"Look, Lin Feng, who has disappeared for nearly a week, is back."

"Really, I thought he wasn't going to come to school!"

"During the sports meeting of economic class 2, Zhao Zhong was completely responsible. Lin Feng, the monitor, only appeared now. It's simply irresponsible."


With Fu Yangxu's provocative voice, the freshmen of other classes around also looked over one after another. When Lin Feng came here before, he didn't attract much attention. As a result, most people in the school knew that Lin Feng had come back.

"Squad leader! Are you back? "

"Great! Monitor, we are waiting for you to come back! "

"We are second now, monitor..."


After seeing Lin Feng's return, other students in economic class 2 also returned to the base camp one after another. Although Lin Feng left for several days, the prestige and prestige Lin Feng established in their minds did not decrease at all.

No way, not from the economic class (2), I can't realize how domineering Lin Feng is. Especially the boys in economic class 2, even those who were not convinced of Lin Feng before, are now convinced of Lin Feng and regard Lin Feng as their spiritual idol.

"Ha ha! Still leading you, Lin Feng, do you really think you are omnipotent? Think singing a song can lead your class to the first? Dream! Military training is awesome, but the first place in the sports meeting is definitely from our international trade (1) class. "

Although he knew that Lin Feng's identity was extraordinary and probably the third generation of the Red Army, Fu Yangxu was not convinced. His family background was not bad. He just wanted to compete with Lin Feng, not to mention that track and field was his strength.

"Fu Yangxu, don't be too crazy. We're just two points behind your class. "

Zhao Zhongqi, however, pointed to the Fu Yangxu and shouted, "if our monitor hadn't come back two days late, what else would you do?"

"Brag! Do you think Lin Feng can compare with me in 100 meters and 800 meters? Are you kidding me? I'm over my head. "

Fu Yangxu smiled confidently, "and you don't have a chance. Don't say you have only one game in the afternoon. Even if you can sign up for the other two games, you can only be my loser. "

Lin Feng, who was thinking about what measures to take to save him, was happy when he heard Fu Yangxu's words: "yes! I didn't sign up for the project in the afternoon. Can't I just make up for it? Why didn't my mind turn around? ha-ha! Thank you for your reminder... "

"What? Lin Feng, didn't you say you wanted to take the first in your class? Why can't you say a word now? Is the cowhide broken and there is no face to speak? "

Seeing Lin Feng standing aside, Fu Yangxu defied proudly.

He had thought that Lin Feng's temper would immediately get angry and want to fight with himself. Even, he was ready to run away, because he was 100% sure he couldn't beat Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng was not angry at all. Instead, he smiled and patted Fu Yangxu on the shoulder and said, "Lao Fu! Thank you for your reminder. "

"What? Thank me? Are you kidding, Lin Feng? Is your brain broken? Are you sure... Thank me? Thank me for what? " Fu Yangxu was completely ignorant. He ridiculed Lin Feng like this. He didn't get angry, but thanked himself. What the hell is NIMA doing?

"Yes! Monitor, what do you thank him for? He provoked our class like this. He just beat him up so that he couldn't participate in the game in the afternoon. "

"Yes... Squad leader, beat him up so that he can't run in the afternoon! Then our class will still have hope to win... "


The boys in economic class (2) all know Lin Feng's force, which is at the top level, and their temper is a little hot brought by Lin Feng. Who doesn't have a little anger when Fu Yangxu provokes him face to face? So they all shouted and asked Lin Feng to beat Fu Yangxu hard.

"Hey... Don't mess around! If you don't bring such a despicable person, you're a hero. It's a big deal... I'll make an apology for you... "

As soon as he heard those boys shouting Lin Feng beating people, Fu Yangxu, who was arrogant just now, immediately counseled. He was not sure that he could escape from Lin Feng's men. Moreover, he didn't think Lin Feng would bear any responsibility after beating himself.

"Lao Fu! What are you so afraid of doing? A gentleman does not do anything, am I such a barbarian? How could you hit someone? I never hit anyone. "

Lin Feng smiled and patted Fu Yangxu on the shoulder.

A gentleman's mouth does not start?


Never hit anyone?

Even the boys in their class don't believe what Lin Feng said.

The person who likes to do it most is Lin Feng. Why don't you do it? Never hit anyone? Is this all a lie?

"Really don't do it? Lin Feng, that's what you say. You have to keep your word. " Fu Yangxu saw Lin Feng smiling at himself, but he felt a little flustered in his heart.

"Of course! Although you looked terrible just now, you did me a big favor. How could I beat you? " Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Me? Helped you? How is this possible? Where did I help you? " Fu Yangxu incredibly pointed to himself and Lin Feng.

"Make up the registration! You just reminded me that our class can make up for the other two projects in the afternoon. In this way, tut tut... As long as we win the championship in these three competitions, our economic class (2) should be able to firmly sit first! "

Lin Feng said, then turned his head and said to Zhao Zhong, "Zhao Zhong! You go to the teacher in charge of registration to communicate and sign up for the men's shot put and the men's 5000 meter long run in the afternoon. "

"Ah? Monitor, are you really making up your registration? However, even if you can fill in the registration, who's the name? The boys in our class gave up because they were not good at shot put and long-distance running. " Zhao Zhong was stunned and asked.

"Of course it's me." Lin Feng said very neatly.

"Are both projects?" Zhao Zhong asked again.

"Yes! Two projects, go... "Lin Feng urged.

"What? Lin Feng, do you want to participate in both projects this afternoon? Who do you think you are? Decathlon? "

Fu Yangxu was stunned when he heard Lin Feng's words, and then quickly kept a safe distance from Lin Feng. After confirming that Lin Feng would not hit himself, he continued to show his sarcastic skills.

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