Such a night makes me intoxicated.

Lin Feng enjoyed the night so much that he couldn't sleep any more.

Wang Yajun did not expect that he had such an unexpected relationship with Lin Feng. She had never kissed a man's mouth before!

After the passion burned, Wang Yajun felt the familiar cold breath on himself, and his face immediately showed an expression of fear.

"Lin Feng, what's going on?" Wang Yajun asked with a cold face.

"What's going on? Mr. Wang, we... It's hard to help ourselves? "

Lin Feng felt guilty. After being questioned by Wang Yajun, he said a little evasively, "but don't worry, I will be responsible for you."

"I... I'm not talking about this!"

The red faced Wang Yajun, remembering what he had just done with Lin Feng, still couldn't help tightening his jade legs, then pointed to his body and said, "I'm asking you, why does that cold breath in my body appear again? I remember it disappeared more than ten years ago. "

"Cold air? oh Mr. Wang, are you talking about your cold body? I've helped you recover. " Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said.

"What? Why? Lin Feng, why did you help me recover from the cold? I hate such a body, and I hate myself. "

Hearing the speech, Wang Yajun said with some chagrin, "I remember, I remember everything. The memories my father forced me to practice when I was a child are the last things I want to remember. But now, Lin Feng, it's all your fault. Why did you restore my cold body on your own? "

Obviously, whether as a child or now, Wang Yajun felt very disgusted with this special ice constitution. Because of this constitution, she carries the painful memories of her childhood. Moreover, Wang Yajun knows that once her cold body recovers and is known again by the elders of the family, they will force her to practice again.

After all, in the ancient martial arts world, such a special physique basically comes out. As long as you practice well, you can reach the realm of congenital martial arts.

Wang Yajun hates practicing martial arts!

Wang Yajun hates the ancient martial family!

What Wang Yajun has been asking for is to be an ordinary person!

Therefore, when she found that Lin Feng released her cold body again, she immediately turned unhappy.

"Mr. Wang, calm down! It's a little complicated to explain, but don't worry, you will never experience the painful memories of childhood, and your father won't force you to practice cold ice palm. "

Lin Feng grabbed Wang Yajun's shoulder with both hands and tried to stabilize her uneasy mood.

However, when Wang Yajun heard Lin Feng say this, he retreated in horror, pointed to Lin Feng and said, "you... How do you know these things? Lin Feng, why did you know these things when I was a child? "

Even Wang Yajun himself just recalled these memory fragments when she recovered from the cold body. Usually, even if she had nightmares, she would never remember when she woke up.

Recalling the task assigned to her by her grandfather Wang Tao, Wang Yajun immediately felt betrayed. Pointing to Lin Feng, Wang Yajun sternly asked, "Lin Feng, are you the one sent by my grandfather? Yes, it must be. Grandpa sent you to help me recover from the cold, didn't he? Damn it! Grandpa also said to let me take the initiative to get close to you. It turned out that all this was a family scam! And I am just an object that can be sacrificed at any time for the benefit of the family! "

The children of a great aristocratic family have plenty of material resources, but they have countless last resort in their spirit and freedom of life. Sometimes they even have to pay the price of their lives for the benefit of the aristocratic family.

"What, your grandfather sent it? Miss Wang, I'm afraid you misunderstood. Although I know elder Wang, he didn't send me to you to do these things. You know what? Last night, you had a nightmare, and the cold air in your body could not be restrained. If I didn't detonate your cold beads, I'm afraid... You won't survive next month... "

Facing Wang Yajun's misunderstanding, Lin Feng had to patiently tell her what happened last night.

"What? Dream Rune? Lin Feng... Do you think I'm still three years old? Can you really enter my dream? Even a congenital martial artist like my grandfather can't do this. "

In Wang Yajun's opinion, what Lin Feng said is just like the talk at the end of the day. It is clearly the story that can be seen in the novel. How can it happen to him?

"It's true, Mr. Wang, and your physique is a special physique among practitioners, which is called the body of cold ice. If you are allowed to practice some Yin attribute or ice attribute skills, the speed of practice will be incomparable. " Lin Feng said.

"Cultivator? I don't believe it, Lin Feng, unless you can prove it to me. "

When Wang Yajun raised his hand, he suddenly realized that the handcuffs that he had been closely adjacent to Lin Feng had disappeared. He was stunned and asked, "where are the handcuffs? Lin Feng, where are the handcuffs? Have you found the key? "

"Mr. Wang, I'm a cultivator. I'm only handcuffed. Can you get me? Since you want to prove it, you can watch it. Don't blink. Then I will completely disappear from your eyes... "

Lin Feng could understand Wang Yajun's reaction. After all, someone suddenly stood up and said that he was a cultivator. Even in the past, he would not believe it.

As a result, Lin Feng easily used a stealth technique. As soon as the voice fell, he completely disappeared from Wang Yajun's eyes.

"Ah! Gone, really gone... Lin Feng, you... Where have you been? What's going on? Lin Feng, come out! Come out... I believe you, can't you? "

In the middle of the night, Lin Feng suddenly disappeared in the same room. Can Wang Yajun not be afraid? The whole heart lifted up in an instant.

"Trust me now? Miss Wang, I'm really a cultivator! Moreover, with your physique, as long as you find the skill suitable for your practice, you can also become a cultivator. "

Lin Feng didn't show up, but said softly in Wang Yajun's ear in an invisible state.

(recommend Jiyou's new book "perspective small farmers": Qin Tian, a small farmer, inadvertently used perspective eyes to see the village flowers without clothes, and then embarked on a road of irresistible.)

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