
Gong Shui Ai hesitated for a moment and said carefully:"That......Isn't it a bad idea to just leave it alone? How about I help him to transcend?"

She has a little obsessive-compulsive disorder.

When she sees a ghost, she can't help but want to take care of it. If she doesn't take care of it, she will feel uncomfortable all over, and will think about it all day long. Maybe she won't sleep well at night.


Even though she knew she had better not get close to him, Miyamizu Ai couldn't help herself. Miyamizu

Ai held up a finger and said,"Only 10,000. Ahem, I said that wrong. I actually meant to say that I can help you for free."......"

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes:"No need."

He paused slightly and turned his head to look at the ghost boy following him.

This ghost followed him all the way. Generally speaking, people who can attract ghosts are very likely to have some connection with ghosts.

But Ye Feng found that the person this ghost followed was not someone else, but himself.

He was very sure that he had never seen this ghost boy.

So why would he follow him?

It was because of this that Ye Feng refused Miyamizu Ai's help.

Ye Feng waved his hand, waited for the ghost to get closer, and said:"Lend me your pendant."

"For you."

Gong Shui Ai handed the pendant to Ye Feng without hesitation.

This pendant was not a treasure, so, let alone Ye Feng wanting to borrow it, even if he gave it to him, it would be no problem.

Ye Feng took the pendant, which was a very small jasper gourd.

But this was no ordinary ornament.

Instead, it was a magical instrument with talismans painted on it and blessed with spiritual power. For ordinary people, this jasper gourd pendant can nourish the body and drive away evil.

But the effect is very limited.

Ye Feng looked at the jasper gourd, then stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the ghost boy immediately turned into a puff of smoke and entered the jasper gourd.

Seeing this, Gong Shui Ai breathed a sigh of relief:"Mr. Ye Feng, are you going to save him yourself?"


Ye Feng said casually:"I'm just curious why he followed me."


Miyamizu Ai choked and laughed dryly, not knowing what to say.

"Hey, what are you two doing!"

Erno's dissatisfied voice came, and then Erno walked over and grabbed Ye Feng's arm:"Walk faster, May is almost crying from hunger......"

Wu Yue retorted in her heart:"I won't cry because of hunger!"

Nino asked nonchalantly:"What are you holding in your hand?"


Ye Feng said honestly:"It's Miyamizu's pendant.""

Damn it!

Of course I know it's Miyamizu Ai's pendant, the question is, why did she give her pendant to you!

It's only been less than a few minutes, what on earth did you talk about!

Nino glanced at Miyamizu Ai with a vigilant look. This girl does look very cute, and at first glance, she can be completely classified as a LOLI!

It is said that 80% of the men in this world are LOLI fans.

Maybe Ye Feng is one of them too?


Nino's eyes fell on the other person's chest, and she couldn't help but clench her teeth.

It's so big, damn!

When you squat down to tie your shoelaces, you must not be able to see your shoelaces, right?

Nino looked at Ye Feng with a fierce look in her eyes:"Did you bully Miyamizu?"


Miyamizu Ai explained quickly:"Ye Feng-kun didn't bully me, you misunderstood."

After hearing her explanation, Nino's eyes became more fierce.

The meaning was clearly:"Leniency to those who confess, severity to those who resist, she actually spoke for you, tell the truth quickly, what did you do to her!" That was probably what it meant.

Ye Feng thought for a while and said:"Because I found an interesting ghost, and I had nothing to put it in, so I borrowed Miyamizu's pendant."

"Damn it Ye Feng, how dare you scare me?"

"I don't"

"Clearly there is"

"Yes! I just scared you, so what!"

""Damn it, just wait for me!"

Just wait, who's afraid of who!

Ye Feng was not panicked at all. This Nino was a typical bully at home and a big talker.

Walking out of the haunted house. The one-day trip to the amusement park came to an end.

Miyamizu Ai did not stay for long and quickly said goodbye and left.

Although Miku had invited her, Miyamizu Ai was not a fool. She keenly sensed Nino's hostility, so she chose to leave directly.

After lunch, Ye Feng and his party took the tram to go home.

Ye Feng did not get off the tram with the idiot of the Nakano family, but got off the tram with the Nishimiya Glass sisters, because he was supposed to accompany Nishimiya Glass today, but because the five Nakano sisters joined in the middle of the journey, some changes occurred.

If he left with the five Nakano sisters at this time, it would really be unreasonable.

When he reached the bridge, Nishimiya Yuzuru suddenly said:"Sister, I suddenly remembered that I have something else, so I'm leaving first......."

After saying that, Nishimiya Yuzuru gave Ye Feng a look and left in a hurry.

Soon, only his back was left.

Not long after, Ye Feng received a message from Nishimiya Yuzuru on his phone:"Don't come back so soon, take your sister for a walk around the area first......."

"Also, my sister is in a bad mood today, idiot, don’t you know how to comfort her?"


Ye Feng put away his phone and looked at Nishimiya Glass.

Noticing Ye Feng's gaze, Nishimiya Glass tilted her head and looked at him with a gentle and peaceful smile on her face:"Ye Feng, what's wrong?"

"It's okay."

Ye Feng looked away:"It's still early, do you want to feed the fish?"


Nishimiya Naoko showed a hint of surprise on her face, then nodded and said happily:"I know, I'll go buy some bread now......"

Seeing the girl turn around and run across the street, Ye Feng pulled her back.

A car whizzed by.

Nishimiya Glass lay in Ye Feng's arms, raised her face and stuck out her pink tongue:"Fortunately, Ye Feng held me back, otherwise I would be in trouble."

"Be careful next time"


Nishimiya Glass responded softly, and couldn't help but lean her head on his chest:"Ye Fengjun's embrace is so warm......"

Of course it is warm.

You know, in Qiong's eyes, I have become a mobile air conditioner!

"Ye Fengjun......"

After a moment of silence, Nishimiya Glass couldn't help but hug him tightly, then looked up with a nervous and expectant expression on her face.

"I like you"

"Like Ye Fengjun"



Nishimiya Glass closed her eyes tightly, blushed, stood on tiptoe, and her warm lips fell on Ye Feng's lips."......"

After just a moment, Nishimiya Naoko pushed Ye Feng away, then looked at him with a red face, turned around and ran away.

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