"What? Mr. Wang is actually the body of cold ice? "

Hearing the words of the king's father, Lin Feng, who was watching, was also stunned and said, "what's going on? I used to scan Mr. Wang with my spiritual knowledge. It's not a special constitution at all, not even a martial artist. How can it be a body of cold ice? "

Among the traditional ancient martial arts practitioners, the special physique does have a bonus, and for them, it is basically easy to detect the special physique. For example, Luo Zijin and Xiao nishang of Tianshan school were born in an ancient martial arts sect or aristocratic family. Naturally, they are easy to find their special physique.

Therefore, if Wang Yajun is also a cold body with special physique, the Wang family naturally has this ability to discover and tap her ability.

"Dad! Yajun doesn't want to practice Kung Fu. It's so cold! It's too cold in the ice water... "

As soon as he heard the word "practice", the Laurie version of Wang Yajun naturally resisted, but it had no effect. Wang Fu snorted coldly, came forward to catch Wang Yajun and sent him directly to the practice room.

"Kung Fu should start from an early age, Yajun. If you are just an ordinary girl, dad will not force you to practice Kung Fu like this. But you are a natural cold body. Basically, as long as you work hard, you can 100% enter the congenital realm! "

When he got to the practice room, the whole temperature suddenly dropped to the freezing point. Lin Feng was surprised to see that the whole practice room was full of huge ice cubes, but Wang's father asked Wang Yajun to exercise continuously in the cold water full of ice with one hand.

"Such a cold practice room and the way of training are too cruel?"

Seeing all this in front of him, Lin Feng couldn't help taking a breath of air conditioning. For such a small Wang Yajun, it was a painful torture. No wonder it would become Wang Yajun's nightmare.

"No! Ya Jun, don't practice... No, don't... "

Although he didn't want to, Wang Yajun was forced to keep practicing martial arts in the ice water. His young hands were red and his face was covered with tears, but he immediately formed ice, which made Lin Feng feel distressed.

"Practice! Yajun, Your Icy body is about to be fully stimulated. After practicing for about half a year, Dad can officially let you practice icy palm. At that time, when you are less than six years old, you are very likely to directly break through to above the fifth floor the day after tomorrow... "

However, the king's father on one side did not care about the tears on his daughter's face and the cry in his mouth. He only cared about the condensation speed of the cold on Wang Yajun, which was the standard for him to judge the cold body in Wang Yajun's body.

"Such a father!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng couldn't help closing his eyes. He further realized that in such a big family, any family affection and feelings can be used and controlled in front of interests.

"Don't practice Kung Fu! Cold... Cold! Ya Jun is cold... "

After practicing for a day, at night, Wang Yajun nestled in bed alone. Although the whole room was very large, with many valuable furniture and expensive silk brocades on the bed, Wang Yajun was not happy at all and kept shivering in his quilt.

"Mr. Wang shivers when he has nightmares. I'm afraid he dreams of practicing kung fu! That cold is really... Unbearable for a little girl. "

Sighed. Through Wang Yajun's nightmare, Lin Feng had vaguely known the root causes of pain buried in Wang Yajun's heart.

"Why am I the body of ice? Why am I the son of the Wang family? I don't want such a father. I don't want to be in such a family. I don't want to be myself... "

Late at night, as Wang Yajun's grievances broke out, Lin Feng was surprised to find that the cold air that had been entrenched in Wang Yajun's body began to condense and compress involuntarily.

"No! No! I don't want the body of ice, I don't want to be myself... Why can't I be like an ordinary child? "

The will burst out from Laurie Wang Yajun is very strong. Even if it is in a dream, Lin Feng can deeply feel it.

"This... What's going on? How could Mr. Wang cause such a huge change? "

Helplessly, Lin Feng watched the cold on Wang Yajun's body collect, began to shrink and collapse, and finally condensed into a small bead, which was completely hidden in Wang Yajun's Dantian.

After that, Lin Feng was surprised to find that everything on Wang Yajun became normal, and there was no ice at all.

"I have a fever! Come on! Yajun has a fever... "

At midnight, when the queen mother came to see her daughter, she found that she had a fever and her forehead was hot, so she immediately called the doctor at home.

"How about Dr. Zhu? My daughter always practices martial arts like this. She is a cold body and won't have a fever or get sick at all! " Wang's father was obviously a little nervous, and hurried to ask doctor Zhu.

"Master Wang, I'm also surprised. The smell of ice on the eldest lady's body has completely disappeared, so she has a fever like ordinary people. It's really a strange thing! " Dr. Zhu said puzzled.

"What? Why don't you make it clear? How did my daughter's icy body suddenly disappear? This is a rare ice body in a hundred years! "

Hearing this, the king's father was even more crazy, grabbed the doctor's collar and questioned. After that, he called several highly respected traditional Chinese medicine doctors, but the results were the same. Wang Yajun has nothing to do, just a common fever and cold, but the cold body is really gone forever.

"Father! I'm sorry for the family. Yajun's icy body has disappeared for some reason. " Wang's father faced Wang Tao, the son of old man Wang, who came to see him with guilt.

"That's all! This is also God's will. Our Wang family doesn't have this blessing. Yajun has suffered enough since he was a child. Since there is no ice body, don't force her to practice martial arts. She can do whatever she wants! " Old man Wang sighed, waved his hand and said.

Later, Lin Feng saw that Wang Yajun seemed to have lost his memory when he woke up. He didn't remember the painful practice memory before. He grew up like an ordinary child, but he still hated his identity and role subconsciously and wanted to play other roles all the time.

"So it is? Teacher Wang's body of cold ice, because of her strong sense of resistance, has condensed into a cold ice bead, which is deeply hidden in her Dantian. "

After all this, Lin Feng completely understood all the antecedents and consequences of Wang Yajun's dream.

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