According to Lin Feng's instructions, Ren Dezhong put the sack containing Lin Feng here and left with the money. Although there was still some worry in his heart, he also knew that Lin Feng's ability to serve as an S-level elder of the dragon group must have its excellence. He said that if he was okay, he should be fine.

However, just in case, Ren Dezhong immediately wrote a report on what happened here and reported it to the headquarters of the dragon group.

Capital, longzu headquarters base.

Ding Ding!

After another report of informants and intelligence agents was uploaded, old Wang, who handled the daily affairs of the dragon group, glanced at it and was happy.

"Ha ha! I was just discussing with old man Xiao a few days ago whether the sudden rise of the great saint guild has anything to do with Lin Feng! Unexpectedly, I haven't arranged any tasks yet! He did it himself? "

Because the report submitted by Ren Dezhong involves an S-level badge, the priority will be stronger. After all, in order to prevent some outlaws from forging the badges of the dragon group for fraud, whenever there are reports involving badges above class A, the priority will be higher in advance.

This is why Ren Dezhong, a member of the dragon group at the middle and lower levels, can immediately display the day after tomorrow at the dragon group headquarters as soon as the report is submitted.

"Oh? Why did Lin Feng go to investigate? It shouldn't be. Does the Da Sheng Gang really have nothing to do with him? Think about it. If it matters, why should he investigate? " Elder Chen also poked his head and asked curiously.

"Who knows! However, the great saint gang has been haunted recently! At the beginning, I also suspected that they were some organizations infiltrated by the other side religion! However, the way of doing things is totally different. Moreover, the strength of the two religious leaders is a little frightening! "

Elder Wang smiled and said, "so I haven't sent an A-level action team. After all, if those two leaders are really the peak strength the day after tomorrow. Then only some of our old friends can deal with it, but you know, we've just been working for Lao song these days. Where can we get away! But unexpectedly, Lin Feng found it himself... "

"Ha ha! It seems that Lin Feng is really the gospel of our dragon group? Didn't he solve the zombie incident of Tianmu peak last time? " Elder Chen said with a smile.

"That doesn't count! Lao Chen, what happened to Tianmu peak is clearly the wasp nest he poked out. Didn't you see it? The boy was rich and powerful. He lost 10 billion to build roads. Finally, he caused such an accident. He's just wiping his ass! "

Elder Wang smiled and said, "but you're right about one thing. I think so! This boy is not only the gospel of our dragon group, but also the gospel of our whole Chinese country. "

"Yes! Now among the young generation, I basically can't see several who can be as rebellious and excellent as Lin Feng! I was still thinking that if one day we old guys suddenly encounter something, we will all hang up. What should the whole Chinese nation do? " Elder Chen also sighed when he heard the speech.

"Come on! Lao Chen, just your crow mouth, don't fucking talk. Aren't we all young? ha-ha! Another thirty or forty years of good life may not be able to break through cultivation and prolong life! Besides, don't take yourself too seriously. The country of China is so big that without us old guys, we can really be invaded by foreign invaders like more than 100 years ago? "

Elder Wang smiled and said with a little self mockery, "there are talented people in Jiangshan generation! There has never been a lack of genius in the blood of our Chinese people. Without you and me, there will be more younger generations like Lin Feng to stand up and defend China. "

"That's true! Even elder Song said that Lin Feng's future is unlimited. Also, the great saint Gang, shall we... Let Lin Feng try to communicate with their guild leader. Wouldn't it be better if he could take it for his own use and persuade them to work for the country? " Elder Chen said again.

"That's right! Wait, I'll send the task to Lin Feng. "

After thinking for a moment, elder Wang sent a task to Lin Feng's Dragon Group receiver.

At this time, Lin Feng pretended to be in a coma and was carried to a wet warehouse by the two guards at the door.

"Woo woo..."

"Woo woo! Let go of me... "


As soon as his spiritual knowledge was swept away, Lin Feng found that there was really some terror in the underground warehouse. He even tied dozens of martial artists on the first and second floors the day after tomorrow.

Obviously, these people were tied by the people of the great saint sect, just as Lin Feng had seen before.

"What the hell are these guys doing? With so many low-level warriors tied up, what medicine is sold in the gourd? "

Lying in the warehouse, Lin Feng began to scan the structure of the whole underground base with his spiritual consciousness. Within the scope of his spiritual consciousness, he could almost have a panoramic view of the base.

The construction of the whole underground base is still a little rough. It can be seen that the whole great saint gang was not established for a long time. However, the hierarchical management is very clear. It is divided into three levels. The outermost level is where Lin Feng is now. It is the most peripheral organization. Most of the people staying are martial artists below the sixth floor the day after tomorrow.

Further inside, Lin Feng can see many well-trained martial artists on the seventh floor or even the eighth floor the day after tomorrow. Although the number is not as many as the third floor, his strength can be seen.

The innermost area can be said to be the core area of the great saint sect. Two martial artists on the eighth floor the day after tomorrow are holding the door. Further inside, Lin Feng's spiritual range is not enough. Therefore, for the time being, we can't see some situations in the core area of the third floor.

However, this was enough to shock Lin Feng, because he didn't give the two guys much resources at that time. He didn't care about it at all, but he didn't expect that they could make such a big battle in just a few months.

Most of the dozens of fighters on the first and second floors of the warehouse are still unconscious, and a few wake up, but they can't move at all. They can only sob and try to escape.

However, most of these martial arts practitioners have no background, and their strength and skills are very poor. If they fall into this tiger cave and wolf's nest, it is difficult to fly.

"Let go of me! Do you know who I am? I'm the young master of the Xiao family in the capital... "

"Have you guys of Da Sheng Gang eaten leopard courage? Do we dare to provoke the Yang family? I'm the young master of the Yang family! "

Just as Lin Feng was looking at the underground base of the whole Da Sheng Gang, he suddenly heard a loud voice at the door of the warehouse. I saw the two five layers of fighters the day after tomorrow who had brought Lin Feng in before, and one of them was carrying a one layer of fighters the day after tomorrow bound in a sack.

Both of them are not high in cultivation and young, but they shout arrogantly. At a glance, they know that they are the second ancestors of two ancient martial families.

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