"take things"

"Damn it, it's stuck."

Miyamizu suddenly paused, then remembered something, turned his head and looked straight at Miku.

Miku felt a little guilty:"What, what happened?" Miyamizu supported his chest, a look of distress on his face:"The chain is too long, and it got stuck underneath and can't be pulled out......."

Mijiu's eyes were slightly fixed, and then she felt unwell.

This girl was not actually very tall, less than 1.6 meters, but in other aspects, she completely crushed Mijiu.

Originally, Mijiu always thought that her figure was very good.

But at this moment, she was clearly suppressed invisibly!

Mijiu felt dizzy.

Oh my God!

What did this girl eat to grow up!

No wonder this girl's running speed was comparable to hers along the way, was it because she was too big!


Noticing Miku's gaze, Miyamizu's pretty face flushed slightly, but in just a moment, the girl recovered.

Anyway, she has been used to it since she was a child.

Miyamizu patted Miku's arm with a smile on her face:"Nakano, we are friends too, come and help me?"

"After all, this is outside, and there might be a lot of surveillance."

"So I won't take off my clothes."

Miyamizu pulled open her collar and looked down:"Miku, did you see that? Put your hand in there and help me take out the pendant."


Sanjiu was stunned, then waved her hands in panic:"No, no"

"It's okay."

Miyamizu said openly:"Miku is a friend, and we are both girls, so it doesn't matter at all."

Even if you say that, it's not good!

Suddenly put your hand inside the clothes of the girl you just met......

I always feel bad.

Miku hesitated, not knowing how to refute for a moment, because it seemed that this kind of thing was really no big deal.

At home, the sisters often took a bath together, rubbed each other's backs and so on, and occasionally played around and had physical contact. Occasionally, they would be attacked by Yotsuba and Ichika to check their development.......

"I, I understand."

In the end, Miku agreed.

There was no other way.

Since they were friends and they were all girls, there would be no problem at all, right?

Besides, it was just to take the necklace.

Miku pursed her lips, and a blush appeared on her cheeks. She stammered,"I, I'm starting......"

"Come on."

However, as soon as Miku put her hand in, Miyamizu couldn't help but exclaimed:"Miku, your hands are so cold!......"

"Hmm~ It feels weird"


Miyamizu's face flushed, and her breathing became short.


After spending a lot of time, Miku finally succeeded in taking out the pendant.


Sanjiu breathed a sigh of relief and was about to speak when she suddenly heard an unbelievable voice:"Sanjiu, what are you doing!"


Miku's body stiffened, and she turned around subconsciously.

The first person she saw was Ye Feng.

He was the tallest and most conspicuous person walking in front.

Then there were two girls beside him. They were Mayu and Nino.......

You're here at this time?


Miku suddenly reacted and subconsciously looked at the panting Miyamizu, then looked down at her hand that was still in Miyamizu's collar.......

Oh my god!

Miku's eyes went dark and she almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, the girl Miyamizu beside her quickly supported Miku and then looked at the three people curiously.

"I'm not, I don't......"


Nino crossed her arms across her chest, and the black swallowtail butterflies on her temples spread their wings as if ready to fly:"Okay, why are you so nervous and flustered, do you think we will suspect you?"

Seeing that scene suddenly, she was indeed shocked and felt unbelievable.

But after calming down, Nino also found the problem.

Miku subconsciously looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng said:"I didn't misunderstand."

It is impossible for Miku to like girls, because no one knows who Miku likes better than him!

May came over"Miku, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Sanjiu shook her head and explained.

Although they didn't misunderstand, Sanjiu still felt it was necessary to explain.


She didn't want Ye Feng to misunderstand.

Not even the slightest possibility.

After explaining, Miku introduced Miyamizu:"This is Miyamizu Ai, a friend I just met."


Ye Feng raised his eyebrows when he heard this last name, and his eyes fell on this person called Miyamizu Ai.

Miyamizu Ai subconsciously shrank her neck and laughed dryly:"That.........Nice to meet you. I'm Miyamizu Ai. You can call me Ai-chan or Xiaoai......."

No wonder he has a weak spiritual power in his body. Is he from the Miyamizu family?

Coincidence, or deliberate?

Ye Feng subconsciously used mind reading because he couldn't allow unstable and dangerous people to appear next to Miku.

"Oh my god, this is awful, I actually ran into the legendary pervert, I'm dying, I'm dying......"

"Mom, I may not see the sun tomorrow"

"Wow, the aura he exudes is so scary!"

"It's even scarier than those monsters. He's looking here, looking here, wow.......The eyes are fierce......"


Miyamizu Ai lowered her head quickly and couldn't help shivering.

Ye Feng pulled the corner of his mouth.

It's confirmed.

This idiot just came here to play, and he didn't mean to approach Miku on purpose.


Who is the pervert?

Damn it, I have always been called a"pervert" in your eyes! Ye Feng took a breath, resisted the urge to punch the girl, retracted his gaze, and said,"Let's go, it's time to go out."

Seeing that he didn't do it, Miyamizu Ai breathed a sigh of relief.

She is actually a shrine maiden with a very sharp perception, so she can completely feel the faint breath from Ye Feng.

In short, two words: super scary!

If the breath of other onmyojis is like the heat from a candle, then the breath on his body is like a furnace, like the sun, hot and scary.


Miyamizu Ai turned her head and saw a ghost in the shape of a teenager, floating over with a wooden face.

Almost subconsciously, Miyamizu Ai took out the pendant in her hand.

Want to transcend it.


Miyamizu Ai hesitated for a moment and put the pendant away.

Then she quickly walked to Ye Feng's side and lowered her voice and said,"Mr. Ye Feng, that ghost seems to be following you all the time. Do you need me to save him? Otherwise, ordinary people can be easily affected......."

"No need."

The salvation mentioned by the Yin Yang Master girl does not mean to kill directly.

Although no one can be sure whether there is an afterlife, there has indeed been a saying since ancient times that the soul is saved and then reincarnated.

However, the human soul is too fragile.

Even if it can be reincarnated, I am afraid that only a very small number of people are qualified!

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