"I have only this life and can't give generously to people I don't love."

In fact, Su Zixuan recognized this from the beginning. Since she met Lin Feng, her heart was completely settled.

"All right! Zixuan, sister Tao, I support you. Don't worry! I'm afraid there's no better girl in China than you. Lin Feng has no reason to refuse you. Now, he has been admitted to Qingbei University. Isn't it more convenient for you to get in touch with him? It happens that you are a senior this year and can often go back to school... "

Sister Tao said with a smile, "the most important thing is that women in love are full of inspiration! Zixuan, come on, try to create more albums like hero. You don't know. The last time you made hero, all the female stars who wanted to compete for your first sister were so angry that they were about to vomit blood. "

"Hee hee! Sister Tao, don't worry about that. No surprise, my next album will be released soon. "

Su Zixuan is full of confidence. Before Lin Feng was in Zhi'an City, she rarely returned to Zhi'an city because of the restrictions of work and performance. But now that Lin Feng goes to school in the capital, she has more opportunities.

On the other hand, after listening to Su Zixuan's unique song "unity is strength", Lin Feng soon arrived at the gate of Qingbei University.

"No! There is a traffic jam ahead. Today is the day for you to report the freshmen of Qingbei University. There are too many cars! Young man, why don't you go here! It's only a minute or two to walk, otherwise I won't be able to walk in front... "

Seeing a row of cars blocked in front of the school gate, the driver's brother had a headache.

"OK! Then stop! "

After paying the money, Lin Feng got off the bus and a heat wave came to his face. In the capital at the end of August, the temperature was no joke, especially when there were still a lot of people in front of us. Many freshmen came directly with their luggage.

"There are really a lot of freshmen! By the way, I don't know whether Yanran and crazy girl have arrived now? See if they need my help! "

Walking to the school gate, Lin Feng dialed Qin Yanran's cell phone and asked, "Hello! Yan Ran, how are you and crazy girl? Did you report to the school? I just arrived. There are so many people. "

"Yes! Lin Feng, why are you so late? Hurry up and report to the location of the school of economics first. Nishang and I have already gone to the dormitory. After you report first, get the student card and the key to the dormitory and settle down. Let's contact and meet again! "

Qin Yanran's voice is also noisy. It can be seen that they are also very lively there.

"OK, then say to the crazy girl, I'll contact you after I finish these procedures, and then we'll have dinner together."

College career is finally about to begin. If you are not excited, it must be false. Once upon a time, Lin Feng really didn't dare to imagine that he could enter the University, but now he has entered Qingbei University, the highest University in the country.

Other students carry large suitcases, and some even bring quilts and pots from home. Anyway, all kinds of students have them. After all, although Qingbei university recruits more students in Beijing, there are also many poor children from other provinces.

Lin Feng's luggage was very simple. It was a trolley case, and he threw it into Shenshui space after he got off the plane. So he didn't plan to take it out for a while and walked towards the school gate. Even if there are a lot of freshmen reporting today, there are still security guards at the school gate to maintain order. Everyone must enter the campus orderly.

"Classmate, are you here to report? Please show me your admission notice. "

The security guard at the school gate still needs to check the admission notice of each student entering the campus. Lin Feng, who lined up for a long time, showed him his admission notice.

"Lin Feng, Department of economics, School of economics?"

The security guard swept Lin Feng's name, lit up in front of him, and then immediately returned to normal. He put Lin Feng in and said, "classmate, the check-in point of the school of economics has been going in, and then turned left."

"OK, thank you."

Lin Feng did not doubt that there was him. After lining up to enter the campus, he went straight to the freshman registration point of the school of economics.

The security guard who showed Lin Feng the way immediately turned around, took out his mobile phone, called his captain and said, "Captain Liu! Captain Liu! The smelly boy named Lin Feng has come and has gone to the check-in point of the school of economics. "

"Copy that! Hum! This smelly boy really came to report for duty. Now he's in our land of Qingbei University. I'll make him feel worse than death and lose face. "

At the other end of the phone, Liu Shenglong, the security captain of Qingbei University, spoke fiercely. Since Lin Feng and Qin Yanran visited Qingbei university a few days ago, he ate in front of Lin Feng and even deducted a month's bonus. Then Liu Shenglong completely hated the freshman named Lin Feng, and planned to stab Lin Feng in the back when the freshman entered school.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Shenglong returned to the security room with a smile and asked a student inside: "Gao Rui, the smelly boy Lin Feng is coming. How's your preparation going? "

"OK! Captain Liu, don't worry, this Lin Feng has hurt us so badly. This time, I let him know our strength. A few days ago, I happened to go to the office of Mr. Ou Yong, who arranged the freshman dormitory this time. When he didn't pay attention, I secretly moved his information form and changed the column of Lin Feng's gender into "female"... "

It was Gao Rui who Lin Feng and Qin Yanran visited Qingbei University. At that time, he was ordered by Zhao Shuang to lead Lin Feng and Qin Yanran to the lake. As a result, Lin Feng saw through their trick and asked them to lift a stone and hit themselves in the foot.

Zhao Shuang has broken his legs and is still lying in plaster in the hospital! It was Gao Rui who just fell into the water and finally got up. However, he could not swallow this breath. Knowing that Lin Feng was a freshman of this school of economics, he united with security captain Liu Shenglong and planned to severely clean Lin Feng.

After inquiring that the teacher who arranged the freshmen's work this time was Ou Yong from the school of computer and information, Gao Rui just met him. Taking advantage of an opportunity to chat about online games in the past, he quietly moved Ou Yong's computer and changed the information of the student dormitory arrangement form.

It can really be said that the enemy's road is narrow. Gao Rui tripped Lin Feng early, but Lin Feng didn't know it at all. He is now walking on the campus of Qingbei University, surrounded by almost all freshmen who come to report, which is very lively.

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