"To report the freshmen! Come one by one, line up, according to your different colleges, watch it! Take your admission notice and ID card! Get the dormitory keys and student cards one by one... "

When he came to the new student check-in point, Lin Feng found that it was really not an ordinary bustle. There are more than 3000 freshmen in Qingbei university every year. They are crowded to report on this day. Can it not be lively?

This is the first check-in point for freshmen. They are the check-in points of the school of economics, the school of computer and the school of information. Freshmen are consciously divided into two queues to receive their dormitory keys and student cards.

But even so, the scene is still noisy. Lin Feng came late and was at the end of the queue at the school of economics. There were thirty or forty people in front of him. But fortunately, the movement speed of the team is quite fast, basically one person in more than ten seconds.

In addition to a female teacher, all the others in charge of the freshmen's report are cadres of the student union. Their workflow is also very simple, that is, check whether the admission notice of freshmen is correct, and then give them the corresponding student card, dormitory key and a bag of standard freshman equipment.

They are all flow operations. Basically, they will not be checked for too long, otherwise it will take too much time. Therefore, Lin Feng didn't wait too long. It was only ten minutes before his turn.

"What's your name? What department? Check again! "

Lin Feng was received by an expressionless man with glasses, who asked with a dull face.

"Lin Feng! Economics major, Department of economics, School of economics! "

Lin Feng had already prepared and replied,

"Yes! Lin Feng, from the Department of economics, found... Here is your student card, here is your dormitory key, with the dormitory number on it! In addition, there are new items in this bag, including precautions, next time arrangement and military training. Take them back and pay attention. Now find your own dormitory first... "

The man with glasses didn't check it again, so he handed over all the items to Lin Feng. Lin Feng also felt that there should be no problem. After receiving all the items, he happily picked up the key of the dormitory and looked at it.

"14464, according to what the senior said just now, the first two are the dormitory building number, the middle one is the unit, and then the floor and dormitory number. Then my 14464 is the fourth room on the sixth floor, unit 4, building 14? "

After seeing the dormitory number, Lin Feng found a corner where no one was. He took out his suitcase from Shenshui space. At the same time, he went to the supermarket in the school to buy some simple daily necessities, such as a complete set of bedding, toothbrush, tooth cup, towel and so on.

After packing all these, Lin Feng took the suitcase in one hand and a big bag in the other hand and headed for building 14.

"I don't know what my roommates are like! Will you encounter those funny roommates said on the Internet? Ha ha... A group of people living together should also be very happy! "

Lin Feng, who has never lived in a dormitory, is looking forward to collective life. After searching for a long time, he found the location of building 14, but he felt something wrong as soon as he walked to the door of building 14.

"What's going on? How come there are more girls going in and out of this dormitory? "

Because it's freshmen's check-in day, many girls come to check-in, either accompanied by their parents, or many senior students take the opportunity to help move things and gain favor. Therefore, boys are allowed to enter the girls' dormitory temporarily. Many boys also shuttle in the girls' dormitory building, seize this good opportunity to chat up with some schoolgirls and help move things.

However, Lin Feng still found something abnormal. How does he feel that there are especially many girls in the building he is about to live in?

"It can't be... The legendary mixed dormitory of men and women?"

At the thought of this, Lin Feng couldn't help getting a little excited. Because he has read some news on the Internet, some universities have more men than women, and some have more women than men because of the disharmony in the proportion of enrollment, which leads to the lack of girls' dormitories or boys' dormitories. Finally, they have to adopt the mixed model.

However, this mixed dormitory building is not for male and female students to live in the same dormitory, and even the first floor is not allowed. For example, the first floor to the third floor are boys' dormitories, and the fourth floor to the sixth floor are girls' dormitories. In the middle, male and female students are separated and managed.

Therefore, when Lin Feng saw that there were more girls in and out of the No. 19 dormitory building, his heart panicked.

"Anyway, the school arranged it. What am I afraid of? Just go in! "

Today, there is no dormitory to stop boys in the girls' dormitory. In addition, Lin Feng is carrying so many luggage. In the past, girls also think Lin Feng is just a boy who comes to help a girl move things.

At this time, in the 14464 dormitory where Lin Feng is about to stay, several economics freshmen living in this dormitory chattered happily there.

"The people in our dormitory seem to have arrived almost, hee hee! Let me introduce you! My name is Fang Ting, the square of the square, the ting next to the female character. From Heilongjiang! I've been studying for a year since I was a child, so I guess I'm the oldest in our dormitory? "

This is a girl with short hair. She speaks with a northeast flavor, revealing a forthright atmosphere.

"It's my turn. My name is Ye Miao, the leaf of the leaf, the Miao of the three waters. I'm from Inner Mongolia, but don't ask me if I grew up riding a horse. Our college entrance examination in Inner Mongolia is not about riding and archery. I'm actually no different from you. I'm also a Han. "

Ye Miao, who was dressed in plain clothes, smiled and joked. Then he pointed to Qin Yanran and said, "Yanran, it's your turn."

"Hello, everyone! My name is Qin Yanran, Qin of the state of Qin, the one who smiles at me. I'm from Zhi'an City, Fujian Province, but I grew up in Beijing before I was ten years old. In the future, we will be sisters in a dormitory. I hope you will pay more attention... "

Qin Yanran said with a smile. Like Lin Feng, she also lived in a collective dormitory for the first time, so she also felt very fresh.

"My name is Zhao Jianing, from Dalian..."

"Hello everyone, my name is Yan Han, Yan of the king of hell, cold cold! It's from the capital... "


After the five girls in the dormitory introduced themselves respectively, Fang Ting, the elder sister of the dormitory, counted and said, "each dormitory should have six people. Now there are five people in our dormitory, one less. I wonder where the last girl came from? "

(PS: lose the ten watch in the morning. This is the pioneer eight watch! Lose two more minutes later! Let's vote quickly! Where is the reward? Where is the subscription?)

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