A handcuffs, so quickly narrowed the distance between Lin Feng and Wang Yajun.

Wang Yajun, who can't stop laughing, is clearly a pair of happy enemies!

"This matter, Lin Feng, you must forget it immediately! Do you know? And never tell anyone else, you know? "

After coming out of the bathroom, Wang Yajun repeatedly stressed that Lin Feng should forget about it.

"I see, Miss Wang, but... It's really funny! I really want to take a picture of your expression just now. I believe you will definitely laugh when you see it. "

Lin Feng's laughter continued. Even when he returned to the bedroom and saw Wang Yajun's embarrassed and shy appearance, he really had an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

"Don't laugh! Lin Feng, lie down and sleep! "

What else can Wang Yajun do when he meets such a thing? Who let himself be so unlucky today, but he was tortured with Lin Feng! At this time, Wang Yajun really regretted that he was playing a police uniform playing game! Finally, Lin Feng took advantage of it. He was full of humiliating scenes.

"Don't do that! Miss Wang, aren't we even? Just now when I went to the bathroom, you looked at me secretly... I saw you secretly! Who doesn't go to the bathroom? This is a very normal thing. There is nothing to lose face! " Lin Feng lay in bed, moved Wang Yajun with his elbow and comforted her.

"Don't you lose face? Then you keep laughing at me? " Wang Yajun murmured and wanted to die.

"Did I laugh? oh dear! Miss Wang, I was laughing. You are so cute. Just like a little girl, you still hold it when you go to the bathroom. I really admire you! " Lin Feng said and laughed again.

"Look... Laughing again! Ignore you, I sleep my sleep! "

With that, Wang Yajun covered his head with a quilt and went to bed angrily.

"Oh, Mr. Wang, look at you... I really don't mean to laugh at you! You were so embarrassed just now. How lovely! "

Looking at Wang Yajun's embarrassed appearance and recalling the startling glance he just saw, Lin Feng was really glad that he had just lost the handcuffs and keys. Otherwise, wouldn't he be unable to see such a beautiful scenery?

Night, a little cold!

The night is deep!

I don't know when Wang Yajun and Lin Feng fell asleep one after another.

However, in his sleep, Wang Yajun's body suddenly shivered, kept pulling the quilt tightly and covering himself, and then shouted in his mouth, "no! No... dad, I don't want to do this... "

"What's going on? Miss Wang! Miss Wang... What's the matter with you? "

Lin Feng, who had just fallen asleep for a while, was immediately awakened by Wang Yajun's scream. He immediately shook Wang Yajun, but it seemed that Wang Yajun slept very heavily and couldn't wake up at all.

Her eyebrows were frowned, her hands were clenched tightly, her lips were a little purple, and she was still shivering. It seemed that she had encountered something terrible in her dream.

"Did Mr. Wang have a nightmare? And it doesn't seem to be an ordinary nightmare. The mental fluctuation in her body is very strange, and... How does she reveal a strong cold? Why didn't I notice it before? "

After discovering this anomaly, Lin Feng dared not attempt to wake Wang Yajun up. He felt that this nightmare was definitely not simple, and had a great connection with the sudden strong cold on Wang Yajun.

"At this time, if Miss Wang suddenly wakes up in a nightmare, I'm afraid her brain will be seriously damaged, and she will even be addicted to the nightmare and can't wake up forever."

After understanding the seriousness of the matter, Lin Feng hesitated for a moment. Looking at the uncomfortable expression on Wang Yajun's face, he immediately bit his finger and drew a dream symbol in the palm of his hand.

"It seems that this is the only way. Since I can't wake up Mr. Wang, I'll go to Mr. Wang's dream and see what happened."

After drawing the dream talisman, he gently raised Wang Yajun's head and pasted the dream talisman in the palm of her hand on the back of her head.


When Lin Feng's spiritual consciousness was shocked, he felt it again, but he had entered a gray and cold world.

"Here? Is it the dream that Mr. Wang is doing now? "

Walking around for a while, Lin Feng looked around. This is a very simple capital residence, which should be transformed from the residence of some ancient king or minister. Lanterns hung in the primitive corridor are also transformed light bulbs, and there are teams of patrolling soldiers around from time to time.

"Isn't this where Mr. Wang lived when he was a child? What about Mr. Wang's people? "

Looking around and looking for it, Lin Feng suddenly heard a happy sound of children playing: "little doll, it's so beautiful. Play at home and drink wedding wine..."

"This voice, the little girl in the yard... Should be Miss Wang."

Looking forward, Lin Feng saw that in a overgrown yard, a very delicate little girl in red clothes was playing in the yard with a beautiful doll.

Looking at the age of the little girl, she should be only four or five years old. She was very obedient and put a few bricks, bowls and chopsticks in the yard for self entertainment.

"It turned out that Miss Wang was so lonely when she was a child! You can only play by yourself. It seems that the children born in these aristocratic families are not very happy. "

Because Lin Feng knows that everything here appears in Wang Yajun's dream, it is obvious that these will have a significant impact on Wang Yajun's life, otherwise he will not repeat his dream.

"Yajun! You're fooling around here again. Did you practice today? Hurry up and practice Kung Fu. "

A dignified voice suddenly sounded. Wang Yajun, who was playing, trembled. The doll in his hand fell to the ground, turned his head, saw his dignified father and said timidly, "Dad! Yajun, don't practice Kung Fu. Yajun hates practicing kung fu... "

"You can't do it without practicing kung fu! Yajun, you are born with cold ice. If you cultivate this set of cold ice palm that your father bought from Tianshan Mountain, it will not be a problem to cultivate to the peak the day after tomorrow, or even the congenital state! "

The middle-aged man who suddenly appeared behind Wang Yajun was Wang Yajun's father. Lin Feng saw fame in one eye and Li in the other. He completely took his daughter Wang Yajun as a tool for practicing martial arts.

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