After having enough to eat and drink, the students of economic class 2 dispersed, but Lin Feng encountered a problem. On the one hand, he wanted to send Xiao nishang and Qin Yanran back to the girls' dormitory. On the other hand, Wang Yajun, the counselor teacher, was winking and sending him a warm invitation.

"Yan Ran, nishang, I've been tired all day. Have a good rest! "

Finally, Qin Yanran and Xiao nishang were sent back to the girls' dormitory. Lin Feng went straight to the faculty dormitory.

Upstairs, before entering the room, Lin Feng's spiritual knowledge was swept. Wang Yajun in the room was changing into a hot dress of a policewoman and even holding a handcuff that can confuse the fake with the real, so he quietly waited at the door.

"I'll go! Miss Wang's taste today is really heavy enough! It's a policewoman's uniform and handcuffs... What do you want to play with? "

After living with Wang Yajun, Lin Feng really refreshed his understanding of girls. After all, there were not so many tricks even with flight attendant Luo Qingqing who also had the temptation of uniform.

This of women is undoubtedly fatal to men. Because, even the most beautiful woman, men will always have aesthetic fatigue every day.

At this time, by constantly changing clothes and styles like Wang Yajun, they play a completely different role. Although they are the same woman, they can make men feel an unprecedented freshness.

Every time, it is fresh, and even... Every time, it will be full of expectation.

"Hey, hey! Since Miss Wang wants to be a policeman today, then... I'll satisfy her and become his prisoner. "

He smiled secretly outside the door. Lin Feng took out the key and pretended to open the door without knowing anything.


As soon as the door opened, Wang Yajun jumped out excitedly, picked up the handcuffs and directly handcuffed Lin Feng's wrist.

According to the sudden attack of this strength, Lin Feng could escape as long as he dodged gently, but he deliberately pretended to be shocked and shouted: "ah? This... What's going on? Miss Wang, what are you doing? "

"Lin Feng, please call me officer Wang now. You have the right to remain silent now, but every word you say will become evidence in court... "

Wang Yajun was very engaged. With a serious face, he handcuffed the other side of the handcuffs in his own hands, pulled Lin Feng's whole person in from the door.

"Officer Wang, what crime have I committed?"

Seeing Wang Yajun so serious, Lin Feng really felt that the world owed her an Oscar.

"You are guilty of being late! Lin Feng, didn't you just agree to come before 10:30? It's already Ten thirty-five. I've been waiting for you behind the door for so long. "

Wang Yajun still said solemnly. He was handcuffed with Lin Feng. This feeling is very wonderful. The uniform of the policewoman also revealed a different interest, especially the short skirt, which made Lin Feng's blood boil. He couldn't help but want to get started and lift it directly.

"Late crime? ha-ha! Miss Wang... "

When Lin Feng just called Mr. Wang, he was stared by Wang Yajun and quickly changed his mouth, "officer Wang, which country's law makes this a crime?"

"It's our dormitory. It only takes effect in this dormitory. In short, Lin Feng, you are my prisoner tonight. hey! No matter what I do to you... "

He took Lin Feng and sat on the sofa. Wang Yajun also solemnly took a notebook and signature pen and said to Lin Feng, "now start your trial and sit down for me!"

"OK! Officer Wang, what do you want to ask? " Lin Feng was very cooperative and upright, "I will be frank and lenient!"

"This attitude is good and very cooperative. This officer will consider pleading with your honor for you! " Wang Yajun asked politely, "OK! All the questions I want to ask below must be truthful, you know? "

"Ensure cooperation!" Lin Feng smiled.

"What does Xiao nishang in your class have to do with you?" Wang Yajun seems to have premeditated and asked such a question.

"High school students!"

Lin Feng answered directly without thinking.

"What else?"

For this answer, Wang Yajun seemed very dissatisfied and continued to ask.

"College students!"

Lin Feng replied tactfully, but Wang Yajun was a little angry and wanted to vomit blood. He continued to ask, "what else?"

"High school deskmate!" Lin Feng continued to circle.

"It's not such a relationship. You know what I'm asking." Wang Yajun pouted his small mouth,

"Then I don't know!" Lin Feng joked.


It's like when the criminal police interrogated the criminals on TV, Wang Yajun slapped the table and threatened, "Lin Feng, be honest with me! Be honest... "

"All right! Well... Officer Wang, I can't be honest! Xiao nishang is my girlfriend. Are you satisfied? " Lin Feng replied with a smile.

"Hum! Sure enough, I said, "the relationship between you will certainly not be so simple."

Got the expected answer in his heart, but Wang Yajun didn't know that there was a faint loss in his heart.

"Is there anything else to ask?" Lin Feng continued to play this role-playing game with Wang Yajun.

"Since Xiao nishang is your girlfriend, what's the relationship with you... Qin Yanran, the monitor of economic class 1?" Wang Yajun asked curiously.

Because from her several observations, Qin Yanran and Xiao nishang received the same treatment in front of Lin Feng.

"Qin Yanran! Also my high school classmate... "

Before Lin Feng finished, Wang Yajun interrupted, "you know I'm not asking this..."

"Yes! Yes! Officer Wang, I haven't finished yet! I mean, like Xiao nishang, Qin Yanran is both my high school classmate and my girlfriend! "

For Wang Yajun, Lin Feng doesn't have so many scruples. Since he wants to know these, he might as well be frank with her without hiding anything.

"What? Lin Feng, are you kidding? Two such beautiful girls are your girlfriends? Don't they know each other? The relationship between them seems to be good! "

Although Wang Yajun expected Lin Feng's answer, it really surprised her to say it so frankly and normally from Lin Feng's mouth.

"Oh? No? Officer Wang, they both want to be my girlfriends. It's that simple. Moreover, hey hey... If officer Wang wants to... "Lin Feng said with a bad smile.

(this one is to make up for yesterday's one! Today's 61, I wish you a happy children's Day! Will add one more! In other words, it's five o'clock today! In addition, the rules of Canada plus are released on the official account. Let's quickly post in the book review discussion area! The specific rules are: book review activity is more than one thousand plus one more! Everyone can increase their activity by 20 every day, so as long as 50 partners send book reviews, they can increase one watch... It's not too simple!)

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