After Ye Feng took Wu Yue away, the hand that was stretched out from the coffin retracted silently.

He was just completing his work. He didn't want to take advantage of her.

Since the target was far away, the staff could only give up.

Fortunately, it was like this.

Therefore, Ye Feng didn't feel any malice, otherwise it would not be as simple as just taking Wu Yue back!

"May, you......"

Ye Feng retracted his gaze and was about to speak when his hand on Wu Yue's waist suddenly felt something and he squeezed it almost subconsciously.......

He swore.

He really did it subconsciously.

Just like picking up a bag of instant noodles, he would subconsciously pinch it.

There was nothing he could do.

He had hugged Miku, Nino, Manfuyu, Shizuka, Yukishita, and Yui.......


I have hugged so many girls?

Ye Feng's mouth twitched slightly. At this time, should he say:"From now on, please call me scumbag Ye Feng?"

What a rip-off!

If this continues, it will really become that I have few friends, but I have a lot of **!

The next moment.

Wu Yue was embarrassed and angry, and punched Ye Feng directly.


The sound was particularly dull.

Just like beating a drum.

Ye Feng groaned and came back to his senses in an instant. He felt the dullness in his chest and was a little confused for a moment.

If it were an ordinary person, he would probably lie on the ground and be unable to get up after being hit by this punch, right?

"May, what are you doing?"

What are you doing?

You actually have the nerve to ask what?

Damn it!

Can you just pinch a girl's waist casually?"

May looked at him with shame and anger, and gritted her teeth and said:"Ye Fengjun, what are you doing with your hands?"


Ye Feng said decisively:"Wu Yue, I was wrong, please forgive me!"

Too much!

So much!

My weight has indeed increased during this period, and there is indeed a little more fat around my waist, but it is only a little bit. Not only did you find it, but you actually pinched it on purpose?

Damn it!

Wu Yue gritted her teeth and said:"If it happens again next time, I will be really angry!"


Ye Feng thought for a moment and said,"Don't worry too much. You are not fat at all now. A little more flesh is just right."

"You still said that!"

Wu Yue was embarrassed and couldn't help punching him again.

But this time, the force was much lighter.

Ye Feng grabbed Wu Yue's fist and said seriously:"I'm serious, Wu Yue is very good like this, I like it very much."

He didn't lie.

Wu Yue is indeed a little heavier than other sisters.

But in fact, she is not fat at all.

It's better to say that this kind of youthful plumpness feels great.


Wu Yue couldn't hold it in any longer, and uttered a wail, raising her hands to cover her burning cheeks:"Ye���Jun, please stop talking!"

Just comfort me.

You actually said something that could easily be misunderstood.......

What do you like about yourself now?......

It's clearly saying that she likes her figure, right?

This is clearly harassment!

Seeing that May no longer held on to him, Ye Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he decisively changed the subject.

A girl's waist really can't be pinched!

To be honest, this May has gained weight again recently.......

Although she has no extra fat now and her figure is just right, what if she gets fatter and turns into a ball?

Ye Feng thought about the scene of May turning into a fat ball, and then shook his head decisively.

May, it’s better to stay like this!

Fat ball May, it’s better to forget about it!

While thinking about it, Ye Feng walked back with May.

After a while, May calmed down and couldn’t help asking,"Mr. Ye Feng, are you okay?"


Ye Feng reacted quickly and shook his head,"Don't worry, I'm fine."


"Do you want me to take off my clothes so you can examine me?"


Wu Yue pursed her lips, turned her face away, pouted slightly, and whispered:"Ye Fengjun only knows how to bully people......."

You are right.

In the beginning, I just bullied people to gain pleasure.

But now......

Something is different!

Ye Feng said softly:"Sorry, May"

"I'm not angry."

May pursed her lips and whispered,"I just think it's not good for us to do this......."

They are not lovers, but sometimes they are as close as lovers.

May was a little confused.

She didn't know how to define their current relationship?


If that was the case, May found it hard to accept.

But if not friends, then what?

Seeing the girl's hair drooping, Ye Feng raised his hand and smoothed her hair:"Don't think too much, just keep it like this......."

Don't try to get close.

Don't try to keep a distance. Let everything go with the flow and follow your heart.

Life is only once, and it's very short.

There are beautiful and bad scenery in life, but no one likes bad scenery!

Ye Feng has always done this.

He is not stupid, so it is impossible for him not to notice anything, but he just didn't say it.



Or rather, all living things have a greedy nature.

Pet hamsters have no worries about food and clothing, but they still store food. Dogs are full, but they also bury bones. If you feed a group of stray cats with enough cat food, they may still fight over it and guard the food.......

As for humans, they are only more complicated than animals.

It is just that humans, as successful people in nature, have their own civilization and have learned to restrain themselves.

There is a saying that it is because humans have desires that the times have progressed so fast.

If people had no desires ,......


That's impossible!

Those who say they have no desires and choose to lie down, in fact, just have no choice, because no matter how hard they try, they can't see any hope!

So, they just have no choice.

But what if they are given a chance to reach the peak of their lives?

Will they still choose to lie down?

Who doesn't want a happy life, who doesn't want to see the beautiful mountains and rivers of the earth, who doesn't want to go fishing every day without worries?


Compared with ordinary people, he is just more greedy.

He knows himself. He knows what he wants and what he doesn't want.

"Ye Fengjun!!!"

Wu Yue grabbed his hand and said in embarrassment:"I told you not to touch my head!"

Ye Feng thought for a moment and said:"Because......Itchy hands?"

"I hit you."

"I was wrong"

"" Hmm~"

May raised her hand to roll up the hair beside her ears, with a look of distress on her face:"Really, Ye Fengjun is too shameless!"

Ye Feng poker face:"If you have no shame, you are invincible in the world."

May couldn't help but complain:"This is not a good thing at all!"

Although she said so, May's mood obviously improved.

But it's not enough.

Ye Feng thought about it, took out a meat bun and handed it to May:"Do you want to eat it?"

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