What kind of woman is the most unforgettable?

It's not the kind of person who looks great and can't be expected.

Nor is it the kind of lingering love that makes people forget to return.

In fact, one of the most important attributes of women that men can't forget is "can't get".

The more women you can't get, the more difficult it will be to let go.

Especially the kind of woman who can't be moved and won after years of pursuit, it will make people resent it in their hearts.

For Yang Molong, Xu Minjing is undoubtedly such a woman. Moreover, Xu Minjing's appearance is also the most beautiful girl he has ever seen.

In the fame and wealth circle in the capital for so many years, countless women have played, all kinds of them, but Yang Molong always misses Xu Minjing, the pure and beautiful female classmate in the class who was like white paper.

The so-called "never forget, there must be an echo"!

In the years since graduation, Yang Molong has also called and chatted with Xu Minjing on the Internet more than once to learn about her and hope to continue to develop their relationship. Unfortunately, Xu Minjing has always been a high school head teacher in Zhi'an city after graduation, and Yang Molong is his rich and young president in the capital. There is almost no way to intersect between the two.

However, this time, the expected "echo" came. After knowing that Xu Minjing returned to normal university for further study, Yang Molong felt that this was a deliberate arrangement by God. After a long separation, it was natural that the chances of sparks of love between old classmates increased greatly.

"No! Anyway, we must ask Xu Minjing out tonight. "

After Yang Molong was rejected by Xu Minjing, he still didn't give up and was thinking about ways. However, his persistence is not the kind of "infatuation" we usually understand. His love for Xu Minjing is not that kind of emotional love, but a possessive potential.

"Sorry! Monitor Yang, the party tonight is very important to me, so I can't go to your appointment. "

Although there is no bad impression on Yang Molong, Xu Minjing will not put off the opportunity to meet Lin Feng today for him.

After hanging up, Xu Minjing received a text message from Lin Feng. Everyone had been waiting for her at the school gate, so she hurried towards the school gate.

"Really, does it still hurt? Or... We won't eat today. I'll take you to the hospital? "

After coming out of the dormitory building, Tian yunyun, like a little daughter-in-law, took a wet paper towel very carefully and painfully to help Zhang Zhen wipe the wound on her face.

"It's okay, yunyun, crazy people. They came here with great difficulty. I have no skin trauma... Ouch... It hurts..."

Zhang Zhen is painful and happy. While enjoying Tian yunyun's careful consideration, he still has to endure the wounds on his body. However, this experience is of great help to Zhang Zhen's growth. Lin Feng estimates that Zhang Zhen will become stronger from now on and will no longer be so cowardly and afraid of things as before.

"Zhang Zhen, I don't know how you got lucky in your last life. You can find such a good partner. I can warn you that if you dare to do something sorry, be careful and ask me to beat you into a pig's head! "

Seeing this, Xiao nishang also waved her fist and said impolitely to Zhang Zhen.

"Ha ha! Don't worry! Eldest sister, I am obedient to our family. I also think I must have done good deeds for ten years before I can meet our family. " Zhang Zhen smiled and whispered, "it's like a madman can meet you and... Yan Ran..."

"Cough... Zhang Zhen, don't talk nonsense if your injury is not good, you know?"

Lin Feng hurriedly interrupted him, then bought a bottle of mineral water from the nearby canteen, injected some divine water into it and handed it to Zhang Zhendao, "drink some water first! Block your mouth. You're covered with skin injuries. It doesn't matter. It won't be long... "

"Hey, hey! Madman, don't worry, I know! Ha ha... "Zhang Zhen winked, then gululu poured down the bottle of mineral water. A few minutes later, he suddenly felt a little different.

Although the appearance of the wound did not heal so quickly, he could not feel the pain at all, and his whole body was still full of endless strength.

"Lin Feng, look... Miss Xu, it's Miss Xu coming."

After class, there were more people on campus, but Qin Yanran saw Xu Minjing from the crowd.

Xu Minjing is very different from when she was a head teacher in Zhian No. 1 middle school. This is not only reflected in the clothes, but also in the overall temperament.

Because Xu Minjing was a newly graduated college student and wanted to be a head teacher in high school. Naturally, she should be steady in dress, temperament and speech, so as to deter the students and win the trust of the school and parents.

But now that she has returned to the University, Xu Minjing has no scruples in this regard. Similarly, in the familiar campus environment, she seems to have returned to the green time of the university four or five years ago.





If Xu Minjing in Zhi'an No. 1 middle school seems to be mature, like a mature - woman in her twenties and twenties, Xu Minjing in front of her almost looks like Qin Yanran and Xiao nishang. That is, she is in her twenties and twenties.

"Hi! Lin Feng, Yan Ran, nishang... Sorry to keep you waiting. "

Xu Minjing glanced at her hair and said hello to Lin Feng. However, as soon as she saw Zhang Zhen with a bruised face next to her, she was stunned and asked, "Zhang Zhen, what's the matter with you? Fighting with someone? Do you want to go to the hospital? "

"Hello, Mr. Xu!"

Everyone also said hello to Xu Minjing, but Lin Feng explained with a smile: "teacher Xu, it's all right! Zhang Zhen's work has been done, and his body is a little skin trauma. Let's go! It's also dinner time in the evening. Let's go to a good restaurant nearby for dinner? Today is my treat. Don't be polite to me. Just find something expensive. "

Lin Feng, carrying a total of four bottles of Raffi, saw Xu Minjing again after more than ten days. He had an unspeakable feeling and wanted to talk to her. However, due to the presence of Qin Yanran and Xiao nishang, he could only call Xu Minjing "teacher Xu" like in high school. Instead, he was a little uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Xiao nishang and Qin Yanran are not stupid. Naturally, they can feel it. The relationship between Lin Feng and Xu Minjing is not as simple as that between ordinary teachers and students, but on the surface, everyone will treat it as nothing. In short, this time, like the last time at Lin Feng's house, although it is rare and happy to get together, it is still a little embarrassing.

(when he returned to Beijing safely, the author Jun fell asleep when he got home. When he woke up, he took a bath and had a meal to code words! This is today, and I also appreciate your recommendation, monthly ticket and reward. Today, awesome! I would like to thank two local tyrants who rewarded 10000 Book coins. With your support, I will always work hard to write it down!)

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