"Sister Qiong, let go of those shoes, let me do it!" Just as Qiong was about to bend down to take the shoes, Nanako rushed over.



When did Nanako become so diligent and sensible?

Qiong felt a little strange, but couldn't tell for a moment.

But it was a good thing that Nanako was diligent and sensible. As a sister, Qiong would naturally not discourage Nanako's enthusiasm.

Nanako took out the slippers:"Sister Qiong, these are yours."

"Thank you Nanako"


While Qiong wasn't paying attention, Nanako hid Yotsuba's shoes directly in the shoe cabinet. After doing all this, Nanako looked at her idiot Nissan with a smug expression.

However, Nanako found that her Nissan was looking at her as if she were an idiot.

Damn it!

Nanako has worked so hard and done so well, but you still look at Nanako with that kind of eyes!

I'm going to fight you!

Nanako didn't even change her shoes. She kicked them off and rushed towards her Nissan aggressively.

"Stupid Nissan, Nanako is angry!��

"Stop it."

Ye Feng directly put his hand against Nanako's head, and then the girl swung her windmill punch, but unfortunately she was short and had short legs, so she couldn't reach it at all!

After a moment, Nanako stopped panting, then pushed Ye Feng's hand away and glared at him angrily:"Nissan, you're going too far!"

"Ye Feng, don't bully Nanako."

Qiong walked over, his eyes fell on the table, and after seeing the study materials on the table, he paused and walked directly to the bedroom.

"I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep for a while."

Want to run?

Can you run?

Ye Feng gave Nanako a look. This stupid sister is usually useless, but at this time, she is still a little useful.......

For example, he used the method of acting cute to slow down Qiong's steps.

That's right.

He just told Nanako that there was a Yotsuba in the room, but this idiot took the initiative to hide the shoes. Do you want Yotsuba to hide forever?

Just delay a little time and wait for Yotsuba to change her clothes!

"Nissan, please rest assured and leave it to Nanako!"

The girl was still angry just now, but the next moment, she immediately showed a confident expression and patted her pitiful chest hard.

Then she said"Hey", hugged Qiong's waist directly, and rubbed her face happily.

"Sister Qiong, play games with Nanako~"

Qiong showed a subtle expression of distress and happiness on her face,"Nanako, let me go first......"

"No no no, sister Qiong smells so good, so comfortable, rub against her......"

Leaf Wind:"......"

Damn it , do you want Qiong to play games with you, or do you just want to act cute?......

Qiong does smell good.

This is true.

Although they both use the same shampoo and shower gel, the smells of Nanako and Qiong are similar, not exactly the same.

Anyway, they smell good.

As for Nanako......

She looks like she will never grow up!

This does not only refer to her height, but also her personality.

I don’t know if it’s because she has to drink milk every day, but Nanako always has a faint milky scent.

"Ye Feng?"

Qiong looked at Ye Feng for help. Facing Nanako's coquetry, even she couldn't refuse. But Qiong was even more unwilling to play games with Nanako.

There was no other way.

Nanako was really too bad.

Nanako was both bad and playful.

That was fine. If she lost, this idiot would look at her with tears in her eyes and pitiful eyes.......

Let her win?

You can let her win a little, after all, she is a cute sister.

But once this idiot wins, his tail will be up to the sky, and he will be as proud as he can be. In short, it is easy to make people angry.

Therefore, Qiong didn't want to play games with Nanako at all.

Ye Feng ignored Qiong's pleading eyes, and said seriously:"It's just right, I haven't played for a long time, Qiong, let's play together!"

At this time, it is estimated that Yotsuba has just taken off her clothes.

So, I can only apologize.

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Nanako's eyes lit up:"Nissan actually wants to play too? Humph, the skills that Nanako practiced every day are finally not in vain......."

"The final battle! Today!"

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes:"So, the reason why you failed is because you played games at home every day?"

"I didn't."

Nanako puffed up her cheeks,"It's been a hard day, and it's normal to play games for a while when you go home to rest!"

Good guy.

Not only do you not have the slightest regret, but you seem to be justified!

But Ye Feng didn't care. Anyway, he had money, and even if this idiot had a bad future, it would be no problem at all.

Of course.

It's definitely not okay to raise a sister who just eats and waits to die.

But Ye Feng already has a plan for these.

First of all, start by striking a blow to this arrogant idiot in the game.

Don't you like playing games?

Very good.

I'll make you hate him in a while!

Ye Feng chose the game, which is a very classic King of Fighters game.

Qiong bent down and took out the game controller, then sat on the other side of Ye Feng and poked Ye Feng gently with his hand.

"Ye Feng, you go first"


Ye Feng did not refuse. Anyway, his goal was achieved, so there was no need to make Qiong unhappy at this time.

The game started soon.

Needless to say, Nanako lost.

Qiong was a little bored. She took out her mobile phone and looked at it, then put it away, and her eyes subconsciously patrolled the room.

This was a completely subconscious behavior.

Then, when her eyes fell on Ye Feng, Qiong's eyes condensed slightly, and suddenly she discovered something.

Qiong propped up her body and moved closer to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng turned his head to look at Qiong:"What's wrong?"

"Good opportunity! Watch me......The ultimate invincible combo, Ula Ula Ula Ula——"

""Don't move!"

Qiong said, then reached out and picked up a piece of hair from Ye Feng's collar. Looking closely, it was a long pink hair.......

Ye Feng twitched his lips slightly. Without a doubt, this should be something he accidentally got on himself when he was resting his knees on his head.

What a bummer!

So many girls didn't get into trouble at the amusement park, but when she got home, she got into trouble?

Qiong's pretty face was frosted, and she looked at him unkindly:"What is this?"

Ye Feng thought for a moment and told the truth:"Hair."

Qiong pursed her lips:"Whose?"



Nanako couldn't help but shudder.

Oh, oh!

The stupid Nissan flipped over!

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