"Look what you said! Lin Feng, is it difficult? We only think of you when there is an accident? It's not that you have just been promoted to be an elder, and several other elders happen to be here. I heard you're back, so I just want to see you! "

Gu Jiyang's words were very relaxed and smiled, but he looked at Xiao nishang beside Lin Feng.

"What? Brother Gu, can't crazy girls go together? " Lin Feng wondered.

"This is a meeting at the elder level. I can't go. Other outsiders can't go any more." Gu Jiyang explained.

"OK! Lin Feng, I'll go back to Qingbei University and wait for you. " Xiao nishang naturally knew where the dragon group was, so she took the first step.

"All right! Brother Gu, now the crazy girl is gone. What's the matter, can you say? " The people of the dragon group are so anxious to find themselves. Lin Feng knows that it must not be a small matter, and even the crazy girl doesn't know, which is even more complicated.

"No, elder Lin and elder song are seriously injured! Our republic is on the verge of danger. Come back with me... "Gu Jiyang suddenly changed his face and said very seriously.

"What? Elder song? "

Lin Feng was also confused about several other elders in the Presbyterian hall, and no one could recognize them.

"Yes! We are elder song, who is over 110 years old. He is a congenital peak of cultivation. " Gu Jiyang explained as he rushed.

"Oh? I remember, it's elder song Hong, but... He's already a congenital peak of cultivation. How can he be... Seriously injured? Who did it? "

Hearing this, Lin Feng's heart also clicked, because in his opinion, the congenital peak should have been one of the most powerful combat forces on the whole earth, right? Is there anyone who can hurt elder song?

"I don't know! I don't have the authority to know such high-level secrets. I only received the news this morning, and... I know you're going back to the capital. Elder Wang of the Presbyterian hall asked me to wait at the airport early in the morning. "

Although Gu Jiyang's face was serious, he forced himself to calm down and said, "however, the situation should not be particularly serious, otherwise... Elder Wang should send someone directly to Zhi'an city to pick you up."

"Well! Anyway, let's get there as soon as possible! "

Nodded. In this case, Lin Feng would still put the interests of the whole country first, and he was also very curious about who seriously injured elder song Hong.

By helicopter, he flew directly from Beijing airport to longzu base camp where Lin Feng had been last time. Obviously, the base camp of the whole dragon group was several times more heavily guarded than when Lin Feng came last time. There was something wrong with the atmosphere.

"Elder Wang, I sent elder Lin here..."

Gu Jiyang sent Lin Feng to the inner hall and left quickly.

"Lin Feng, you are here at last."

Elder Wang's complexion was a little bad and his voice was a little weak. When he saw Lin Feng coming, he was obviously a little excited.

"Elder Wang, what's wrong with you? Congenital Qi is so weak? Didn't you say elder song was seriously injured? How even you...... "Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and became more confused.

When Lin Feng's spiritual knowledge was swept away, he knew that the innate Qi of elder Wang was less than one-third of that when he saw him last time. It was obvious that he had just recovered from large-scale loss.

"Not only me, but also several other elders are using innate Qi to heal elder song." Elder Wang hurried with Lin Feng to the inner floor.

There are layers of guards. There are places where Lin Feng has never come in. There are no guards. Instead, they all use fingerprint, cornea and face recognition systems. The isolated doors are made of various alloys. It is almost difficult for outsiders to invade them.

"Heal elder song? Elder Wang, what happened? Why did elder song hurt so badly? "

Lin Feng followed elder Wang to the innermost practice room. He saw elder song with white hair sitting on the ground with a blue face. Several other elders were taking turns to deliver innate Qi to elder song to restrain the injury in his body.

"We don't know. After elder song fled back to the base seriously this morning, he fell down. We couldn't even ask what happened. However, judging from elder song's injury, at least the person who hurt him will not be weaker than him... "

Elder Wang said anxiously, "the reason why we Chinese have been able to rise rapidly in the world in recent decades, even superpowers such as the United States are afraid of us, and dare not intervene too much in some of our economic plans is because elder song is intimidated. If the news of elder song's accident gets out, several countries such as the United States will definitely change their policy towards China... "

"Yes! Song Chang's old age is high, and now he has suffered such a serious injury. Even after this rescue, I'm afraid he won't last long. The Republic is indeed at its most dangerous time... "

Yuan Xi, another elder, also frowned and sighed. In addition to song Hongyi, he is the strongest here, reaching the late stage of congenital. However, such accomplishments are not enough to deter other countries. In other countries, there are still super powers equivalent to the later stage of congenital.

Only song Hongyi's innate peak and absolute force deterrence can make the super strong in other countries fear the strength of China. Similarly, for the ancient martial arts sect, song Hongyi, who was born with the highest peak, is also one of the most important reasons why they always abide by the rules honestly.

Otherwise, just these completely unruly martial artists and Wulin sects will be enough to make the interior of China a mess first.

"Lin Feng, this is elder Yuan Xi. During elder song's serious injury, he served as the chief elder. I know you have solved the zombie incident of Tianmu peak, and elder yuan is also very optimistic about you." Elder Wang said.

"Thank you for your appreciation, elder yuan, but I'm afraid we have to save elder song first." As soon as Lin Feng's spiritual knowledge was swept away, he probably knew what the problem was with song Hongyi.

"Yes, several elders have been working hard, so... Lin Feng, we also hope you can contribute some innate Qi to rescue elder song."

Yuan Xi nodded and said. For congenital martial artists like them, congenital Qi is actually the best healing medicine. However, song Hongyi was hurt too badly this time. Several elders spent about two-thirds of their congenital Qi, but still failed to wake up song Hongyi.

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