
The staff in the dark couldn't bear it anymore and couldn't help but say,"I'm sorry......."Miss, you are not allowed to eat in here."

The sudden voice startled May.

However, after hearing the rest of the words, May's pretty face turned slightly red, and she quickly said,"Yes, I'm sorry, I won't eat it."

After saying that, May quickly put away the buns.

Then she pulled Ye Feng away in embarrassment.

The staff wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looked at the two people leaving, and murmured,"He actually used meat buns to coax girls, and the girls really liked it......."

"Is this some new way of pursuing something?"

"How about I try it too?"


On the other side, after running a distance, May breathed a sigh of relief and patted her chest:"The staff couldn't stand it. Fortunately, I didn't eat it, otherwise it would definitely cause trouble for them......."

Ye Feng looked around and said,"There are no staff here, so we can eat secretly without being discovered."

"Forget it."

May hesitated for a moment, shook her head and said,"It doesn't matter if we wait a little longer, let's go out and eat, otherwise it will be bad if we are discovered."

As he spoke, he walked.

Soon, Ye Feng brought May to a three-way intersection.

Ye Feng held May's hand and said,"Let's go, Nino is in here."


Wu Yue responded, glanced at Ye Feng's hand, and then looked away.

Just like he said, just keep it like this, right?

So, if it's just holding hands......

It doesn't matter.

Besides, it's so dark in here, and it's scary.

May silently felt the temperature of the little hand wrapped around her, which was very warm. It was much warmer than her own hand.

And his hand was so big.......

He easily wrapped his hand in it.

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Feng stopped, and Wu Yue quickly pulled his hand back, looked around, and asked curiously:"Ye Fengjun, is Nino here?"


Ye Feng shook his head. Nino was not here.

The reason why he stopped was because there was a ghost that had been following him since just now.

But the ghost had no ill intentions.

After thinking about it, Ye Feng ignored it and pulled May forward.

The ghost might be wandering aimlessly.

It was just a coincidence that they walked onto a road.

Not long after walking, Ye Feng stopped in front of a wooden door. Nino was not stupid. She did not continue to run forward, but chose to find a place to hide.......

But hiding is actually very troublesome.

Because if you don't pay attention, it will be difficult for ordinary people to find you. In the end, you may have to ask the staff for help.

Ye Feng glanced at May who was eating chocolate secretly, pretended not to see it, and then raised his hand to knock on the door:"Nino, it's me."

In the small room, the girl squatting by the door with her hands on her knees and her head buried in her hands suddenly raised her head, with a look of surprise on her face.

This voice......

Is it Ye Feng?

Then, a trace of grievance appeared on Nino's face. She wiped her eyes and quickly stood up to open the door.

But because she had been squatting for too long, coupled with her physical discomfort in the past few days, Nino just stood up and suddenly her eyes went dark, and she bumped into the door.



A dull sound was heard, accompanied by a painful wail.

Outside the door.

Ye Feng frowned, his heart moved, his eyes directly penetrated the wooden door, and saw the situation inside.

Nino fell to the ground with her head covered, her eyes red. She looked like she was about to cry.

Ye Feng no longer hesitated, put his hand on the door, and directly activated his superpowers to open the door.

Hearing the voice, Nino hurriedly raised her head and saw that it was Ye Feng, so she quickly raised her hand to wipe away her tears.

Don't wipe it, I saw it all.

Ye Feng squatted down, his eyes fell on Nino's head:"Did you hit your head? Let me see."

Having said that, without waiting for Nino to respond, he directly took Nino's hand away.

The light in the room was very dim, with only a dim wall lamp.

In fact, this is not a room. To be more precise, it is actually an empty hole. There is nothing here except a few shabby wooden boxes in the corner.

Although the light is dim, even in the dark, Ye Feng can see clearly.

"There is a bump."

Ye Feng put his hand on it and said,"Bear with it, it won't hurt after a while."


Nino responded obediently, and then she felt a very warm feeling coming from his hand.

The original severe pain gradually disappeared.

Nino pursed her lips and looked at him in a daze.

Ye Feng looked at Nino:"What's wrong?"


Erno looked away, and after a moment, Erno couldn't help but whispered:"Ye Fengjun, if I get lost in the future, will you still find me? Just like today......"


Ye Feng said calmly,"Because I won't let you get lost."

If he wanted to find someone, even if that person hid at the end of the world, as long as he was still on Earth, he could easily find him.

So getting lost was impossible.

Hearing his answer, Nino breathed a sigh of relief, then gritted her teeth and made up her mind. She took a deep breath and stopped hesitating.

"Ye Fengjun, I like......"

Just as she was about to say it, Nino suddenly saw a strand of hair sticking out of the door.

The strand of hair was swaying gently.......


Sure enough, a head popped out of the door the next moment. It was May.

Nino's voice stopped abruptly.

May secretly wiped the corner of her mouth and looked over curiously:"Nino, are you okay?"

Nino pursed her lips and shook her head:"May, I'm fine."

Damn it!

Today is really my unlucky day!

May walked in and said shyly:"I couldn't help it just now and ate a piece of chocolate......."


"By the way, Nino seemed to be about to say something just now?"


Nino said nonchalantly:"I just want to say that the moon is beautiful tonight......"


In Japanese, the pronunciation of"like" is similar to"moon", but it is just similar. If you listen carefully, it is still easy to distinguish.

But May was immersed in the world of food just now.

The probability of not hearing it clearly is not low.

Of course, it is also possible that May deliberately pretended not to hear it.

But this possibility is not high.

The evidence is that the ahoge on May's head is swaying lightly in ease and joy!

Ye Feng retracted his gaze:"Okay."

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