Since sister Tao has said everything for this reason, Su Zixuan naturally understands it, but her heart refuses.

"No! Sister Tao, as I said before, I like Lin Feng, just like him. "

Biting her lips, Su Zixuan said with difficulty and certainty, "no matter when, I will not use my feelings for Lin Feng or Lin Feng's feelings for me to do anything. Because I always feel that the emotion between men and women is the purest and should not be involved because of anything. "

"Purity? Silly sister, since Lin Feng has such a strong background, why not make use of it? Whether Lin Feng accepts you or not, you can at least ask the family's forced marriage for the time being! " Sister Tao sighed a little incomprehensibly.

"Stop talking, sister Tao, that's what I think. OK, I'm relieved to make sure Lin Feng is okay. Didn't you arrange several announcements next? I have no problem. Just schedule it! I want to keep myself busy... "Su Zixuan cut off the topic.

"Ah! Zixuan, sister Tao, i... it's also for you! "

She shook her head, but sister Tao didn't give up in her heart. Since Su Zixuan didn't want to take the initiative to take advantage of her relationship with Lin Feng, the bad man let her be.

At this time, in Qingbei University, Lin Feng, who just won the first place in the sports meeting, was completely happy with his whole class in the hot pot shop outside the school.

"Students! Eat and drink as you like. Today is our monitor's treat! "

Deputy monitor Zhao Zhongyi looked like a dog leg and smiled happily.

"Oh, yeah! Long live the monitor... "

"Squad leader! hooray! Long live... "


Lin Feng, a local tyrant, had a big meal with him. Naturally, the whole class was in full swing and ate the most authentic Chongqing hot pot. Each one was red in the face.

"It's terrible, Lin Feng. When will the branch of your hero restaurant officially open? Also, why not set up a shop next to our school? oh dear! I don't want to eat anything else since I went to your house. In contrast, it's like eating earth! Especially your hero fish soup, it's so delicious... "

Sitting beside Lin Feng, Xiao nishang teased the best fat cow in the hot pot for a few times, chewed it for two and spit it out. He looked like he had no appetite, but he took Lin Feng back to the delicious dishes in the hero restaurant.

"Wait! Crazy girl, I didn't expect you to be a eater! " Lin Feng smiled.

"It wasn't originally. Who made the dishes in your hero restaurant delicious!" Xiao nishang rarely showed her lovely side and said with a smile.

"Yes! right! Lin Feng, you are late for your return this time. I don't have this blessing. I miss it! Especially the hero fish soup, which tastes tender, smooth and sweet, makes people drool when they think of it... "

Qin Yanran, who came to join the fun, also muttered and urged Lin Feng, "so the first thing now is to drive the hero restaurant near our school."

"Yes, yes, yes! Lin Feng, I also seriously agree with what Yan Ran said. " Xiao nishang said with a smile.

"Lin Feng, what is the hero restaurant?"

Wang Yajun, the same counselor and teacher invited by Lin Feng, didn't know what the hero restaurant was. He blinked his curious eyes and asked.

"Hey, hey! Miss Wang, you don't know the hero restaurant? It seems that you are not an authentic eater! Come on, let me show you... These... And these posts, including web page introduction, are all spontaneously sent by donkey friends who have traveled to Zhi'an city... "

Xiao nishang has become the most loyal fan of hero restaurant since she had a big meal at Lin Feng's house last time... No! I should say it's a diner. After returning to Beijing, she couldn't eat any more, so Xiao nishang searched the Internet for almost all the other people's posts about hero restaurant dishes on the Internet.

Delicious in the world! I'll be satisfied if I can eat in my life

"This trip to Zhi'an city is just to eat at the hero restaurant."

"If you haven't eaten the dishes of hero restaurant, you don't deserve to say you are a qualified food!"


Tianya forum, Baidu Post Bar, Zhihu, Douban and websites of various tourism and food types. Whether you are a popular forum website or a gathering place of Wenqing minority, you can basically find many posts of independent Amway hero restaurant.

"Ah! So good? no way! no way! Looking at the photos and descriptions in these posts, I'm drooling, but is it too exaggerated? I haven't heard of most of these dishes in hero restaurant. It's really not so delicious? "

After randomly browsing these posts recommended by Xia Xiao nishang, Wang Yajun found that almost all of them were highly praised, and coupled with pictures of delicious food with complete color and flavor, it hooked up all her curiosity and appetite.

However, Wang Yajun is a doctor of economics. He has studied all kinds of marketing means and people's needs very thoroughly, so he doubts the description in these posts.

"It's true! Miss Wang, and it really tastes better than watching what others write. How can these dry words and pictures describe the taste of hero fish soup and various delicacies? "

Xiao nishang said, almost drooling.

"Is there such an exaggeration? If I have a chance, I really want to fly to Zhian city to have a taste. Xiao nishang, according to what you say, this hero restaurant is opened by Lin Feng's family? " Wang Yajun asked with a smile.

"Don't fly back, Mr. Wang. You should be able to eat in the capital soon."

This time, Lin Feng replied, "I guess my uncle and uncle will be able to start trial operation around this month. At that time, I'll ask them to open another chain near the school... "

For the business model of hero restaurant, Lin Feng and Li Yutong have already discussed and adopted direct chain. This model can quickly copy the brands and delicacies of hero restaurant, but still control the core recipes and recipes.

In particular, Lin Feng's method of gathering aura and divine water with some additional arrays will still have no effect even if someone deliberately steals it. Even if it is made from the original, it will taste much worse.

However, what Lin Feng doesn't know is that his uncle Lin Maosheng and his uncle Yang Moqi want to open a hero restaurant chain in the capital, but it's not as easy as he thought.

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