
Lin Feng's sudden voice startled Wang Yajun again.

This feeling is strange and terrible. Obviously, there is no one around, but Lin Feng's voice appears so clearly in his ear. Even Wang Yajun can feel the feeling of Lin Feng blowing in his ear!

"All right! Lin Feng, please show up! I believe you... I believe you are a true cultivator. " In order to get rid of this terrible feeling, Wang Yajun quickly begged for mercy and took a soft road.

However, Lin Feng seemed to like the feeling of secretly molesting Wang Yajun and directly picked up Wang Yajun as a whole.

"Ah? Lin Feng, what are you going to do? Put me down! " Wang Yajun immediately screamed because Lin Feng was invisible, so Wang Yajun seemed to be hanging in the air, which made her feel both exciting and terrified.

"Hey, hey! Miss Wang, don't you know what I'm going to do? " Lin Feng held Wang Yajun in his arms and stared at her delicate face. Looking at her frightened expression, he didn't know why. He thought of the little Laurie who cried not to practice all day after he fell asleep.

How helpless Wang Yajun was at that time! If time could go back, Lin Feng really wanted to go back to that time to help the little Laurie who could only shrink under the quilt at midnight.

"Oh, no!"

Struggling Wang Yajun wanted to shout, but unexpectedly, Xiaozui had been occupied by Lin Feng in an instant.

This feeling is amazing!

Obviously, you can feel Lin Feng's existence, breath, body temperature, kiss and action

All this is the same as true, but I can't see Lin Feng's people. Is this what Lin Feng Gang just said about invisibility?

What kind of existence is the cultivator?

Can it be said that they are more powerful than congenital martial arts? Otherwise, why did his grandfather suggest that he should contact Lin Feng?

Indulging in Lin Feng's kiss, Wang Yajun was not so afraid as before. The familiar feeling made her slowly blurred again.

The East has begun to turn white. It seems that the morning is coming soon, but they hug each other and fall asleep again. The early morning breeze blows in through the window. Wang Yajun knows that he is afraid that he has been entangled with this man named Lin Feng from now on in his life.


The alarm at the head of the bed rang. Wang Yajun staggered to press the alarm, then rubbed his eyes, looked at Lin Feng who was still sleeping, yawned and was ready to get up.

"Mr. Wang, today is Saturday. You don't have to go to work. It's only nine o'clock. What do you get up for? I didn't sleep much last night. Let's have a rest. "

Lin Feng opened his eyes and looked at Wang Yajun with graceful figure. His eyes were full of love and pity. He gently stroked her jade legs and said.

"No! Lin Feng, I have an appointment with several other teachers. Today I went to the student activity center to discuss the arrangement of the freshman party. Originally, the alarm clock was set at 9 o'clock. Lin Feng, if you're tired, just sleep a little longer. Anyway, no one usually comes here. You can sleep as long as you like. "

After a night of madness, Wang Yajun is now more calm when facing Lin Feng. In particular, looking at Lin Feng lying comfortably in his boudoir bed, it seems that he has been a husband and wife for many years. A woman's unique sense of happiness arises spontaneously.

"Freshman party"? oh Mr. Wang, get up and I won't sleep. "

Anyway, he woke up. Lin Feng absorbed the cold gas in Wang Yajun's body yesterday and had already replenished his vitality. He was not tired at all. He turned over and grabbed Wang Yajun's small waist, and his hands moved irregularly.

"Stop it! Lin Feng, I made an appointment with several other teachers to meet at ten o'clock. It's too late now. I'm going to... Take a bath and change my clothes. If you don't sleep, get ready to get up! "

Leaving Lin Feng's hand aside, Wang Yajun stood up in bed just now, but he almost fell down a little unnaturally. Ouch.

"What's the matter? Miss Wang! " Lin Feng hurriedly held her and asked attentively.

"Nothing... Nothing, just a little sore in both legs."

Wang Yajun's face turned red and angry at Lin Feng, "it's all your fault!"

"Hey, hey! Mr. Wang, sit down and I'll give you a massage. It won't hurt. " Lin Feng giggled and understood it. He patted Wang Yajun and asked her to sit down.

"No! Lin Feng, don't I know you? Must be taking advantage of me again. " Wang Yajun glanced at Lin Feng and said.

"Am I that kind of person? Besides, Mr. Wang, I want to take advantage of you. I had enough last night. Do I still need such a bad excuse? Sit down and watch my wonderful hand rejuvenate. You won't hurt immediately. " Lin Feng said with a smile.

"It's wonderful! If you really have such a divine word, what do you want the hospital to do? " Wang Yajun didn't believe it, but he couldn't beat Lin Feng. He sat down and opened his legs slightly, waiting to see what massage Lin Feng wanted.

"Ha ha! Miss Wang, with me, you won't have to go to the hospital anymore. Look! Famous doctor Lin is going to do it... "

While holding Wang Yajun's sore part, Lin Feng stimulated Wang Yajun's leg acupoints in combination with the massage techniques of traditional Chinese medicine. At the same time, he took some divine water from the divine water space and slowly penetrated into Wang Yajun's body.

"Lin Feng, where did you learn this massage technique from? Why does it look unprofessional? " On the surface, Lin Feng's massage technique is not as fancy as those Thai massage, but before Wang Yajun teased a few words, he felt that his legs didn't seem to hurt as much as just now.

"Eh? What's going on? It really works! More and more comfortable, Lin Feng, unexpectedly! You really have two hands... "

After being massaged by Lin Feng for several times, Wang Yajun was a little addicted. He closed his eyes and simply lay down and enjoyed the comfortable massage brought by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also took this opportunity to make direct use of divine water and his spiritual knowledge to completely help Wang Yajun transform his body. At the same time, he changed some exercise routes in congenital Kui water formula and began to operate passively in Wang Yajun's body.

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