
Ye Feng suspected that he was hallucinating.

After a moment of silence, Ye Feng said:"Nino, call me again?"

Oh my God!

Nino actually called me in such a sweet and coquettish tone?

Ye Feng looked at his arm and saw that he had goose bumps.

But this was not disgusting or uncomfortable.

It was just the opposite!

It sounded very nice.

Very nice.

It was so nice that the body felt like it was electrocuted.

Moreover, the one who called me in this tone was not Miku or Yotsuba, but the hot-tempered Nino!

So, he wanted to hear it again.

Ye Feng continued:"Nino, call me again, and I will tell you where we are"

"Don't shout."

Nino's cheeks were burning hot, and she lowered her voice and said,"Tell me where you are quickly"


Ye Feng refused, thought for a moment and said,"Nino's voice just now was very nice, I want to hear it again, if you don't shout, I won't tell you."


Hearing his threat, Nino couldn't help biting her lips hard. She knew that if it was Ye Feng, he might really do it.......

Thinking of the photo she had just seen, Nino couldn't help but twitch her lips slightly.

He was clearly just a frivolous man who bullied girls at every turn and had no gentlemanly manners at all....... but......

I just can't help liking him.

Even though I know that Miku likes him, I can't help it. I just can't control myself.


"Ye Fengjun~"


Hearing Nino's sweet and touching voice, Ye Feng fell silent.

This Nino actually called out?

Did you take the wrong medicine?

Ye Feng suddenly doubted whether it was Nino who was talking to him.

With Nino's personality, she would actually call him in this tone?


Feeling the tingling feeling in his heart, Ye Feng thought for a while and continued,"Nino, call me more intimately."


Damn it!

Cricket, you are such a frivolous man, don't go too far!

Nino's cheeks flushed, and she gritted her teeth and said,"Damn it, Ye Feng, just wait for me!" Are you going to be more intimate?

How intimate do you want to be!

Damn it!

How dare you say that!

Nino hung up the phone in shame and anger, then took a deep breath. After a while, when her cheeks were not so hot, she walked back.

Yotsuba looked over curiously:"Nino, what's wrong?"

Nino was about to speak when she suddenly felt her phone vibrate. She took out her phone and saw a message from Ye Feng:"We are looking for treasure in the shipwreck, come quickly if you want to......."


Don't think I'll let you go just because of this. You actually let me act like a spoiled child to you twice.......There's no hope, just beat him to death!

Although she thought so, the corners of Nino's mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly. She turned sideways, tidied her hair, and pretended to be calm and said:"I've asked, they are at the treasure hunt on the shipwreck, let's go over there quickly"

"Shipwreck treasure hunt?"

May pointed to the left:"Is that the place? It's not far from here......."


The sisters looked over, and then Nino fell silent.

Because the shipwreck treasure hunt was only less than a hundred meters away from them!


I don't know why, but I always feel that Nino's smile now is so forced!

And, so scary.

In fact, as long as they wait for Ye Feng and the others to come out, the sisters can easily find them.

There is no way.

The shipwreck treasure hunt is actually not far ahead of them!

Miku looked at Nino who was walking slowly behind:"Nino, what's wrong with you? Did you sprain your foot?"

"......Well, I just twisted my ankle accidentally."

Actually, it wasn't my ankle that was twisted.

It was because I was ashamed.

I didn't feel it just now, but now, whenever I think about running into Ye Feng in a while, I can't wait to turn around and leave.......

So ashamed, so ashamed.

Oh my god!

What on earth did I just do!

Nino exhaled and forced herself to calm down. It was impossible to leave anyway.

Mom said that you have to fight for your own happiness!


At this moment, Siye's surprised voice sounded:"I saw Yihua, and Ye Fengjun......"

At this moment, Ye Feng and his men came out of the sunken ship.

Their eyes met.

Nino's cheeks suddenly turned red, and then she glared at him fiercely. Unfortunately, combined with Nino's coquettish voice just now, and looking at the fierce Nino at this moment......

It just makes people feel super cute!

Just like a cute and fierce little tiger, it doesn't scare people at all, but makes people want to touch it!

Of course, it is definitely not allowed to touch this Nino.

In public, this Nino also has to save face, so it can't be touched.

But in private......

Maybe I can masturbate a bit?

Next, Ye Feng calmly introduced the idiots of the Nakano family and the Nishimiya Glass sisters.

As for the guilty conscience?

It cannot be said that there is no guilt, but it is only a little bit.

There is no way.

Although Ye Feng never abuses his abilities and has always followed the rules of humans.

But the facts tell him.

He is no longer an ordinary human being. No matter how much he tells himself, his mentality has actually changed completely!



Sorry, can you eat that?

After introducing herself, Nishimiya Glass couldn't help but exclaimed:"Ichika, are you actually quintuplets? That's amazing!~"


Yihua smiled brightly,"We also think mom is super awesome......."

It's more than amazing!

This is really amazing!

Yuzuru Nishimiya couldn't help but complain silently in his heart.

Under normal circumstances, twins and triplets are already amazing, as for quintuplets.........

That's not something that can be explained with just one word"amazing".

May pursed her lips and whispered,"Mom is the best person in the world.""


She was indeed a very powerful woman.

A trace of reminiscence appeared on Ye Feng's face, and then he looked at Wu Yue and said,"Wu Yue, are you okay?"

"It's okay."

May shook her head. Although she said so, the hair on the girl's face that represented her mood had clearly drooped.

"Do you want to eat buns?"

Seeing the buns in front of her, May couldn't help but open her eyes wide and couldn't help but complain:"Ye Fengjun, where did you get the buns from!"

"Do you want to eat?"

"......I want to eat it."

Wu Yue hesitated for a moment, her pretty face slightly red, and then quickly took the bun.

"Come eat quickly, after eating, we will go to the next place"


Wu Yue nodded quickly, she opened her mouth, and suddenly her eyes turned sideways:"Ye Fengjun, don't look at it!"


Why are you shy!

It's not like I haven't seen you eat meat buns before!

Although he thought so, Ye Feng still looked away.

Because of the super delicious meat buns, the silly hair on May's head finally began to sway slightly.

The other idiots in the Nakano family who noticed this scene breathed a sigh of relief.

Ever since her mother passed away, May has begun to change.

She has become hardworking and serious.

And she has silently taken over the role of mother. Whenever the sisters have conflicts, May will stand up.......

May became a foodie, which was actually influenced by her mother.

When she was a child, her family was very poor.

So poor that even a lollipop had to be shared by five sisters.

So, May would try her best to eat her meals, and she would enjoy whatever she ate, because only in this way could her body become healthy.

Then, she became a foodie.

And, until now, May still insists on visiting her mother at the cemetery every month.

"Time is almost up again."

"This time, let's go with May."

"Because now in May, I have become very confident......."

"All this is because of Ye Fengjun"

"It was great to meet him."


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