Under the parasol, Miku was playing with her phone.

Now Ichika had gone somewhere, so she could sit here and rest for a while.

On the side, Yotsuba felt bored, so she came to Miku, with a curious look on her face:"Miku, what are you looking at?"

"Short Video"

"Hey——I want to see it too, Sanjiu"


Miku didn't refuse and moved the phone a little closer.

At this moment, she saw a video of a couple who were dragged into an alley and beaten by a grumpy old man because they showed off their affection in public.

After watching it, Yotsuba thought about it and said thoughtfully:"If it was Ye Fengjun, I always feel that the situation might be the other way around......."

Miku agreed.

One day on the way to school, when she was riding in the car to Sobu High School, she actually saw Ye Feng fighting.

The three young men had no resistance at all and were directly solved.

To be honest, Miku thought Ye Feng was very handsome when he stepped on the chest of the young man.

It was that scene that left a deep impression on Miku, so much so that when Ye Feng first approached her, Miku was actually a little afraid of him.......

However, it turns out that he is not a bad person.

Looking back now, everything that happened in just one month has turned into a beautiful memory.

""Ye Fengjun, what are you doing today?"

Sanjiu thought silently in her heart.

She wanted to know more about him.

So she wanted to know what he did every day.

At this moment, the phone vibrated slightly.

A message popped up.


Mijiu was slightly startled and subconsciously clicked on the message.

Ichika sent a photo, in which there was Ichika herself, Ye Feng, and two other strange girls.

Then, Ichika sent a message:"Mijiu, I was lost just now, and then I met Ye Feng-kun"


Yihua is actually with Ye Feng?


The question is, didn't Ye Feng say he was busy?

Why was he in the amusement park?

Sanjiu opened the photo with her finger and her eyes fell on the two girls next to Ye Feng,"These two girls should be people Ye Feng knows, right?......"

It's impossible for strangers to get so close, right?

In other words, Ye Feng didn't have time, so he actually accompanied other girls to the amusement park?

Sanjiu couldn't help but puff up her face and whispered:"Guilty!"

"Sanjiu, eh? This is......News about Yihua?"

Siye slightly widened her eyes and exclaimed:"Yihua actually ran to Ye Fengjun's side......."


Nino looked over instantly, a little uncertain:"What did you just say, Yotsuba?"

Yotsuba took a deep breath, with a serious expression:"Yes, Ichika is now at Ye Fengjun's place, and she also sent a photo."


Nino raised her eyebrows and looked at Miku:"Miku, is this true?"

Miku puffed up her cheeks slightly and handed the phone over:"Nino, look for yourself, Yotsuba, you are too close......."

Wu Yue wiped her mouth and asked in confusion:"Could it be a prank? After all, Ye Fengjun said he was not free today......."

Ichika likes to play tricks on people, and the sisters all know this.

"It's not a prank."

Mijiu was unhappy:"It's not that I don't have time, but I'm out playing with other people."

"That's true."

Nino took a look at the photo, then clenched her fists and gritted her teeth and said,"Damn it, he rejected our invitation and actually came to the amusement park with other people?"

Miku added:"And it was a girl."

"Damn it!"

Nino stood up suddenly, her eyes spitting fire, and the black swallowtail butterfly hair accessories on her temples trembled:"Let's go, let's go too......."


May hesitated and said:"If we go over like this, we will disturb Ye Fengjun, right?"

Nino crossed her arms, looked down at May, and snorted:"May, what are you talking about, we are just going to look for Yihua, not the soul-destroying Ye Feng, what are you afraid of!"


This reason is very good and powerful. Wu Yue found that she couldn't refute it.

Si Ye raised her hand:"I agree. Ye Fengjun didn't take me to play. I want to play with him."......"


Miku pursed her lips and stood up silently.

Nino turned around and waved her hand:"Let's go find the soul tan Ye Feng......"

After walking a few steps, Nino stopped and looked back:"By the way, Miku, do you know the location?"


Four Leaves:"......"


You don't even know where you are, yet you rush so fast......

As expected of Nino!

Miku took out her phone and clicked on the photo again. The sisters gathered around her.

Unfortunately, they couldn't tell the location with just one photo.

"Damn it, I can't see anything like this!"

Nino looked around unwillingly, but unfortunately, her eyes soon became blank.

It was their first time to come to this amusement park.

So, no matter where they looked, it seemed unfamiliar.

May breathed a sigh of relief:"There's no other way, let's just wait here for Ichika to come......."

"It's very simple."

Yotsuba took out her phone and said,"Just ask Ichika directly."


"What's wrong, Siye?"

Siye scratched his head and smiled foolishly:"That......I accidentally dialed Ye Fengjun's number."

What the hell, Ye Feng?"

Nino's eyes lit up and she stretched out her hand and said,"Yoshiye, give me the phone.""


Meanwhile, Ye Feng stood aside with nothing to do, not participating in the treasure hunt.

He had no interest in such a simple game.


The phone suddenly vibrated. Ye Feng took out the phone and looked at it, with a subtle expression on his face.

It was Siye?

After thinking for a while, Ye Feng answered the call:"Siye, what's the matter?"

"I am not Yotsuba."

Nino denied, and then said:"Yefeng, where are you?


It's Nino.

Ye Feng knew who the person was instantly.

That's right.

It was Nino.

Only Nino's voice could be so crisp and direct!

But why did you suddenly call and ask where you are? Do you still want to come over? Ye Feng subconsciously looked at the three girls not far away and curled his lips slightly. One girl is fine, but you all want to come over?

Ye Feng thought for a while and said,"Sorry, the signal here is not good, I can't hear what you say."


Erno gritted his teeth and lowered his voice and said,"Ye Feng, don't go too far."

"I didn't go too far."

Ye Feng said sternly:"Nino, Ichika will be back soon, so don't worry, Ichika will be fine with me here."

"I'm not worried about Ichika."

Nino walked a little further away and snorted,"It's Yotsuba who wants to come over and play with us, hurry up and tell us."

Nino was actually very upset about Ye Feng rejecting their invitation and going to the amusement park with other girls.

But what Nino was more concerned about than being upset was that Ye Feng actually came to the amusement park with other girls?

This is the point!

So no matter what, they had to go there.

"I won't say anything."

Ye Feng was unmoved:"If there is nothing else, I'll hang up."

After waiting for a while, he didn't hear Nino's reply. When Ye Feng was about to speak, a soft and sticky voice, especially sweet and sticky, like a spoiled child, suddenly came from the receiver.

"Ye Fengjun~"


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