"Hello! Mr. Wang, are you bullying me? I can't see it. You deliberately punish me like this! "

The whole head was covered in Wang Yajun's cops uniform and skirt. Lin Feng smelled a good smell of Wang Yajun's body in his nose. He was happy in his heart, but he said deliberately dissatisfied.

"Hee hee! Lin Feng, just think I did it on purpose. Don't move, you look so funny now! Let me take one as a souvenir... And! You must not open your eyes... "

Mr. Wang, who has been out of his mind anyway, is not so shy now. Thinking that Lin Feng closed his eyes anyway, he poked his hand, took the mobile phone at the head of the bed, clicked and snapped one.

"Oh! The angle of this shot is wrong, Lin Feng... Your head is a little more to the left, right... That's it! Keep this pose still... "

click! click!

After capturing several more photos, Wang Yajun was satisfied and said happily to Lin Feng, "OK! Lin Feng, you can come out of my skirt now. I want to change my pajamas. "

"Mr. Wang, you really have a bad taste. Hum... I can't imagine that it looks serious on the surface, but it looks like this in private. "

After escaping from Wang Yajun's "police skirt cage", Lin Feng said with great dissatisfaction.

"What's the matter? Lin Feng, haven't you heard of the two sides of things? People are also multifaceted, even ah! There will be multiple personalities! You should be glad that you can see so many different sides of me... "

While preaching and bickering with Lin Feng, Wang Yajun skillfully changed his pajamas. However, there was another problem, because her hands and Lin Feng's hands were handcuffed together, so the police uniform just took off did not really take off, but hung between Lin Feng and her hands.

"Lin Feng, what about this? It seems that... There is no solution! If you take off your clothes here, you can't untie them at all! " Wang Yajun said helplessly.

"There's no way but to cut it off! Anyway, Miss Wang, you are not short of money. " Lin Feng thought.

"But I like it very much! And don't you think... It's very memorable? " Wang Yajun also said badly.

"Commemorative significance? What's the memorial significance? " Lin Feng asked puzzled.

"If it weren't for the clothes played by the policewoman, we wouldn't be so handcuffed together!"

Wang Yajun said, looking for scissors, he reluctantly cut off the sleeve, "Hey! Now it's going to be cut... "

"Mr. Wang, you'd better not be sad about a dress, but think about... How to put on your pajamas! I'm afraid it's going to be cut... "Although Lin Feng didn't open his eyes, he thought it was very funny to make up the picture.

"It seems that this is the only way!"

Wang Yajun looked at the style of his pajamas. Finally, he could only cut the sleeves of his pajamas according to Lin Feng, and then put them on his body.

"Are you ready? Mr. Wang... Well, I'll go to the bathroom and hold my breath! " Lin Feng shook his arm and urged.

"Wait a minute! Don't be in such a hurry! Lin Feng, hold it a little longer... "

Wang Yajun managed to tidy himself up before he said to Lin Feng, "OK! Lin Feng, you can open your eyes. "

"Finally, come on... Miss Wang, I want to go to the bathroom!" Lin Feng got up to go to the toilet, but Wang Yajun was stunned. Now they are connected. Doesn't it mean that Lin Feng must take her when he goes to the toilet.

"What are you doing? Miss Wang, do you want me to get sick? " Lin Feng pulled her and said.

"No! Lin Feng, i... can I not go? "

Shy Wang Yajun dodged.

"That won't work! If you don't go, I can't go either! Miss Wang, are you trying to suffocate me? no way! It's too late... Hurry... "

Lin Feng almost dragged Wang Yajun to the bathroom. He was about to untie his pants. He was on guard. He turned to Wang Yajun and said, "Mr. Wang, I just helped you, and you have to help me now..."

"Ah? I... how can I help you? Lin Feng, you... You finish it quickly! "

At this time, Wang Yajun's face was burning. She had never gone to the bathroom with boys!

"Just like me, close your eyes and don't peek or touch..." before Lin Feng finished, the shy Wang Yajun immediately interrupted: "who do you think would like to see you? Lin Feng, you are too narcissistic. "

"Don't I want to tell you the rules? Just close your eyes and... Cooperate with my actions! "

Lin Feng is actually a little embarrassed, but the current situation is too inconvenient. His one hand is particularly inconvenient, so he must let Wang Yajun cooperate and use both hands together.


He swallowed his saliva. Wang Yajun didn't know why. His heart beat faster than just now. Feel his hand moving with Lin Feng's action, and then listen to the pattering sound of water flow. Unexpectedly, there is a strong impulse to open his eyes in his heart.

"Have a look? no way! no way! If Lin Feng finds me peeking, I won't have any face. " Wang Yajun was a little thirsty, but he kept fighting in his heart.

"Anyway, I narrowed my eyes. Lin Feng couldn't find me peeking at him... Yes! Just do it... "

After a standoff for a while, Wang Yajun summoned up his courage, slightly turned his head a little more, and then opened his closed eyes a little more.

Vaguely, a little light came in, but Wang Yajun was as frightened as a sneaky thief. When she opened her eyes a little, she just found that Lin Feng's eyes had been staring at her.

Suddenly, Lin Feng found Wang Yajun's little move and immediately shouted, "ah! Mr. Wang, you are sick! Even peeking at me... "

"No, no, no... Lin Feng, what are you talking about? How can I peek at you... I'm just, it's a little uncomfortable that my eyes have been closed and opened a little. Who... Who will peek at you! "

When Wang Yajun saw the east window incident, he couldn't admit it! His mouth is harder than the mouth of a dead duck, but in his heart, he is so ashamed that he wants to find a hole in the ground. He secretly scolds himself for being obsessed for a moment. He even wants to open his eyes and peek at Lin Feng?

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