Qingbei University, first floor of canteen.

"Hello! Lin Feng, here... "

Seeing Lin Feng coming in from a distance, Xiao nishang waved and made Lin Feng's favorite soybean milk and fried dough sticks on the table.

"Crazy girl! I didn't expect you to be very considerate! Hey, hey, it seems that it's really that sentence. People can't judge by appearance! " Lin Feng said with a smile while eating fried dough sticks.

However, when Xiao nishang saw Lin Feng, he immediately frowned, gave Lin Feng a look, and asked, "good Lin Feng, tell me, what bad things did you do last night?"

"What bad thing? Crazy girl, don't wrong good people, will you? What bad thing can I do? " Lin Feng was stunned, and then immediately denied it.

"Still deny? Hum! Lin Feng, in front of my yin-yang eyes, you have nothing to hide. Be honest. Last night, did you... Give me a sweet smile... "

Xiao nishang muttered and guessed, "no! Yan Ran was in the dormitory last night, and the smell was not Yan Ran, but revealed a very cold smell. It's a little strange and familiar. Whose is it? "

As soon as he saw Lin Feng and observed with Yin and Yang eyes, Xiao nishang immediately found something wrong, because Lin Feng suddenly had more Yin Qi, accompanied by a strong cold. This is that Lin Feng must have done something inappropriate for children last night, which will cause the disharmony of yin and Yang in his body for a short time.

Xiao nishang couldn't tell who it belonged to by simply using Yin and Yang eyes, but she could feel this breath. She was strange, but she had a vague contact with it once or twice.

"Damn it! I forgot the crazy girl's meeting Yin and Yang eyes. The last time I met teacher Xu, I was seen through by the crazy girl like this. It can't be more embarrassing. "

When Xiao nishang saw through, Lin Feng could only admit that he was unlucky. He quickly hissed to Xiao nishang and said, "crazy girl, can't you keep your voice down? Anyway, you'd better not know. "

"Sure enough! Lin Feng, you stinky men don't have a good thing. What's right is a flower heart radish. You just came to Qingbei University for a few days! To be honest, which girl did you hook up with? Is it not enough to have me and Yanran? "

Although she had known the nature of Lin Feng's flower heart radish for a long time and had eaten Lin Feng's Vinegar many times, she was immune, but when Xiao nishang found that Lin Feng had provoked a new girl, Xiao nishang's heart would inevitably be uncomfortable.

"Crazy girl, didn't you come to me to talk about business? What do you mean my power is developing rapidly? I haven't developed my own power at all? "

Every time when facing Xiao nishang and meeting such a topic, Lin Feng's only way is to change the topic as much as possible.

But today it seems that this method is not so awesome. Xiao nun beat the table and then stared at her Yin and Yang and saw Lin Feng, and again asked, "say it quickly!" Lin Feng, tell me! I won't blame you. People are just curious... "

"Really want to know? Can't you say it? "

In fact, it's not that Lin Feng doesn't want to say, but that the object of this time is Mr. Wang. His identity is somewhat special, and the time they really know each other is less than a month. It's inevitable that they are embarrassed to say it.

"No! I just want to know, hum! Who is so charming and seduces you under such circumstances? " At this time, Xiao nishang no longer wanted to know who the girl was just to be jealous, but also to correct her charm.

"All right! In fact, you also know and have seen this person, that is... Mr. Wang... "Lin Feng knows that if she doesn't talk to Xiao nishang today, she will not stop. She will even follow herself to find the woman behind her, so she just tells her truth.

"Miss Wang? Which teacher Wang? " Xiao nishang didn't react for a moment and a half, because in her expectation, Lin Feng should provoke the same female students of Qingbei University! Who knows that Lin Feng was so capable that he threw out a teacher as soon as he opened his mouth.

"It's our college freshman counselor, Mr. Wang Yajun! By the way, her grandfather is elder Wang Tao of the dragon group. Maybe you don't know him very well, but go back and ask old man Xiao. He must know. "

Lin Feng hurriedly pulled up old man Wang Tao of the dragon group. It seemed that this could reduce the guilt of his "flower heart".

"Wang Yajun! I see. No wonder... No wonder she's so close to you! No wonder you sent her back after seeing us off last night. Did you just push the boat along the river and sleep in Mr. Wang's boudoir? "

Xiao nishang doesn't understand such an association? He angrily asked Lin Feng.

"Hey, hey! Crazy girl, calm down. It's good if you know. Don't tell Yan Ran. I'm afraid... Yan Ran can't accept it. "

Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "moreover, you guessed wrong. I didn't go to Mr. Wang's dormitory to sleep yesterday. In fact... Didn't I just be assigned to the girls' dormitory before? Then, Mr. Wang took me in for a few days... Then, I actually stayed in Mr. Wang's dormitory from time to time... "

"What? Tut tut tut... Lin Feng, you are so kind that you have secretly done so many good things behind my back and Yanran! "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiao nishang was even more surprised and angry, and then immediately stood on the United Front with Qin Yanran.

"It's not as messy as you understand! Mr. Wang's dormitory has two rooms. We used to sleep separately, but yesterday... There was an accident. "

Since everything was said, Lin Feng didn't hide and tuck in. On the contrary, Xiao nishang held his breath after hearing Lin Feng's words, but there was no way to take Lin Feng at all. I've accepted Lin Feng's sweet, Qingqing's sister, Tongtong's sister and Xu's teacher before. It doesn't seem like a great thing to have one more teacher Wang?

"All right! Ok... Crazy girl, don't be jealous! Good... Being jealous and angry is not your style! Why don't we change the subject a little easier? Tell me, what exactly does that force you just told me mean? Can we say that there is still a force in the Jianghu under my banner? "

Seeing that Xiao nishang was about to explode, Lin Feng quickly comforted him.

"Hum! Lin Feng, look for yourself! Isn't it your power that a "great saint Gang" has sprung up in the Jianghu recently? " Xiao nishang angrily threw out a tablet computer, which recorded all the intelligence information about the "great saint Gang".

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