"Can you see the cracks in the sky?"

The cracks in the sky were very strange, as if they were unreal.

Therefore, apart from him, so far, no one else he knew could see the cracks in the sky.

This included ghosts, monsters, and Yin Yang masters.

And this Arima Kousei could actually see it?

This was the first time

"Was it originally called the Crack in the Sky? A very apt name......"

Arima Kousei shook his head:"I don't know why I can see it, but I have a feeling......"

Arima Kousei pressed his hand to his chest and said,"I feel like it's calling me, telling me to go home. I want to respond to it and go back, but that's not my home. This feeling is so strange."......"

Ye Feng was slightly startled:"Calling......"

The night wind was slightly cold, blowing gently.

Ye Feng closed his eyes and called......

He immediately thought of the most difficult"Devil Summoning" incident.

If it was really as he thought......

Then this time, he will be able to completely solve the demon summoning incident!

At the same time, he can confirm one thing again.

The demon summoning targets humans from the critical point.

The Nakano family, the Nishimiya family, and the Arima in front of him, and the sister......

Linji, do you want these people to go back?

But this is just speculation.

What the facts are still needs to be confirmed.

Ye Feng's eyes fell on Arima Kousei, and suddenly he thought of a sentence-Ropes only break at the thinnest part, and misfortune only finds the suffering people.


Fate is so cruel.

Fortunately, in the amusement park, Arima Kousei met him again.

Arima Kousei gradually lost his mind, his eyes became dazed, he stared at the crack in the sky in a daze, and murmured:"I want to go back, no, I must go back, go back......go back......"

"" Snap!"

Ye Feng snapped his fingers lightly.

With the crisp sound, Arima Kousei suddenly came to his senses and looked at him blankly:"I......What happened to me just now?"


Ye Feng looked away:"Arima, do you have any wish?"


Arima Kousei murmured, and suddenly remembered something, and became nervous:"Oh, it's Kaoru.......Xun, she, she is still alive, right?"


Is that her name?

Recalling the sad eyes of the blonde woman, Ye Feng said:"Yes, she is still alive......"

"That's great."

Kousei Arima was pleasantly surprised. Suddenly, he remembered something and bowed:"Thank you!"

"You want to see her? I can get you there."


However, to Ye Feng's surprise, Arima Kousei refused.

Noticing Ye Feng's expression, Arima Kousei smiled and looked relieved.

He suddenly asked:"You......Have you ever liked someone?"


Ye Feng thought of the little Zhendong who had always been with him silently.

The teacher who was full of majesty and inviolable outside, but clumsy and cute in daily life.

The contrast was cute, kind-hearted, and never left.......Super cute!

"I understand."

Arima Kousei understood and smiled,"I think you can understand my idea, right?"

"Now, Xun is still alive and well, that's good, isn't it?"

"If I appear again, maybe all I will bring to Xun is pain and sadness?"

"So, this is good."

Even though he said that, he still wanted to see her, right?

Undoubtedly, this Arima Kousei hoped that Xun could live happily, instead of suffering and sadness because of his appearance.

It was great and dazzling.

But Ye Feng couldn't understand this approach.

Perhaps in essence, he and Arima Kousei were completely different types of people!


Kousei Arima looked at Ye Feng and bowed, saying,"I once promised to play with Xun for the last time, but I broke my promise, so I would like to ask you to help me......"


Ye Feng did not refuse.

This was Arima Kousei's choice, and all he could do was respect his choice.

Putting away Arima Kousei, Ye Feng looked up at the crack in the sky, his eyes slightly cold, and the moment he turned around, he regained his calm again.

After taking a shower, while listening to the TV and chatting with a few girls, time passed quickly.

Ye Feng turned off the TV, looked at the dozing Nanako, and said speechlessly:"Nanako, go back to the bedroom and sleep."

You always doze off, why don't you go back to the bedroom and sleep when you are sleepy!

"Oh, good night, Nissan."

Nanako yawned, rubbed her sleepy eyes, put on her slippers, and walked into the bedroom.

Ye Feng looked at Qiong:"You go to bed too."

"Got it."

Qiong glanced at Ye Feng and responded softly. Surprisingly, she didn't make a scene, but went back to the bedroom obediently.

Ye Feng didn't think much about it.

Back in his bedroom, Ye Feng prepared to go to bed.

Half an hour later,

Ye Feng suddenly opened his eyes because he heard the sound of a door opening.

The key point was that it wasn't the door next door that was opened, but his bedroom door that was opened!

Who was it?

Ye Feng quickly determined the identity of the person by the sound of his breathing.......

If it's not Qiong, who else could it be!

Damn it!

You're not sleeping in the middle of the night and you're actually launching a night raid?

Do you know that it's very dangerous at this time!

Ye Feng twitched the corner of his mouth lightly.

He knew that as long as he softened his attitude a little, this guy would get more and more aggressive.

What to do?

Of course, just leave it alone!

Ye Feng closed his eyes again and pretended to be asleep.

Anyway, I don't know anything.

Do whatever you want.

The footsteps stopped beside the bed, and then a very pleasant fragrance filled the air.


Qiong leaned down, bent over, her eyes fell on Ye Feng's face, and called softly.

Seeing that he did not respond, Qiong breathed a sigh of relief, but was a little disappointed.

At this time, she should go back, right?

Just when Ye Feng was thinking about it, cold air suddenly hit, and it was Qiong who directly lifted the quilt and squeezed in.

The whole process was so fast that Ye Feng did not react.


What do you want to do!

You come here late at night, do you want to sleep with me?

Even if so, you have to ask other people's opinions!

Qiong propped up her body, looked at the"sleeping" Ye Feng without blinking, and then called softly again:"Feng, are you asleep?"


"Looks like he really fell asleep......."

"I just watched a horror movie, so I'm scared and don't dare to sleep alone. Leaving the light on will disturb Nanako, so......"

"Would you agree?"

"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your consent"


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