The noisy freshman games is over, but Lin Feng seems to have some unfinished business. After all, he just caught up with the three games in the last half of the freshman games for five consecutive days.

However, even so, it is enough to establish Lin Feng's legend and myth like God in Qingbei University. Almost all freshmen have no doubt. If Lin Feng came back earlier, I'm afraid all the men's project champions of the whole freshman games will be contracted by Lin Feng, while the women's project will naturally be contracted by Xiao nishang, who is low-key but also against the sky!

In a word, the economic class (2) in the whole Qingbei university is now a mysterious existence, not for others, because of the existence of Lin Feng and Xiao nishang.

In the capital, Su Zhai, the big star Su Zixuan was a little depressed. After all, she took half a month's leave, but Lin Feng left by plane just after the military training.

Even if Su Zixuan launched her own network in those days to find Lin Feng's trace, she was helpless until she heard the news of Lin Feng's return to Qingbei university these two days.

"All right! okay! Zixuan, I said don't worry. Who is Lin Feng! Certainly there will be no accident. Moreover, according to the information I have, the days when Lin Feng disappeared were very difficult. "

Sister Tao smiled and comforted Su Zixuan. "You see, Lin Feng has just come back for two days. He jumped so badly at the sports meeting. I heard that when I lost the shot put, I broke the world record and broke the legs of two teachers in the school! "

"Ah? What's going on? Sister Tao, what's going on? I know Lin Feng's temper. It is estimated that the two teachers have gone too far, otherwise Lin Feng will not take the initiative to be difficult. " Although Su Zixuan doesn't have many opportunities to contact Lin Feng, she knows Lin Feng well.

"It's all right! School officials said it was just an accident. Zixuan, I'm afraid you, Lin Feng, have a deeper background than we thought before! We didn't feel it before in Zhi'an City, but when we came to the muddy water of the capital, he was still able to do it. It really impressed me! "

Obviously, although sister Tao was not born into an ancient martial family, she has worked hard in the capital for so many years. It is impossible for ordinary people to be so presumptuous in Qingbei University, the highest University, and still hold the title of excellent in both character and learning.

"I don't care what background Lin Feng has behind him. It has nothing to do with me. I... I just like him. "

Since she knew that she couldn't hide her love for Lin Feng from sister Tao, Su Zixuan simply didn't hide it.

"How can it have nothing to do with you? Zixuan, what do your parents think? What does the Su family behind you think? If Lin Feng is really just what we saw at the beginning, he is just a child of an ordinary working-class family in Zhi'an City, then... Even if you force him to death, I guess your father and your Su family will never allow you to associate with him. "

Sister Tao smiled badly and said, "however, according to my current opinion, I'm afraid once your father knows that you have such an ambiguous relationship with Lin Feng, he might be eager to encourage you to collude with Lin Feng!"

"Ah? Sister Tao, don't hide it from me. What the hell did you find out? Is the background behind Lin Feng really so powerful? "

Although she was born in the Su family, one of the five ancient martial families in the capital, Su Zixuan was not interested in ancient martial arts since she was a child. Her life was born for singing, so she was not interested in or understood the forces and strata in the family.

"Zixuan, in my opinion, there is no powerful background and backstage behind Lin Feng. But Lin Feng's own energy! Did you forget? As we checked before, Lin Feng's parents have no powerful origin at all. At most, their father has something to do with the collateral of the Chen and Yang families. By the way... They were the two families they met when they went to Zhi'an city to congratulate Lin Feng last time. "

Sister Tao has very fragmented information, and she doesn't have any core important information, but she can smell some clues with her deft and sensitive smell in the entertainment industry.

"Indeed, I already knew at that time that there could be no great power in Lin Feng's home. Is it Xiao nishang, the eldest miss of the Xiao family? Lin Feng's backstage is their Xiao family? " Su Zixuan wondered again, "otherwise, why does Xiao nishang surround Lin Feng all day?"

"Wrong! Zixuan, on the contrary, according to my observation... Not only is the Xiao family not the backstage of Lin Feng, but I think... Lin Feng is like the backstage of the Xiao family. Several times, Lin Feng went in and out of the important place of the Xiao family, and the Xiao family respected Lin Feng very much... "

After sister Tao said this, Su Zixuan immediately shook her head and said, "it's impossible! Absolutely impossible! Sister Tao, you may not be a child of our ancient martial family. You don't know much about the status of the Xiao family in the whole capital. Although I don't quite understand it, if you want to say what backstage the Xiao family needs, and it's Lin Feng's personal words, it's really a little too funny. "

"I really don't understand, but that's what I think. But for us... No! It should be Zixuan. It's a good thing for you. "

With that, sister Tao sighed and asked a little bitterly, "Zixuan, do you remember last year when your parents threatened to marry you with the seven young Yang family? The one-year period will soon come. If the Yang family still insists, I'm afraid... "

"Sister Tao, stop talking. Even if I die, I will never marry someone I don't like. Since my parents and the Yang family threatened me last year, I could drag on for a year, and I could drag on this year... "Speaking of this, Su Zixuan changed her face and bit her lips.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy this year. I heard... Yang Qishao and Yang Bingkun, who went to study in the United States, will return home next month. It seems that they came back from their studies in advance of their marriage with you..." sister Tao was worried.

"How? He still has a year to graduate. Last year, I prevaricated on the grounds that Yang Bingkun and I were still in school. If Yang Bingkun really came back, then...... "Su Zixuan's face immediately frowned and worried.

However, sister Tao waved her hand, patted Su Zixuan and said, "so I say, Zixuan, Lin Feng, this is a good thing for you! A great thing! "

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