"Well......No, it's itchy......."

Qiong couldn't help twisting her body, and her usually calm face showed a very lively expression at this moment.

Compared with usual days, she was obviously much cuter!

Ye Feng stopped:"Do you know you are wrong?"


Qiong took a few deep breaths, then reached out to pinch him.

Damn it!

You had intimate contact with other girls behind my back, but you didn't feel guilty at all, and instead bullied me with a clear conscience?

Ye Feng was unmoved:"Pinch once, pinch once!"

Qiong didn't move.

She bit her lip and raised her head, silent for a moment:"I want to........."


"I want to do what you do with other girls too!"

Even if she wanted to intervene in his affairs, she couldn't.

In this regard, Qiong could only speed up her pace.

Moreover, Qiong already had experience, and Ye Feng was no longer resistant to her.......

So, it's not like I don't have a chance.

Qiong raised his face and said seriously:"Also, you are not allowed to hide from me in the future. As long as you agree, let it go this time."


Then I really thank you for your magnanimity!

But if you agree, won't you be more blatant in the future, or even ride on my face directly?

A few minutes later, Ye Feng walked out of the bathroom with a calm expression.

What should I do if I encounter a sister who is getting too demanding?

Of course, I have to"take good care" of her!

Nanako came over, bringing a very pleasant and sweet smell:"Nisan, are you okay?"

As she said, she stretched out her finger and poked his chest



"What do you think?"

Ye Feng looked at Nanako:"Why, do you think I will be beaten?""

Of course!

You are cheating on Sister Qiong behind her back, who else should I beat if not you!

Although she thought so in her heart, Nanako quickly shook her head:"Of course not, but Nissan didn't bully Sister Qiong, did he?"

Ye Feng stopped talking.

He looked away and said:"It's almost time, I'm going to make dinner."

When Ye Feng walked into the kitchen.

Nanako blinked and posed like a famous detective:"Nissan actually changed the subject? He is feeling guilty, right?......"

"So, he really bullied Sister Qiong?"


"Sister Qiong hasn't come out yet. She must be hiding in the bathroom crying secretly, right?"

At this time, Qiong came out with a calm expression.

Nanako opened her eyes wide.

Because Qiong didn't look angry at all, but seemed to be faintly happy?

This is too weird!

Ye Feng walked into the kitchen. He already knew that Siye had left.

Although it was not necessary.

But since she left, it didn't matter.

After a while, Nanako's voice rang out:"Nissan, Nanako wants a reward."


Ye Feng glanced at Nanako:"I know."

"Hehe~ Oni-chan is the best~~"

Nanako immediately smiled and jumped up happily:"Nanako likes Oni-chan the most......"

You obviously like to eat!

Ye Feng was calm and even too lazy to complain.

After dinner, while the two girls were taking a bath, Ye Feng walked out to the balcony.

He took out the gourd with Miyamizu Ai's pendant and flicked it gently.


A gust of cold wind blew, and a transparent and illusory figure appeared.

It was the ghost boy.

The ghost boy looked around blankly, then looked at Ye Feng, with a deeper confusion on his face.

Seeing this, Ye Feng didn't waste any words, and directly slapped the boy's illusory shoulder.

Ye Feng took two steps back and said:"Who are you?"

"I, I am......"

The confusion on the ghost boy's face slowly dissipated, his eyes fell on Ye Feng's face, and suddenly he smiled:"I am Kousei Arima......."

"Thank you"

"It reminds me."

Ye Feng thought for a moment:"Have we met before?"

"I have seen it before."

Kousei Arima sighed.

"I didn't expect that the little boy we rescued would become such a great man in the future......."

The ghost boy fell into memories.

As he spoke, Ye Feng also understood.

So that's it.

So, he was with that big sister?

Ten years ago.

The sky suddenly cracked and a monster appeared.

But what a coincidence, Xiao Ye at that time was too powerful, and he controlled the situation in just a moment. He even sealed the crack in the sky in Chiba City.

But Xiao Ye also fainted because he used too much power.

After that, he was met by a boy and girl who happened to pass by.

The boy was called Arima Kousei, and the girl was called Miyazono Kaoru

"I went looking for someone to help me, and I found one successfully, but......Disaster struck suddenly."

Hearing this, Ye Feng sighed inwardly.

He already knew what was going to happen next.

Just as Kousei Arima said, disaster struck suddenly.......

The devilish figure, the terrifying pressure, the evil and chaotic aura, that is a monster that is much more terrifying than the void demon!

He was targeted.

Because his existence would block the critical invasion, so he might be an existence that must be wiped out.

Even the void demon attack that occurred in Ichinose was aimed at him.

But, he won.

The price was the loss of the past and all his abilities.

Until some time ago, after experiencing the Menma incident, for some reason, he suddenly got back his lost memories.

Ye Feng was silent for a moment:"Sorry."

Although he had nothing to apologize for, because it was him who saved the world.

He is the well-deserved savior of this world.


He should say sorry to this boy.

Because if he hadn't been looking for someone to save him, this boy wouldn't have been involved and wouldn't have died! When a person dies, they are really gone.

It's a miracle that his soul didn't dissipate.

"You don't need to apologize."

Arima Kousei turned his illusory body and looked at the city that had become unfamiliar.......

Are you sorry?

No, he didn't feel sorry for anyone.

This included himself.

Although he was unwilling, what could he do?

Compared to his insignificant self, the future of this world was more important.

To be honest, compared to himself, he should be the most pitiful person, right?

He knew everything.

But there was no one to share his burden with.

He could have ignored it, but from now on, he was not crushed, but instead kept protecting this world.......

But he must have gone through a lot during this period, right?

Even so, he was not crushed.

So, he is really amazing.

Arima Kousei was amazed and admired him, but he also felt sad for him. He was probably only seven years old at that time? At such a young age, he had to carry the whole world on his shoulders.......

"I saw it."

Kousei Arima looked up at the night sky and murmured,"What a terrible crack. After all these years, is it going to wake up again?......"

The"it" here obviously refers to the monster that killed him.

However, he could actually see the crack in the sky?

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