After coming out of the secret base of the dragon group, Lin Feng rushed back to Qingbei University.

On this day, the sun was bright and the whole Qingbei University was also lively. I don't know. It turns out that today is the last day of the freshman games. Lin Feng found that he missed the most wonderful freshman games in the past few days when he was busy in the dragon group.

"Ah! Monitor, you are back. "

There is a base camp for each class in the sports meeting. Lin Feng found the base camp of his economic class (2). As soon as he walked past, Zhao Zhong, deputy monitor, welcomed him with the appearance of seeing the Savior.

"Zhao Zhong, I'm sorry! I've been away for a few days. Miss Wang should have asked for leave. All the things in the class are troublesome to you... "

Seeing Zhao Zhong busy up and down and sweating hard, Lin Feng really felt that he was irresponsible as a monitor! But there's no way. Man, you have to be busy guarding the whole Chinese country. As for these small things in the class, let's leave them to Zhao Zhong!

"Not very optimistic! Monitor, the boys in our class basically don't have any sports cells. Now they are far behind in men's competition. Girls are better. Xiao nishang is really the first! Under her leadership, the women's track and field events and relay races in our class are either the first or the second, so our class should be the top three in the comprehensive ranking. "

Zhao Zhong briefly introduced the general situation of the current class, and then showed Lin Feng the score ranking table. After the just concluded women's relay race, the total score ranking of economy class (2) has risen to the second place, second only to international trade class (1).

"Eh? The first is... International trade class (1)? Two points more than us? "

Lin Feng looked at the general ranking table and seemed to be impressed.

"Yes! It's the hateful international trade class (1), who has been provoking our class before. Their monitor Fu Yangxu has gone too far when you are not here these days. He comes to our class almost every day. They can't beat us in the women's competition, so they keep talking about the men's competition and what they say... They say that our class is supported by women, and that the boys in our class are little white faces... "

When it comes to this international trade (1) class, Zhao Zhong is full of anger, but there is no way. After all, Fu Yangxu is a professional track and field athlete, and there are several long legged boys in their class who used to practice running, so basically in the boys' track and field projects, the freshmen class of the whole school is not the opponent of international trade (1) class.

The boys in economic class (2) were originally weak. Most of them were scholars who didn't exercise all day. Fortunately, Lin Feng made use of a little Shenshui fog to help them improve their physical condition.

However, Lin Feng didn't use too much Shenshui. In addition, they didn't train hard, so their physical quality is actually not as good as the boys of professional athletes in class 1 of international trade.

"I remember, it's the Fu Yangxu who keeps saying that the honor of the excellent class must be their class, right?"

Lin Feng experienced a lot of things these days. He remembered it after thinking about it. Fu Yangxu, who was still tall and big, looked like he was the greatest in the world.

"Yes! It's Fu Yangxu. He's the monitor of class 1 of international trade. However, Lin Feng, he is very powerful. Apart from others, he alone won the championship of men's 100 meters, 400 meters, 800 meters and 3000 meters. Now in the whole school, many girls are his fans... "

Although I hate Fu Yangxu in my heart, Zhao Zhong has to admit that Fu Yangxu is super powerful. It can almost be said that he is an all-round track and field athlete. Otherwise, Qingbei University will not recruit him.

"Oh? It seems that there is no tiger in the mountain. The monkey is called the overlord? "

Lin Feng smiled and then asked, "is there any chance for our class to pull back? What events are there today? "

"Yes! Although it's the last day, I'll look at the events... Right! All the projects in our class have been finished in the morning, but there are still three projects in the afternoon. And they are all more important bonus items! "

After looking at the competition schedule, Zhao Zhong said, "the women's competition is almost over. All the competition items are left to the men's shot put, then the men's 4x100m relay race, and finally the men's 5000m long-distance race."

Speaking of this, Zhao Zhong said with a bitter face: "however, monitor, the boys in our class are not very good at sports. They didn't sign up for shot put and the 5000 meter long-distance race. Therefore, it means that we have only one 400 meter relay to score in the afternoon. "

"Ah? Why not sign up? What's the matter with you? Didn't even sign up? Doesn't that mean that even if we win the first place in the 400 meter relay, it's difficult to surpass the international trade class (1) Lin Feng was stunned and asked.

"In theory, it should be. Because I see the international trade (1) class, I have signed up for all three projects in the afternoon, and... "

Then Zhao Zhong pointed to a fat man in the direction of the headquarters of international trade class (1) and said, "see? Monitor, that's Yao Da Pang from class 1 of international trade. It's said that he is very good at throwing shot put. He used to be the champion of the shot put competition in the provincial high school sports meeting! Also, in the 5000 meter long distance race, international trade class (1) was signed up by Fu Yangxu. It is estimated that... The champions of these two competitions are their classes. The total score of the champion in the shot put competition is plus 5 points, the champion in the 5000 meter race is up to 6 points, while the 400 meter relay race has only 8 points. "

"Five points plus six points is eleven points, plus we were two points behind their class, so... Even if we won the championship in the relay race, they didn't get a point in the relay race, we fell behind them more?"

Breaking his fingers, Lin Feng calculated that it was really so. Is it too late for me to come back, and I don't even have a chance to turn the tide?

"Oh! Zhao Zhong, I didn't expect that the pushy monitor of your class came back? "

At this time, seeing Fu Yangxu, who came back from Lin Feng, walked over triumphantly and said in a strange manner, "I thought it was deliberately hiding as a shrinking turtle! I came back on the last day of the sports meeting, but it's no use coming back. Your economic class (2) is destined to be a sophomore at most! "

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