
"Ye Fengjun, who refused our invitation, what are you doing here?"

Yihua tilted her head slightly and smiled charmingly.

Ye Feng's heart moved, and he suddenly had a feeling that if his answer could not satisfy this girl, she might be very angry.


Why should I explain to you?

Ye Feng said calmly:"Because I have something to do today and I don't have time."

"I don't want to listen, I don't want to listen, I don't want to listen."

Yihua covered her ears with both hands and said aggrievedly:"Ye Fengjun, if you are tired of me, I can turn around and leave quietly, but......"

"You can't carry me......"

""Shut up!"

Damn it!

Suddenly, she spoke in a tone like a girlfriend condemning her cheating boyfriend. What's going on?

Noticing that many people were looking at her, Ye Feng looked at her with disdain and stuffed the grilled sausage in his hand into the girl's mouth without hesitation.


Yihua blinked, bit off the piece subconsciously, and then curved her eyes:"Ye Fengjun's ham sausage is super delicious."

Super delicious, right!

Believe it or not���Next time I will let you eat the unpalatable ham!

"Still want to eat"



Ye Feng ignored the pitiful Ichika, looked at the Nishimiya Glass sisters who noticed this, thought for a moment, and introduced:"Glass, this is Ichika, Nakano Ichika."

It is impossible to feel guilty.

He has not done anything to offend others. Even if he has, he can do whatever he wants with shamelessness and thick face!

In fact, Ye Feng had expected to meet five idiots.

After all, Ichika had invited him.

It's just that he didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. Not long after he arrived at the amusement park, he was caught by this Ichika.

I just don't know if the other idiots know?

"Nice to meet you. I am Nishimiya Naoko, and this is my sister, Nishimiya Yuzuru. You can just call me Naoko."

Nishimiya Naoko didn't look angry, but showed a very gentle and peaceful smile.

"Then I will call you Glass~"

Yihua smiled and said elegantly and reservedly:"Glass, I'm sorry, I came here without permission because I saw Ye Fengjun.......I didn't disturb you, did I?"

Speaking of the latter, Yihua clasped his hands together, with a very uneasy expression.

Pretend, keep pretending.

Ye Feng looked at Yihua with empty eyes, since you think it will disturb others, you should not come over!

Yihua glanced over and signaled with his eyes:"Ye Fengjun, don't talk."


Nishimiya Naoko smiled and took the initiative to invite:"Ichika, we are going to go treasure hunting, come and play with us?"

Ichika looked expectantly:"Really?"



So, Ichika joined the team.

As a girl with a thick face and a black heart, Ichika said she would not be embarrassed at all.

The pirate ship treasure hunt here is not to let tourists experience the experience of a pirate ship sailing on the sea.

It is the theme of shipwreck treasure hunt.

There are generally two ways to hunt for treasure, one is to hunt for treasure with a treasure map, and the other is to hunt for treasure with a decryption.

Soon it was Ye Feng's turn in the queue.

Seeing that the three girls were looking at him, Ye Feng had a calm expression, ignored Nishimiya Yuzuru's contemptuous and disgusted eyes, and said directly:"Choose to hunt for treasure with a decryption. Treasure hunt with a treasure map is too simple and boring."

Treasure hunt with a treasure map is the simplest. After all, the shipwreck is so big. As long as you can understand the map, even a fool can easily find the so-called treasure chest.

It can be said that it is the least challenging.

Decryption treasure hunt is different. If you are not careful and your brain is not moving fast enough, it will undoubtedly be a little more difficult to find the treasure chest within the specified time.


Just a little.

After all, it is a place for children. Do you still expect it to be as difficult as an escape room?


Yihua touched her cherry lips and said:"I just saw the treasure map, it seems very simple......"

It's not just simple, it's almost like putting the treasure chest right in front of you!

Ye Feng had no interest in this shipwreck treasure hunt.

He took out his mobile phone and gave the choice to the three girls.

The three girls discussed it and then decisively chose to decrypt the treasure.

Solve the riddle, collect clues, and then according to the clues, you can find the treasure chest hidden in the pirate ship.

This kind of guessing and finding the treasure chest through your own efforts is actually a very fulfilling thing.

That's why there are many people queuing up at the pirate ship.

Although this is the case, this treasure hunt is not difficult. Even children can pass it and find the treasure!

"Choose to decrypt treasure hunt"


"I agree too."

Then, the three girls looked at Ye Feng


Feeling the gazes of the three girls, Ye Feng curled his lips slightly, then put away his phone and walked towards the pirate ship with an expressionless face.

"Ye Fengjun, slow down."

"Sister, be careful, keep up"


The three girls followed closely behind.

The setting of the pirate shipwreck is that it is a pirate ship sailing on the sea, and then it encounters a storm and the ship is destroyed and people die. Finally, the pirate ship is stranded on an isolated island.

Ye Feng and his friends play the role of treasure hunters who pass by by chance.

The pirate ship tilted to the ground, and at the edge of the bottom of the ship, there was a dark irregular hole, which was the entrance to the shipwreck.

As the light dimmed, Ye Feng walked into the pirate ship.

The sunlight shone in from the hole in the hull, forming beams of light.

Ye Feng glanced at the shipwreck. It was a very messy space, with oak barrels, wooden shelves, etc. scattered everywhere.

If you look closely, you will find that those oak barrels, shelves and other things that may bring danger have actually been fixed.

In other words, there will be no danger.

Yihua's voice came:"Mr. Ye Feng, what's it like inside?"


Hearing the voice, Ye Feng looked back, and then a few black lines appeared on his head.

"What are you guys still doing outside?"


Yihua blinked her eyes with a happy look:"Because we need Ye Fengjun to lead the charge......"

Nishimiya Naoko blushed and said shyly:"That......Because it's pitch black inside, it looks a bit scary."

Nishimiya Yuzuru took the camera and took a photo. Seeing Ye Feng looking at him, he said calmly:"I'm taking a photo."


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