Japan, a tiny place.

However, it is such a small Daiwa nation that the heart of China has not died for hundreds of years. From the Japanese pirates of the Ming Dynasty to the modern war of resistance against Japan, both subjectively and objectively, in fact, the relationship between China and the Japanese country is the old enemy.

Japan has always regarded China as the first strong enemy to attack the world. They are trying to establish the so-called * * circle and try to control the world. Their ambition can be said to be well known.

However, many Chinese people have gradually forgotten that bloody history and hatred. I always feel that the past is over and advocate world peace and peaceful coexistence.

Similarly, many people in China advocate some "qualities" of Japan and always feel that China is going to be inferior to Japan.

In fact, all this is just that the material basis determines the spirit. It is always said that Chinese people have many bad habits and bad qualities. They always feel that the moon in foreign countries is rounder and that the quality of both Westerners and Asians is better than that of Chinese people.

But in fact, which country will not have some low-quality people? It is only because the population base of China is too large, and because of the rapid economic development and the lack of pace in the construction of spiritual civilization, that some of the existing problems will be caused.

As long as we continue to develop for decades, the quality of Chinese people will naturally improve. This is not the basis for judging the quality of a country and nation, but a problem that any country and nation may experience at this stage of development.

In those days, the United States and Australia were the places where the so-called aristocrats in Europe used to exile criminals, but now they are still the transition of freedom and democracy. Didn't the original Japanese state also belong to our foreign countries?

Therefore, it is not advisable to blindly resist Japan at home, but unconditional Pro Japan is extremely stupid. Moreover, we should be particularly vigilant against the wolf ambition of Japan, a small place.

As an island country, Japan's natural resources are very scarce. Coupled with its dense population, it naturally makes them have the wolf nature of outward expansion. China, with its vast territory and abundant resources, naturally became the primary goal of Japan.

Whether for the expansion of the country or for the continuation of the nation, Japan is like a hungry wolf, staring at this fat and greasy meat of China all the time. As long as there is a chance, it will rush up and bite hard without hesitation.

This point, whether in ancient or modern times, countless confrontations between China and Japan have demonstrated that the ambitions of Japanese dwarfs will not fade away due to the erosion of time.

Moreover, what is more frightening is that the so-called bushido spirit of Japan and the abnormal dedication to the emperor and the nation make them more terrible and unscrupulous in order to achieve their goals.

In particular, the existing * * * * who re dominate power in Japan is a dangerous cancer to the whole world.

"Elder, I know what to do next. So are you. Everything goes according to plan. The wolf ambition of Japan, no matter what secret conspiracy they sneak into China to carry out, will make them come back... "

In the next few days, Lin Feng has been closed in the secret base of the dragon group. On the one hand, he has discussed with several elders the measures and schemes that can be taken to deal with the Japanese state and some other dangerous forces.

On the other hand, Lin Feng also gave advice to several other elders. As a cultivator, Lin Feng has countless memory inheritance. Basically, every word he said can awaken these elders who have been stuck on the road of cultivation for many years.

The most obvious effect is that several elders except master Xiao, under the guidance of Lin Feng and the help of divine water, all rushed to the congenital peak of cultivation in a few days, which is incredible for them.

"Thank you so much, Lin Feng. Ha ha... Look, we now... Have six martial artists with congenital peak cultivation. What does that mean, you know? If those gene warriors in the United States knew this, they would be absolutely scared to pee their pants! Ha ha... "

Elder Wang smiled very happily. His cultivation has been stuck in the middle of congenital for a long time. There has been no breakthrough all the time. Even with the guidance of elder song, it is of little use.

In fact, the time they spent practicing with each other was not much less than that of elder song. No matter how much strength and training time they had accumulated, they were short of such an opportunity.

Lin Feng's advice is just such an opportunity. Lin Feng has spiritual knowledge and enough cultivation experience, which can clearly point out the shortcomings and mistakes of these elders' cultivation. Coupled with the role of divine water, it helps them wash the dirt in their bodies and quickly promote to the congenital peak.

Further up the innate realm is to enter the Tao with martial arts, cultivate their own ancient martial Qi, and finally become a cultivator who enters the Tao with martial arts. However, Lin Feng can't help them.

Because Lin Feng is not a cultivator who enters the Tao with martial arts at all. He practices bit by bit from the Qi training period. How to convert the innate Qi of a martial artist into the vitality of a cultivator is not what Lin Feng can know and understand.

It can be said that if a martial artist doesn't have special opportunities or talent against the sky, his cultivation will have reached the peak of his life.

"Elder Wang, don't be polite to me. You are the guardian God of war of China. You have been guarding the safety of China for so many years. What you have done for your elders is just a little effort. "

In the past few days of communication, Lin Feng knew that although these elders had aristocratic families and some selfish ideas, they would rather sacrifice themselves or the interests of their families to contribute to the whole Chinese nation and country in the general direction.

From the remarks of several elders, Lin Feng learned that in recent decades, as many as five or six elders of the innate realm have lost their lives in competition with superpowers in other countries for the interests of the Chinese nation.

"Gentlemen! In the future, the responsibility of guarding China will be handed over to me! "

Standing in front of the sacrificial platform for the elders in the dragon group, Lin Feng looked at photos he had never seen but respected. I don't know why, a piece of hot blood boiling in his heart.

Yes, he should guard the land under his feet, the Chinese land that gave birth to him, raised him and made him love. As for those Japanese clowns, the big net has been spread out, just wait for you to jump in!

(8:00 plus change! It's a little late! But still add more!!)

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