"Have you heard? Lin Feng, the monitor of economic class (2), is back, and as soon as he comes back, he will participate in the last three games in the afternoon! "

"Three games in the afternoon? I remember one is shot put, and the other two are running. Lin Feng signed up for it? How do you spell it? Can he? "

"It is reasonable to say that Lin Feng's skill is so good, and his physical fitness should be very good!"

"Not necessarily! This is a professional project! It's not a family affair. Lin Feng was not an athlete before... "


As soon as the news spread, the playground became lively. Now it's the noon break. The three-day freshman games will soon end. Everyone was already a little tired, but now they were completely excited again.

"Hello! Lin Feng, what the hell did you do? If I hadn't come back from so many days, the total score of the sports meeting would have been counted down. "

Seeing Lin Feng coming back, Xiao nishang ran over in a fresh sportswear.

"Crazy girl, you still say! With you in charge, you can't get the first place? It seems that you are lazy. " Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Shit! It's the boys in this class who are so useless. My aunt and I took so many first places that I barely caught up with the second. Now the women's projects are over. It's up to you in the afternoon. " Xiao nishang glanced and said.

"No problem! First, apart from our class, is it possible for other classes? "

Lin Feng smiled confidently, not to mention him. Even ordinary martial artists in the middle of the day after tomorrow are much more powerful than those Olympic champions in physical fitness and speed. They are not comparable at all.

The so-called international sports events, all world records, exclude the martial arts and other superpowers, and are aimed at the physical limits of ordinary people.

"Lin Feng, you're finally back!"

Hearing the news of Lin Feng's return, Qin Yanran, who was busy arranging the afternoon task, immediately put down her work and ran to Lin Feng with both grievance and joy.

"Yan Ran, I'm sorry, I have something to leave for so long." Lin Feng said very sorry.

"He left suddenly without saying a word."

Because Xiao nishang was present, Qin Yanran couldn't say many things she wanted to say, but her little red face and Shui Lingling's eyes directly expressed her longing for Lin Feng these days.

"I'm really sorry, Yan Ran. It's urgent! Otherwise I don't have to leave by plane! " Lin Feng touched his head and said.

For Qin Yanran, Lin Feng is still very sorry, because Qin Yanran's constitution is not a special constitution at all and is not suitable for practicing Lin Feng's existing skills. Therefore, he has never told Qin Yanran that he is a cultivator.

At this point, it is extremely unfair to Qin Yanran. After all, Li Yutong, Xiao nishang and Luo Qingqing have all entered Lin Feng's world of truth cultivation, but Qin Yanran has been kept in the dark. However, Lin Feng also has her own consideration. Contact with cultivation is not necessarily a good thing for Qin Yanran, and it is still based on the premise that she can't cultivate herself. She still doesn't know.

"All right! You two haven't seen each other for such a long time, so I shouldn't be a light bulb... "

Xiao nishang dodged this time, giving Lin Feng and Qin Yanran more private space.

"Nishang, thank you."

Qin Yan smiled and thanked. Seeing that Xiao nishang had left, she immediately wrapped her hands around Lin Feng, shook and shook the local committee and said, "Lin Feng... What have you done these days?"

"Something happened to tianlaofeng development. I'll go back and deal with it. By the way, Yan Ran, aunt Ping knows. Because it was so urgent, I didn't have time to tell you. " Lin Feng apologized.

"So... Did nishang go with you? Why don't you take me? Do you think I'll only cause you trouble, not help you? "

Speaking of this, Qin Yanran felt inferior. In fact, she really cares about this for a long time. She has observed these girls around Lin Feng. Basically, except herself, other girls have strong skills.

Qin Yanran felt that she had no expertise except crying. Standing beside Lin Feng, I felt that I was just a beautiful vase and decoration.

Qin Yanran, who has been strong since childhood, how can she allow herself such a positioning? However, she didn't know what she could do. In addition to reading and examination, she learned some painting with her grandmother from childhood, and she really couldn't do anything else.

Usually Qin Yanran didn't show this, but she was buried in her heart. But this time, Lin Feng and Xiao nishang disappeared in a fighter together, which kept her heart in her heart. She always felt that she was a head shorter than Xiao nishang.

"Yan Ran, why do you think so? Besides, I didn't take her crazy girl. It was the fighter she called herself that followed me... "

Lin Feng also instantly realized the seriousness of the problem and quickly comforted Qin Yanran.

However, it is obvious that such relief has no effect at all, but makes Qin Yanran feel more useless.

"Well, Lin Feng, you have to say more. It's just that I'm useless. First, I don't have a strong business mind like sister Tongtong, who can help you take care of the company and accounts. Second, I'm not as good as nishang and have a family background. Anyway, when I'm around you, I always bring you all kinds of trouble... I know to cry all day. I'm a troublemaker, right? Lin Feng, I don't want to be a vase! I don't want to be a vase. I... I also want to help you... Sobbing... "

Qin Yanran said and then shed tears again. She quickly sucked her nose and wiped her tears. She was also a rogue and coquettish to herself, "you can't cry! You can't cry... It's agreed not to cry anymore. Why should I cry... "

"Sweet! You little fool... "

Seeing Qin Yanran, who was helpless and distressed, the only thing Lin Feng could do was to take her into his arms, pat her on the back, and whispered in her ear, "please don't think so. Who said we would only cry at Yan Ran? You are the learning bully of Zhian No. 1 middle school for three years! Now we also study economics. Don't you mean, Yan Ran, you don't want to be a female president to help our company deal with things in the future? "

"I... am I really good? Lin Feng, do you think I can

Qin Yanran cried so much that people looked sad, especially when she choked with a word. The appearance of pear flowers with rain can't make people feel more distressed.

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