It was three forty-five in the afternoon.

Ye Feng walked out of the supermarket carrying the food and headed towards the apartment.

Today is Saturday.

Qiong and Nanako had already sent messages in advance saying that they would come over today, so Ye Feng had to prepare more food.

By the way, invite Xiao Zhendong to come over for dinner, so that Xiao Zhendong won’t have to eat bento or instant noodles tonight.

And tomorrow afternoon, Ye Feng has to go home.

He hasn’t been back for a while, because he didn’t want to listen to his mother’s nagging before. After all, because of Qiong, many misunderstandings occurred.

Although he made repeated assurances, Ye Feng’s mother didn’t really believe him.

The reason is......

It's normal that you like Qiong, who is so beautiful.

However, the fact is not like this at all!

If he really had a problem, with Qiong's attitude towards him, he should have been lying on an orthopedic bed in Germany by now!

But now, things have taken a turn for the better.

The reason was that he posted a photo of himself and Miku in a shopping mall.

Then, Ye Feng's mother was relieved.

After all, Miku is a very beautiful girl. With such a beautiful girlfriend, it is impossible for him to still focus on Qiong, right?

So from then on, Ye Feng's mother's control over Qiong was no longer so strict.

Let me mention here.

Qiong and Nanako are not his biological sisters, but two extra sisters after his mother remarried.

Because she is a stepmother, Ye Feng's mother attaches so much importance to the relationship between Ye Feng and Qiong, and this is also for the harmony of the new family!

So, Ye Feng can actually understand it.


Apart from the matter of Qiong, my mother is actually very good to him.

And the only problem now is......

"Xiaoye, remember to bring your girlfriend back tomorrow, got it?"

Ye Feng refused:"She is not free tomorrow."

Bring her home?

How can he bring her back when their relationship is not confirmed?

Even if he wanted to, with Miku's personality, he would definitely feel embarrassed!

Ye Feng's mother was silent for a moment, and said in a wronged voice:"Xiaoye, are you still angry with your mother? If so, then your mother will not care about your and Qiong's affairs in the future......."

"Xiaoye is grown up now and no longer likes her mother."


Ye Feng's head was full of black lines.

That's enough!

She just said she was busy, how did it rise to the level of not liking you!

In the end.

Ye Feng could only agree reluctantly.

There was no other way.

As long as he didn't agree, Ye Feng's mother would keep complaining about her son growing up and starting to hate her.

It was all her fault for being too nagging.

She was not a good mother.

And so on.

Ye Feng was so confused!

Walking up the stairs and turning the corner, Ye Feng's eyes suddenly fixed and he saw a girl squatting at the door.

In a trance, the ghost girl looked up and showed a very pure and brilliant smile.

Then she shouted:"Onii-chan, you're back."

But the girl squatting at the door was not the ghost girl.

Ye Feng's face was slightly dark, and he walked over and looked down at the girl at the door:"Yoshiye, what are you squatting here for?"

That's right.

The one squatting at the door was not Menma, but Yotsuba!

Because only Yotsuba had shoulder-length hair, and she would have a stupid rabbit ear ribbon tied on her head.


Siye opened his hazy eyes, raised his head and rubbed his eyes:"Ye Fengjun, you are back."

Is this a question of coming back or not!

The question is, why did you come here, and squat at the door and doze off!

If you don't know, you would think that I locked my girlfriend out of the door!

"I don't want to either......."

Siye stood up and stretched, revealing her beautiful figure. Then she bent down and bowed, raised her face, and looked at him with a serious expression:"Mr. Ye Feng, please train me well!"

Train peat!

Do you think you are a pet! You actually ran to the boy's house casually and asked him to"train" yourself. Do you know that this word sounds quite bad!

That's right.

Ye Feng thought of training at the first time.

A beautiful and cute girl took the initiative to come to him and asked him to"train" her well. Shouldn't he be overjoyed and excited to the point of being unable to control himself!

Ye Feng resisted the urge to complain, took out the key and opened the door expressionlessly.

"Come in"

"Got it."

Siye closed the door, put on the slippers handed to her by Ye Feng, and then habitually put her shoes in order. After doing all this, Siye walked into the living room.

Ye Feng took out two bottles of drinks and handed one of them to Siye:"Siye, what are you doing here all of a sudden?"

Siye unscrewed the bottle cap. After hearing this, her expression suddenly became depressed. She took a deep breath and then got down from her seat:"Mr. Ye Feng, please!" Damn it

, you're exposed!

Ye Feng pulled the corner of his mouth lightly, and directly pulled Siye up:"What's the matter?"


Siye blushed and whispered:"That......Isn’t the exam coming up soon?"


Ye Feng reacted:"So, you came here to ask me to help you with your studies?"


Siye nodded quickly, then looked over eagerly, clasped his hands together, and begged:"Ye Fengjun, I also know that this is too much, and it will take up a lot of Ye Fengjun's time......."


Siye said seriously:"But I will never let Ye Fengjun's efforts go in vain."

Then what?

Do you want to provide bed-warming service or lap pillow service?

Or, do you want to learn from the snail girl to repay the favor?

Siye took a deep breath and said seriously:"So, today I will help Ye Fengjun clean, wash clothes, and cook."

That's it?

Sorry, my room is very clean, there is not even a cockroach.

So it is totally not necessary.

Ye Feng had a blank expression:"I don't need it"


Siye let out a mournful cry, and quickly grabbed Ye Feng's arm, saying pitifully:"Mr. Ye Feng, you can't be so........."

"Just help me~"

"If I fail this exam, it will be hard to explain to my father.

Seeing that Ye Feng was unmoved, Si Ye bit her pink lips and looked at him with a red face:"At most......At worst, I'll agree to one of Ye Fengjun's conditions."

Ye Feng:"Deal!"

Si Ye:"......"

Ye Feng looked at Siye and said slowly,"It just so happens that my family is still short of a maid, so, Siye, you understand, right?"

"I don't understand."

Si Ye held her head with both hands and said aggrievedly:"Ye Fengjun bullies people."


"Big pervert!"


That's enough, who wants to listen to your perverted three-combination!

Ye Feng frowned:"I've decided, now I want to see what Yotsuba looks like in a maid outfit"


Siye looked over with eyes wide open, then shrank her neck and said cautiously:"That......But I don't have a maid outfit, how about, next time?"

Next time means nothing.

So no.

Ye Feng got up, walked directly into the bedroom, and used his superpowers to construct a set of maid outfits. That's right.

A set.

This also includes white stockings.

Seeing that Ye Feng actually took out a set of maid outfits, Si Ye panicked.

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