"Big brother! Ouch... Is that really all? "

After Lin Feng and others left, Murong Chong still said to Murong Hui wrongfully, "what's the origin of this man? Why have I never heard of him in Beijing? Can it be a liar! "

"Liar? Ah Chong, I said, why do you want me to wipe your ass every time you make trouble! I tell you, this time Lin Feng is my boss. Otherwise, you'll have to take off a layer of skin if you don't die. You said you'd better pick up girls at school and pretend to be forced. What did you provoke our boss to do? "

Murong Hui scolded bitterly, but his heart was still in love with the three bottles of Raffi.

"I... how do I know? Brother, I'm just... The trouble caused by picking up girls! I didn't know there would be such an awesome brother in that one. " Murong Chong is very wronged. In his opinion, his eldest brother Murong Hui is actually no different from him. Isn't he the same in terms of money and money?

"Zhang Zhen? You mean the one who just stood next to my boss? What the hell is going on? " Since muronghui had promised Lin Feng to take good care of the aftermath, it was natural for him to find out all the causes and consequences.

"I... I don't really know. By the way... Wang Fei, this * * * * called me."

At this time, Murong Chongcai remembered that he wanted to raise his teacher and ask for punishment. He turned back and slipped out Wang Fei, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, and scolded: "Wang Fei, you fucking make it clear to me. What's going on?"

"Brother Chong, misunderstanding! It's not my fault! I did it according to... Your instructions. Really, in this way, Tian yunyun will turn to your arms. " Wang Fei also cried.

"It's not your fault? So you mean it's my fault? " The angry Murong Chong slapped Wang Fei in the face and felt that everything was caused by Wang Fei.

"All right! All right... Ah Chong, whose woman you touch is bad. You even like the woman of our eldest brother. Isn't this trying to die? "

Murong Hui, who is well aware of Murong's urine flushing nature, actually knows what's going on when he listens to it a little. However, he didn't bother to take care of Murong Chong's shit. As long as he stopped jumping in front of boss Lin Feng and didn't provoke the people around Lin Feng, it had nothing to do with him.

"Brother, I didn't know in advance? In fact, I also investigated Zhang Zhen and Tian yunyun. I found that they had no background, so I...... "Murong Chong explained.

"All right! Don't explain. Since I saved you from the boss. From now on, you will behave yourself to me in Normal University. Don't even think about the girl named Tian yunyun. And... Later you... And you, when you see my eldest brother Zhang Zhen, you must respectfully call him eldest brother. What problems do they have in normal university? You must help solve them at the first time, you know? If you can't do this, the next time my boss gets angry, it won't be as simple as beating you up. "

Murong Hui, who knows Lin Feng's terrible strength, naturally wants to arrange things here properly, even if Murong Chong is his third brother.

"Ah? Brother Chong, is there a mistake? You want me to call that real boss in the future? This... I can't do it... "

Just after Murong Chong finished, Murong Hui slapped him and scolded, "what can't be done? Who do you think you are? Is our Murong family strong? It's not good enough to carry shoes for the Xiao family and Ouyang family. If Murong family falls into your hands one day, you will be involved and defeated sooner or later. "

"Brother, i... I know. It's a big deal... I'll call him the boss in the future."

After being slapped by Murong Hui, Murong Chong recognized the current situation. Indeed, in the face of updating the powerful aristocratic family and strength, the three children of Murong family are nothing?

"And you! Remember, in the future, Zhang Zhen will be the boss in this dormitory. What he says is what he says. If you dare to be disrespectful to Zhang Zhen and tease and retaliate against Zhang Zhen, don't blame me for being rude to you! " After Murong Chong accepted Murong Hui's lesson, he also turned around and taught Wang Fei a lesson.

For this scene, the boys who watched were also amazed one by one. However, people are more envious and jealous of Zhang Zhen. Before, they all pity and sympathize with Zhang Zhen. They think that Zhang Zhen must be sad after he provoked Murong Chong and his gang in Normal University.

However, the current situation is quite the opposite. Zhang Zhen doesn't know where to kill Lin Feng, a brother like God. Even Murong Chong's eldest brother came, he should respectfully respect Lin Feng. From then on, Murong Chong would shout eldest brother when he saw Zhang Zhen in the normal university, not to mention Zhang Zhen and Tian yunyun, a beautiful girlfriend. Wouldn't he envy others?

At this time, in Wenyi teaching building, Xu Minjing, who had just finished class, was planning to catch up with Lin Feng at the school gate, but received a call from an old classmate Yang Molong.

"Hello! Minjing, I heard you went back to your alma mater for further study? Is there time in the evening for me to treat you to dinner? " The voice of an old classmate came over the phone, full of enthusiasm and warm invitation.

However, Xu Minjing had already agreed with Lin Feng, so she directly refused: "sorry! Monitor Yang, I have made an appointment to have dinner with others in the evening“

Yang Molong was the monitor of Xu Minjing's class when he was in University. It is said that he was also the son of an aristocratic family in the capital. His family background was relatively strong. When he was in University, he pursued Xu Minjing wildly. Moreover, he was not a playboy pursuit. Instead, he would help Xu Minjing solve many troubles and problems from the side and in the dark.

Therefore, although Xu Minjing has repeatedly refused his confession and courtship, and has no male and female feelings for him, she has always had a good impression of Yang Molong.

"You can make another appointment for dinner with others. It's not very important. You can push it off! On the contrary, my side is different today. In the evening, at a liquor Bureau in Jiuxian restaurant near the school, all the people who come to attend are big people and bosses in the capital. They can also expand your interpersonal relationships! "

Yang Molong began to try his best to convince Xu Minjing that Xu Minjing had returned to the capital a few days ago. Yang Molong's careful thinking began to come alive. You know, over the years, he Yang Molong has been handsome under the identity of the young master of the Yang family. Almost all the girls he has chased are good at it, but Xu Minjing has spent a lot of energy and patience, but he still hasn't taken the bait.

(it's written on the high-speed railway! Fortunately, there are sockets and nets on the high-speed railway. For the sake of brother Huo's hard coding! Let's vote more, subscribe more and reward more! This is the driving force of codewords when I am sleepy and tired! Just look at the recommended ticket ranking, subscription and reward! And the book reviews in the book review area are the driving force to support my efforts to code words!)

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