The atmosphere in the living room became heavy


Suddenly, it seemed as if ice was condensing in the air, about to freeze the whole world.


It is impossible for the air to freeze!

Ye Feng said with no guilt:"Yes, this hair belongs to Yotsuba."

Stupid Nissan!

You actually said it out?

Nanako couldn't help but pull Ye Feng's arm.

What are you afraid of!

It's impossible to hide such a thing!

Instead of cheating, it's better to be a scumbag openly.......Ahem, I said it wrong, try again!

Instead of lying, it is better to speak openly, otherwise lies will pile up and in the end there will only be lies left in life.......

It's too scary no matter who it is!

Qiong bit her lips lightly, looked away, and said in silence for a moment:"Yoshiha, I know......."

Of course, Qiong knew Siye and was quite familiar with her.

Because she had met her on the way to school and said hello.

She was a pretty and lively girl.

But what did she do to make the girl's hair stay on her shoulders?


Or......What else?

Qiong took a deep breath, stood up and said,"I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep for a while."


Hearing Ye Feng's voice, Qiong stopped and turned his head to look at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng thought for a moment and said,"What do you want to eat tonight?" He never asked this question before.......

Now she's asking?

She's clearly guilty!

Qiong pursed her lips and stepped hard on the floor to walk to Ye Feng's side. Just when Ye Feng thought the girl would be angry, she bent down and grabbed his arm.

"stand up"


Ye Feng stood up:"What?"

Qiong did not answer, but looked at the cautious Nanako and said softly:"Nanako, you play by yourself first."

Nanako responded obediently:"I know, Sister Qiong."

After taking care of Nanako, Qiong took Ye Feng and left:"Come with me for a while"


After thinking about it, Ye Feng did not refuse.

Whether it was anger or grievance, it was better to vent it out than to hold it in, right?

And this day would come sooner or later.



Wait, why are you going to the bathroom?

Ye Feng looked at the expressionless girl, thought about it, and still didn't say anything.

Because I always felt that this girl was like a barrel of explosives, and it would explode if touched!

And don't look at Qiong's appearance. She looks weak, but she is actually very stubborn, so......What does Qiong want to do?

Nanako watched the bathroom door close.

Oops, oops.

Something has happened.

Nanako thought for a moment, then got up and ran into the bedroom.

"Sister Siye, open the door quickly——"

Nanako knocked on the door gently. Although it was the first time she heard Yotsuba's name and she didn't know Yotsuba yet, since this Yotsuba might be the girlfriend of Stupid Nissan, it was totally fine to just call her sister. There was no other way.

Stupid Nissan was so nice to her, so of course she had to stand up for him at this time!


Should I be able to order food tonight?

The door opened, and Yotsuba looked cautiously at the girl outside the door, and then her eyes lit up slightly.

So, so cute!

The girl outside the door had a petite figure, a cute face, long black hair tied into two ponytails, and a beautiful dress on her body. She looked very delicate and cute.

Is this Ye Fengjun's other sister? She is really cute!

The moment Nanako saw Yotsuba, she couldn't help but blurt out:"Sister Nino?"


Siye was startled, then quickly said:"That......Nanako, you're wrong. I'm Yotsuba, not Nino."


Nanako opened her eyes wide and looked over:"Is it really Sister Yotsuba?"

She actually looks exactly like Sister Nino......


I heard from sister Qiong that there are five sisters in the Nakano family. Does that mean that everyone looks the same?

If so,......

Can the stupid Nissan tell who is who?

What if he recognizes the wrong girlfriend?

Maybe it will be like the plot in the anime my sister watched, where the girl found out that her boyfriend cheated on her, and then she turned from love to hate, felt desperate, and then turned evil and took out the hatchet.......

Finally, under the setting sun, a lone sail carrying love and hate disappeared into the depths of the sea!

How terrible, how terrible.

Nanako quickly interrupted the little drama in her mind and hugged Yotsuba's arm:"Sister Yotsuba, please, please save Nissan!"



As soon as Ye Feng came in, he was pushed against the door by Qiong.


"I didn't."

Ye Feng retorted:"The hair fell on the shoulders, it was just an accident."

He didn't lie, Siye's hair fell on his shoulders, it was really a complete accident.

As for why Siye's hair fell on his shoulders, this sentence can't be said.

Although he didn't want to lie, he wasn't stupid enough to say anything, right?

Siye provided a knee pillow or something......

This sentence must not be said!

Qiong did not speak, but came up directly:"Sniff......"

Leaf Wind:"......"

After a moment, Qiong looked up with an unfriendly look in his eyes:"It smells good......."

Because there is physical contact, there will naturally be a smell.

Ye Feng lowered his head and looked at the girl who pretended to be strong but was actually full of grievances in her eyes.

"Then what?"

"Let's go abroad......"

"I refuse."

Ye Feng's face darkened:"Don't even think about it.""

Fuck you! You

're thinking about eloping without saying anything. If your mother hears you do this, she will cry!"

"I don't care, you can't leave me......"

"Wind, what do you choose?"

"Choose me or another girl?"


Unfortunately, even if you say so, the answer will not satisfy you!

So, what should you do at this time?

If you refuse, this girl who looks weak but is stubborn in her bones may really do something stupid.

But if you agree......

With this guy's jealous personality, there will definitely be a lot of trouble in the future!


Ye Feng suddenly discovered something, grabbed Qiong's hand and raised it, his mouth twitching slightly:"Qiong, you actually recorded it?"

Qiong turned his head away guiltily:"I accidentally pressed it."

What a pitfall!

I thought you really wanted to force the emperor to abdicate, but you actually took this opportunity to dig a pit?

As for accidentally.........

Who would believe that?

Ye Feng frowned and said,"Stand still!"


Ye Feng narrowed his eyes:"Are you sure?"


Qiong's heart tightened, and he looked at her without showing any weakness:"I am sure"

"Very good."

Ye Feng stopped talking nonsense and stretched out his hand to pinch Qiong's waist.

At first, Qiong didn't care.

Not to mention just pinching the waist, even if he wanted to do something more extreme, it would be completely fine.

But after just a moment, Qiong found that he underestimated Ye Feng.

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