me."

Yotsuba said seriously:"I am acting as the behind-the-scenes commentator for the Valkyries Nino and Miku."


After walking through the square, they arrived at the entrance of the amusement park.

Seeing Yotsuba and the others approaching, Ichika waved, smiling brightly and saying in a sweet voice:"Yotsuba, this way, this way!"......"

When the five sisters stood together, the people around them were shocked.

"Oh my god, what's up with those five girls? Except for their different hairstyles, they all look the same!"

"You read it right, because in the last second, I also suspected that there was something wrong with my eyes."



"Are those quintuplets?"

"They are all so cute, especially the girl with short hair, oh......She has such a charming smile!"

"I think the girl with waist-length hair is the cutest. Girls with long hair are awesome!"

"What? It’s obviously the girl with the star-shaped hair accessories who is the cutest. Look, her face is full of happiness. Just looking at her makes people feel happy!"

"He is clearly a foodie!"

"I prefer the lively girl. It will be very comfortable to get along with her......."


Nino crossed her arms and looked at him unkindly:"The looks from these people make me angry!"


Ichika shook her head, pursed her lips and chuckled:"After all, we are quintuplets......."

Yotsuba urged:"Let's go quickly, I heard that the roller coaster is super fun, let's go together?"

Miku's face turned pale and she stepped back silently.

Yotsuba hugged Miku's arm and said with a smile:"Miku, let's go, it's not scary at all, it's super exciting......"


Miku looked at May for help.

Just looking at the roller coaster made her legs go weak. If she really went on it, she didn't know what it would be like.

May's hair flickered and she wiped her mouth,"Yoshiba, I'll go with you.""

"Woo~ May, you are the best!"

May's pretty face turned red, and she quickly pushed Siye away from her arms, shouting in shame and anger:"Siye, stop rubbing against me!"


Yotsuba looked at Nino again and said,"Nino, do you want to go with me?"

Nino said with a lack of confidence,"Let's go, I'm not afraid......."

Ichika smiled happily:"If Nino goes, I will go too......"


Damn it!

Do you want to see yourself embarrassed?

It's just a roller coaster, I'm not afraid of it!

After entering the amusement park, Nino stopped, then turned around, subconsciously glanced around, and then said in surprise:"Where's Miku, wasn't she still by my side just now?"

Yotsuba said in panic:"Huh? Mayu is gone too"


Ichika pointed to a place not far away and said,"If it's Miku and Mayu, they went over there......."

Nino turned around and saw Miku sitting on a chair outside the store not far away, with an expression of"I'm alive". Next to her was Mayu, who was waiting in line with great anticipation.......

"I'm talking to you guys!"

Several hash marks popped up above Nino's head:"We are here to play in the amusement park, right?"

Miku turned her head away:"It's okay to just sit for a while."


This is understandable.

Nino looked at May with a dangerous smile on her face:"May, what about you?"

May stammered:"Because I just saw that they sell takoyaki here, and I heard that the takoyaki in this store is super delicious, so I want to try it......."

Nino covered her forehead.

Mayu is a foodie. No matter where she goes, even if she is late for class in the morning, she will definitely go buy breakfast first.......

So , Nino is completely understandable.......

We are here to play in the amusement park!

Nino exhaled and gritted her teeth and said,"Okay, let's take a break and eat something first."

"Yihua, you guys also passed......"

Nino turned around and looked at Ichika and Yotsuba, but before she could finish her words, she suddenly found that Ichika was gone, and only Yotsuba was left squatting in the corner counting ants.......


Nino had a few black lines on her head. She took a deep breath, walked to Yotsuba, crossed her arms, and looked down at Yotsuba:"Yotsuba, where's Ichika?"


Siye looked around blankly, then said cautiously:"That......Maybe Ichika went to the bathroom?"

"So, what are we here for?"......

On the other side, Ye Feng, who was queuing outside the shipwreck treasure hunt, suddenly felt someone pulling his clothes.

Nishimiya Glass and Nishimiya Yuzuru were both in front.

Who was it?

Ye Feng suddenly felt something was wrong.

At this moment, a sweet and charming voice sounded:"Ichika approached quietly......."


"Let's keep our voices down. The leaf in front is very nutritious......."

"Coated with flour and deep fried......"

"Super delicious"

"Getting closer"

"While he's not paying attention, let's take out the Poké Ball."


"Ding! Congratulations on catching a Ye Fengjun"


Ye Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and then he turned around expressionlessly and looked at the girl behind him, who was looking at him with a smile.

Yihua closed one eye, smiled charmingly, and tilted her head to look at him:"Hey......What is Ye Fengjun doing here, having rejected our invitation?"


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