"Thank you."

Nino whispered, and then stood up with the help of May.

May didn't react until then, and said nervously:"Nino, did you hit your head just now? How is it? Is it serious? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Nino could see that May was really worried about her. This idiot, how slow!

"Don't worry, I'm fine now."

Nino suddenly felt much better. Although she was interrupted by the stupid May, it didn't matter. She didn't have to confess today anyway.......

Nino glanced at Ye Feng who was playing with his phone next to her, and couldn't help but curl up the corners of her mouth.

Don't think that if you keep silent, you can pretend that nothing happened.


Get ready, Ye Fengjun!:"......"

Don't show a weird smile by yourself, it's scary, okay!

Mayu touched Nino's head and said,"Phew~ It's okay if it bulges. It would be troublesome if it bulges......."

I believe that those who have hit their heads know that the pain in a short period of time is really like the head is about to split.

As time goes by, the pain will be relieved, but it will take some time for the pain to completely disappear.

During this period, you have to endure the pain all the time.

After Ye Feng replied to the message, he said:"Let's go, find Mijiu, and then go out."

"Wait a minute."

Er Nai suddenly called Ye Feng, and seeing him looking at her, Er Nai turned away and whispered:"My legs are numb......."

May suggested:"Nino, when your legs are numb, you can jump a few times and the numbness will soon go away."

Having said that, that feeling would definitely be very sour and refreshing!


Nino shook her head, then stared at Ye Feng with her crystal clear eyes without blinking.

She knew that if Ye Feng helped, she wouldn't have to feel so uncomfortable and would be fine soon.

Ye Feng pulled the corner of his mouth lightly:"Nino, what are you looking at me doing?"


Although she said that, Nino hesitated and looked at Ye Feng from time to time.......It couldn't be clearer.

Ye Feng raised his eyes and waved,"Nino, come here."

Come here!

Nino walked in front of Ye Feng and looked up. Her blue eyes were like the blue sky after the rain, pure and beautiful.

But her slightly red eyes made this usually strong girl look a little more fragile.

"Ye Feng, what do you want to do?"


I want to hit you!

Ye Feng paused for a moment, then said:"Give me your hand"


Erno hesitated for a moment, stretched out his hand and said:"My hand is fine, it's my leg that's numb......."

"I know."

Ye Feng grabbed Ernai's hand and said,"It's just that the blood circulation is not good and the legs are numb. It's the same with pinching your hands."


Nino pursed her lips and looked at the hands of the two.

Ye Feng's hands were big, and his nails were neatly trimmed. His fingers looked particularly slender and long. It would be a waste if he didn't use his hands to play the piano, right?

Nino looked at her hands again.......

She was fair and slender, with beautiful nails. Although she looked pretty, she looked much shorter than his hands!

What the hell! What are you doing with your hands that are so big!

Nino couldn't help but scratch his palm, then raised her head and looked at him with a proud look.


I want to report it. I suspect this Nino is harassing me!

And the evidence is solid!

Ye Feng was speechless. This Nino liked to go against me from the beginning, but after only a month, she actually started to tease me!

After a while, you will have to use a flying dragon to ride on her face!


Ye Feng turned to look at Wu Yue, and then couldn't help but cover his forehead.

""May, stop eating."

Didn't you say you wouldn't eat from here?

Just now you secretly ate a piece of chocolate, and now you're secretly eating cookies?

This is ridiculous!

No wonder you're gaining weight so fast!

""Eh, hey, hey? Are you ready?"

May blushed and quickly put away the biscuits. Seeing him staring at her, she explained with a lack of confidence,"Because when I'm hungry, I feel weak all over and dizzy, so I have no choice but to eat a few more biscuits."


The reason was very good and powerful, and Ye Feng couldn't refute it.

Some people will feel dizzy, anxious and weak if they are hungry due to physical reasons. This situation is usually caused by hypoglycemia, so just eat something in time.

But Ye Feng knows very well that May is very healthy, very healthy!

Of course, it is not ruled out that May will feel weak, anxious and dizzy when she is hungry.

Ye Feng was too weak to complain, so he could only say:"Are you full?"

May stammered:"Almost?"

She even used a question sentence?

Don't you know whether you are full or not!

Ye Feng looked at Nino, who took out a small mirror to touch up her makeup, sighed, and said faintly:"If I don't go find Miku, she will really cry......"



At this time,

Miku was hiding in a corner, hugging her knees in grievance.

On the side, there was a girl chatting with her.

The girl was also a tourist, but unfortunately, she got separated from her companions and then ran into Miku.

So the girl immediately decided to go with Miku.

Then, the two were scared back.

When they got here, they were both exhausted and had to stop here.


The girl patted her chest and said,"Oh my god, what was that just now? It actually floated directly towards us. Is it really a ghost?"

"It's too scary."

Mijiu hugged her knees silently, her expression was very aggrieved.

It was too much.

Wu Yue was too much.

She actually dragged Ye Feng away and left her behind, and ran so fast.

It was too much.

And Ye Feng was frivolous.

He didn't even know to come to find her.......

And I'm so tired.

I'm hungry too.

They should all be out by now, right?

The girl looked at Miku:"Nakano, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Mijiu shook her head gently:"My legs just feel sore."

The girl stuck out her pink tongue:"It's actually normal. I can still feel my legs shaking slightly until now......."


The girl held her chin and said seriously:"There can't be any abnormal phenomena in this world, so everything just now must be an illusion."

"It's just that the mechanism is designed very cleverly, so we can't see it."

"So don’t be too scared!"


Miku nodded gently and slowly calmed down.

Ghosts and the like, it's impossible for this world to exist, right?

Although I always see many people discussing some"abnormal phenomena" on the Internet, and some even say"the end of the world", many people are missing and so on.......

But that's just a coincidence, right?

If there are really those"abnormal" phenomena in this world, how can it be so peaceful?

"That's right."

The girl suddenly remembered something, punched her own palm, and then let out a mournful cry and quickly shook her hand off.......

Is she an idiot?

Sanjiu pulled the corner of her mouth slightly,"That......Miyamizu, are you okay?"

"it's okay no problem......"

The girl waved her hands quickly and showed a dry smile:"By the way, Nakano, have you noticed some hot topics on the Internet?"

"This is the recent very popular"Devil Summoning" event"

"Yes, I saw it too."

Sanjiu nodded gently. This incident has been going on for quite some time. As it has been fermenting for a while, the Internet has already been abuzz with controversy.

As long as you are online, it is basically impossible not to know about it.

"What a coincidence!"

The girl pressed her finger between her eyebrows and lowered her voice slightly:"I find all this is too coincidental, the number of missing people, and the news reports......"

"The quantity is just right"


"I think there must be a huge secret hidden in this."

"I'll tell you the truth, Nakano."

The girl suddenly stood up and began to take off her clothes. Miku opened her eyes slightly and quickly stood up to stop her:"Miyazu, what are you doing!"

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