"Don't deny it! Mr. Wang, you just said that everyone has a little mental illness and a little psychopathy. Moreover, people are multifaceted and even have multiple personalities. Maybe... The one who just wanted to peek at me is the pervert you... "

After Lin Feng solved it, he looked complacent and blocked her mouth with what Wang Yajun had just said himself.

"You... Lin Feng, you are cruel! Anyway, no matter what you say, I won't admit it. " Wang Yajun snorted coldly, then changed the topic and said, "if you are well, let's wash and go to bed!"

"Miss Wang, I really know you again today."

Originally, Lin Feng lost the key to the handcuffs. It was just for fun. If he wanted to untie such handcuffs, he could do it every minute. But now after these two things, he felt more fun and would not untie the handcuffs so soon.

Wash! Wash!

Next, it's normal. Although their hands are handcuffed together, brushing their teeth and washing their faces will not affect them. In front of the washstand in the bathroom, Lin Feng and Wang Yajun held a toothbrush and smiled at each other, just like couples who had lived together for many years.

Even the frequency generated by brushing teeth resonated through the wrists that were handcuffed together. This feeling was particularly strange and itchy in people's heart. Lin Feng looked at Wang Yajun's face from the side and couldn't help but give birth to infinite love.

"I'm fine! Go to bed... Lin Feng, hurry up. A big man brushes his teeth and washes his face. How can he be slower than a woman! "

After washing, Wang Yajun murmured when he saw Lin Feng still looking at himself with a toothbrush.

"Mr. Wang, don't I insist on women first? Don't worry. If I want to get up quickly, I'll get up soon. "

Then, in three seconds, Lin Feng was able to spit out the innermost bubbles, and then hung up his face with a towel and hung up. He laughed and said, "OK! You see, it only takes one second for our boys to wash their faces. "

"I really convinced your boys!"

Shaking her head, Wang Yajun moved her arm with her sleeves cut open. In order not to let Lin Feng take advantage of it, she clamped her arm tightly.

"Ha ha! Miss Wang, your bed is big! And it's so soft... "

When he got to Wang Yajun's bedroom and lay on her big bed, Lin Feng was elated. He deliberately sniffed his nose and said with a smile, "it's so fragrant!"

"Don't flatter me. I'll turn off the light and have a good sleep. You don't want to do anything, you know?" Wang Yajun snapped off the light in the room. Suddenly, there was only a little moonlight outside the window in the whole bedroom. The night breeze blew in from the window, with a hint of moisture and fragrance after the rain.

"Are you going to bed now? Miss Wang, let's talk! Anyway, I can't sleep for a while and a half... "

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