The cultivation of martial arts has reached the innate state, although it is not as good as the cultivation of truth, which is the transformation of the whole life form. However, innate Qi is a bit similar to the vitality of the cultivator, which can basically make the cultivator reach the state that all diseases are difficult to invade.

Basically, people with congenital martial arts are almost unlikely to die unless they die of old age after Shouyuan arrives, or are seriously injured by someone. Therefore, every innate martial artist is actually the greatest wealth of a country. Although it is a scientific and technological era, even ordinary people feel that the old martial arts are only ornamental. In fact, in a country, the peak force of an individual still determines the fate of the whole country.

Including the United States at home, they are constantly secretly studying various ways to enhance individual combat. Those Batman and Superman films are not all fictional, but actually they are all intentional by the U.S. government.

Why is America a country that advocates individual heroism? They have been advocating this kind of personal heroism. In fact, they are imperceptibly trying to guide the people to accept this idea, so as to prevent every citizen from injecting a variant drug and becoming a superhero like superman in the future?

Of course, these things are still far away in terms of current science and technology. Therefore, the United States is very envious of some Asian countries such as China and Japan, because almost all of these countries have relatively complete cultivation inheritance, which can improve a person's personal combat power in the oldest way.

Unfortunately, even if Japan is like the running dog of the United States, it has not easily handed over the secret scroll of Ninja cultivation, and has been strictly controlled in Japan. The only skills that spread are karate and other skills that can't be practiced to the innate level.

The same is true of the Chinese state. The skills that can be spread can never be cultivated to the congenital level. Even Taijiquan, which is popular in the whole Chinese country on the market, is actually a simplified version. Even if hostile countries such as the United States take it for in-depth research, they simply can't find a way to cultivate their innate skills.

However, it is precisely because of this that some European and American powers represented by the United States have secretly developed some methods to deal with congenital martial arts to suppress Chinese congenital experts.

"Lao yuan, why is it so strange! Lao song seems to have a magnet in his body. He keeps sucking in the real Qi in our body, but it doesn't help his injury at all. You can't go on like this! Do we have to suck up all our Qi? You said, "is it possible that the United States has developed some secret weapons against us?"

Elder Fei Yunlong was delivering innate Qi to song Hongyi, but he stopped after getting half of it, frowned and guessed.

"We can't decide yet. After all, we can only wait until elder song wakes up!"

The elder Yuan Xi was also worried. He continued to look at Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng, there is no better way to save song Changlao except this way. In fact, we also know that this time song Chang is always bad, but at least... We should try our best to save elder song and find out the black hand behind him. "

"Yes! Lin Feng, in the past, we had six congenital elders in China, especially the congenital peak force of elder song, which can deter the powerful countries that want to punish us in China. If elder song had any accident, and we were in the dark and didn't know which countries were dealing with us, we would be very passive. "

Elder Wang frowned when he saw that Lin Feng was not willing to sacrifice some innate Qi, so he tried to persuade Lin Feng, "we only need about two-thirds of your innate Qi, which will not hurt your foundation. With some of our herbs, we can recover in about ten days."

"Elders, you may have misunderstood me. I am not unwilling to save elder song with true Qi, but to deliver true Qi to elder song endlessly. Instead of waking elder song, I will kill elder song. "

Once again, he scanned the situation in Song Hong's body with his spiritual consciousness and determined the idea in his heart. Lin Feng said so with certainty.

"How? This is innate Qi! Moreover, the innate Qi we sent into elder song's body is not aggressive. All of it is used to heal him. Why did it hurt elder song's life? " Yuan Xi said strangely.

"Yes! Lin Feng, maybe you haven't been promoted to the innate realm for a long time. You don't have a special understanding of the attribute of innate Qi. If innate Qi is not aggressive, it is the best healing medicine for the human body, which can quickly repair various organs and functions in the human body. " Elder Wang also added.

Lin Feng didn't deny this, nodded, but pointed to song Hongyi's position and said: "innate Qi is indeed a healing medicine, but... It seems that elder Fei also found out just now. All the Qi sent into elder song's body has completely disappeared, but there is no improvement in elder song's injury!"

"Yes! That's why I find it strange, although in the past, innate Qi was the same when healing, and there was no trace of mud ox in the sea. However, we can obviously see the improvement of the injury... "Fei Yunlong immediately agreed with this.

"It seems to be true. I wonder why elder song's injury absorbs so much innate Qi, but it seems to have no effect, but it is more serious."

Elder Wang nodded thoughtfully. These old foxes, who have lived for nearly a hundred years, are not so stubborn in thought. On the contrary, they have a little abnormality and reminder, and can immediately understand the truth.

"What the hell is going on? Lin Feng, why do we say that we hurt elder song by inputting innate Qi? This... What the hell is going on? " Elder Yuan Xi quickly stopped another elder who was conveying innate Qi and asked Lin Feng carefully.

"It's simple! I suspect that elder song's body is actually a kind of insect, which is specialized in swallowing the innate Qi of martial artists. Therefore, how much innate Qi you have is absorbed by this insect... And this innate Qi can quickly catalyze the growth of swallowing insects and make swallowing insects stronger all the time! "

Lin Feng speaks frankly. Combined with his previous dealings with the leader of the other side sect in white, Lin Feng locks the behind the scenes to the other side sect.

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