Siye panicked.

Oh my god.

Why is there a maid costume in Ye Fengjun's house?

What should I do? What should I do?

Although I didn't think of regretting it, I even thought that I would bring the maid costume I bought and serve tea and water next weekend.


You are totally unprepared now!

Seeing Siye looking at him with eyes wide open, looking shy and panicked, Ye Feng said seriously:"Siye, if you don't want to wear it, I won't force you."

He knew that with Siye's personality, since she agreed, there is an 80% chance that she will agree!

Of course.

If the favorability is not high, Siye will definitely not agree.

However, if Siye's favorability is not high, she would not dare to run to his apartment alone, and even say that she can agree to one condition.......

Anyone who is not an idiot should know the meaning of that sentence, right?

Originally, this idiot just needs to tell the truth and ask for help.

Ye Feng will not refuse.

After all, Siye is not a stranger, but a familiar person.

But this idiot said in a strange way that he would not let his efforts be in vain.......Although I know that Yotsuba said this because she felt guilty about causing him trouble, it still makes me feel uncomfortable.

That's fine.

He even said that he could agree to one condition.

I can only say that this idiot trusts himself too much!


Today I will let you know what it means to shoot yourself in the foot!

Yotsuba took a deep breath, blushed, stood up, picked up the maid outfit beside her, then couldn't help but glared at him, puffed up her cheeks slightly:"I won't force it!"

"I'll change into it right away!"

It's just a maid outfit, not a naked apron.

It doesn't matter, right?

Besides, you can often see girls wearing maid outfits handing out flyers on the street.

Yotsuba kept comforting herself.

But her heart was clearly beating very fast. Her cheeks were even hotter.

She walked into the bedroom, closed the door, and then picked up the maid outfit. After seeing the style of the maid outfit clearly, Yotsuba breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, it's not the kind of exposure......"


"Ye Fengjun actually looked down on others......"

"I won't be a person who doesn't keep his word, unlike you, who forgot all the promises we made, idiot......."

Ten minutes later.

The door opened a crack, and Ye Feng looked over subconsciously.

Siye's cheeks were flushed, and she lowered her head and walked out a little shyly. Perhaps because the hem of her skirt was a little short, the girl put her hands on the hem of her skirt and kept pulling it down.

However, no matter how she pulled it, it was impossible for it to grow out of thin air!

Ye Feng's breathing paused slightly.

It must be said that Siye in a maid outfit was really eye-catching.

The maid outfit was not the kind of revealing form, but it was not the kind of very traditional maid outfit, but the type that could better reflect a cute style.

Therefore, the hem of the skirt would appear a little short, just reaching the middle of the thigh.

This Siye was wearing white middle-tube socks on her legs, and the maid outfit was a very common color. With such a simple and clear color combination, the dazzling white absolute area exposed by Siye was particularly eye-catching.

Siye raised her head and glanced at Ye Feng, then pursed her lips and stammered:"Mr. Ye Feng, how, how is it?"

"Very good."

Ye Feng did not hesitate to praise:"At this moment, Si Ye is super cute"


Yotsuba smiled foolishly, then bent down and bowed, imitating the etiquette of a maid, and said seriously:"Master, may I have any instructions?"

"Come and help me massage my legs"


Siye looked at Ye Feng in disbelief.

What are you looking at!

You've already asked what instructions you have, so shouldn't you respond as a courtesy?

Ye Feng said seriously:"Siye, do you know what kind of maid is the most perfect?"


Yotsuba said cautiously,"A maid who thinks of her master in everything?"

"That's right."

Ye Feng said seriously:"Siye, your current identity is a maid. I believe that if it is Siye, even if it is a maid, she can definitely do a good job."

Even if you say so, I am not a real maid at all!

Siye couldn't help puffing up her cheeks:"Evil-minded Ye Fengjun, you only know how to bully people!"

"Please call the master"


Ye Feng thought for a moment, stared at Siye, and then said in a low voice:"Siye, you don't want to fail the exam, do you?"


Siye raised her hands to cover her face. This sentence completely hit Siye's weakness, but Siye also knew that Ye Feng was just bullying her.......

So, even if she doesn't yell, there's actually no problem at all.

After a while, just when Ye Feng thought he had finally found Yotsuba's bottom line, the girl looked through her fingers and yelled weakly,"Master~"

Her voice was still charming and pleasant, but compared to usual, it was less energetic and more timid and soft. It was no less coquettish than Nino's!

Ye Feng paused and said,"Yotsuba, yell again!""


Siye shouted angrily, then walked over, squatted down and started punching his legs with his fists.......

Wearing a maid outfit is embarrassing enough, but I am still asked to call her master.......

Ye Fengjun is a bad guy, a big bad guy!

But there is nothing I can do, right?

I have already promised Ye Fengjun, so I can only do it to the end.

Siye secretly glanced at Ye Feng, and then saw Ye Feng raised his mobile phone, and then there was a"click".

Ye Feng put away the phone as if nothing had happened:"Sorry, because Siye was too cute at this time, I couldn't help taking a picture. Next time I will make sure to turn off the camera sound......"

It's not about the camera sound at all!

Yotsuba bit her cherry lips silently, glared at him with shame and anger, and then couldn't help pinching his legs twice.

Five minutes later, Ye Feng stopped Yotsuba.

The main purpose of this girl coming here for tutoring, not to be his maid.


The foreplay is over.

Next, it's time to get down to business. Ye Feng said:"Yoshiye, it's almost done, go to my room and get the notebook on the desk."

In fact, even if Yotsuba didn't come, Ye Feng had already thought of a remedial measure.

There's no way.

Although Yotsuba doesn't always go shopping with friends like Nino, and doesn't always go to work like Ichika......

But she is particularly popular in the sports department.

Therefore, this girl would go out early and come back late every day, and would participate in training activities in the sports department every day, and sometimes even go on weekends.

Therefore, this girl basically rarely participates in study sessions.

Ye Feng did not persuade Siye to turn down the invitation of the basketball department, because he had seen Siye's active figure, and the smile on her face was not a forced smile at all.

This shows that Siye is also enjoying it, and not because she is embarrassed to refuse, and then reluctantly joins.

Therefore, Ye Feng also encouraged Siye.

Let her continue to help in the basketball department, and maybe she can become a special sports student in the future and be recruited into the university.

But there is a prerequisite for becoming a special sports student.

That is, the other subjects must reach the passing line.

And then, there will be a test, which is also the time to test the results of this month.

Siye must have discovered the progress of other sisters, but only she is still standing still, so she is so anxious, right?

Siye walked into the bedroom.

The window of the bedroom was not closed, and at this time a gust of wind blew in, and the first page of the notebook originally placed on the desk was blown open.

Siye looked over subconsciously and saw her name written on the first page -


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