Lin Feng has a water constitution, while Wang Yajun has a cold ice constitution.

What is ice? Isn't ice solid water?

Therefore, according to this principle, Lin Feng's "congenital Kui Shui Jue" actually contains the cultivation method of cold ice constitution. After all, the three forms of water include solid ice.

"How comfortable! Lin Feng, how can I feel that there is a cold breath flowing in my body! It's like I can feel the flow of blood, but it's very comfortable! In this place where the breath flows, they feel particularly comfortable... "

Now, although Wang Yajun has accepted the setting that Lin Feng is a cultivator, she has never thought that she can become a cultivator like Lin Feng.

However, when Lin Feng found that the "congenital Kui water formula" can really let Wang Yajun with the attribute of cold ice practice, he decided to pursue while winning, completely transform Wang Yajun's body in a short time, and then refine the "congenital Kui water formula" and transmit it to Wang Yajun.

"Mr. Wang, close your eyes and remember the running route of these air currents in your body at this time. This is your route to practice Kung Fu in the future... "

What Lin Feng didn't expect was that just after he said this, Wang Yajun instinctively shivered and resisted: "no! Lin Feng, I don't want to practice Kung Fu. Don't teach me anything. "

It turned out that Wang Yajun's heart was still rooted in the idea of refusing to practice Kung Fu, and he instinctively rejected the practice.

"Mr. Wang, listen to me. It's different from the forced practice you received when you were a child. Moreover, this is not an ancient martial arts skill, but a real cultivation skill that can make people immortal. As long as you follow my cultivation method, you can become a cultivator like me in the future, which is a hundred times more powerful than a martial arts competitor! "

If he didn't know Wang Yajun's experiences as a child, Lin Feng couldn't understand why Wang Yajun resisted practicing kung fu so much.

"Really? However, Lin Feng, I don't know how to practice at all? Moreover, I think I know nothing about cultivation... "

Based on her trust in Lin Feng, Wang Yajun slowly tried to remember the route of martial arts, but she still didn't have much confidence in her qualifications.

"You don't need to worry about this, Mr. Wang. You just need to listen to me and remember the route of Kung Fu. At present, your first step of cultivation is very simple. As long as you have time, you can use this route. "

After spending more than ten minutes, Lin Feng quickly ran the congenital Kui water formula for two or three weeks in Wang Yajun's body, which completely made Wang Yajun remember the route of cultivation.

At the same time, Lin Feng engraved some basic knowledge of cultivation and basic magic symbols into Wang Yajun's mind like he taught Li Yutong.

As long as Wang Yajun practices slowly, he can absorb these knowledge points from his mind bit by bit.

"Mr. Wang, now try it. Can you run the cold breath in your body independently?" After receiving his spiritual knowledge, Lin Feng plans to let Wang Yajun try it himself.

"Is that all right? It seems that it is not very difficult! "

Because the physical qualification is rare in a hundred years, and the improved version of congenital Kui water formula taught by Lin Feng is also a top-level skill, Wang Yajun starts very quickly.


A cold air flow was active in Wang Yajun's body. Wang Yajun, who had no confidence, could operate freely, even faster than Lin Feng's weekly speed when he was passively controlled just now.

"Practice Qi! okay! Mr. Wang, you have made great progress, and you have a cold constitution, which is quite special. Even if there is no aura in the air, you can practice by absorbing the cold air in the air. "

Smiled, Lin Feng said, "but it's a pity that it's summer now. It's estimated that your cultivation has no effect."

"Who said that! Lin Feng, if I open the refrigerator... Don't I just rely on the air conditioner in the refrigerator? Or... Just like when I was a child, I went into a room like a freezer to practice! "

After the first round of cultivation, Wang Yajun began to accept it slowly instead of instinctively rejecting it.

"Yes! However, Mr. Wang, the man-made cold air is actually not good. As a last resort, don't use this way to practice. hey! In fact, the best way is to take you to a very cold place... When you practice like this, you will get twice the result with half the effort. " Lin Feng thought and said.

"Oh? A place of extreme cold? Where is that? " Wang Yajun wondered.

"Miss Wang, you are still a university teacher with a doctorate. There are only two places on earth, the north and south poles! " Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Ah? North and south poles! Doesn't that mean that my physique is to be a neighbor with penguins and polar bears? "

Wang Yajun was also amused by Lin Feng's words, but as soon as she saw that it was already 9:30, she immediately shouted, jumped out of bed and said, "no! It's too late, Lin Feng. I have to take a shower and go out. Several other teachers are still waiting for me! "

"OK! Miss Wang, go quickly! Anyway, remember to meditate and practice Kung Fu when you're all right! " Seeing Wang Yajun's vigorous appearance now, Lin Feng was relieved. He didn't expect Wang Yajun's qualification to be so good.

After a quick bath, Wang Yajun hurried to the student activity center. Lin Feng stretched out and wanted to sleep in Wang Yajun's boudoir again, but his mobile phone suddenly rang. It was a text message sent by Xiao nishang.

"Lin Feng, I have something important to find you. Come out quickly!"

"What's the important thing for crazy girl to come to me? Forget it, it seems that I can't sleep! "

After getting dressed, Lin Feng sent Xiao nishang a text message while preparing to go out. "Crazy girl, what's the matter? See you in the school canteen in ten minutes! "

After observing the surrounding situation with spiritual knowledge and finding that no one was staring, Lin Feng quickly dodged from Wang Yajun's dormitory and went directly to the canteen to meet Xiao nishang.

While still on the road, Lin Feng received a text message from Xiao nishang: "unexpectedly! Lin Feng, your power has been developing secretly! "

"My power?"

Lin Feng was stunned when he received Xiao nishang's message. When did he have any power?

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