"What a noise! If you two quarrel again, believe it or not, I will do you on the spot? "

The two big men seemed to be annoyed by the two second generation ancestors. They slapped them in the face and gave them a hard warning. After that, they finally calmed down.

"You two, just stay here. If you shout again, I'll cut off your tongue first."

After putting down the cruel words, the two strong men closed the door of the warehouse again.

"Xiao ran, it's all your fucking fault! Where can I go? Why do you want to bring me with you? Now I don't even have a life. "

He was left in the warehouse. Seeing so many captured martial artists here and being threatened by two strong men just now, Yang Xiaofeng was scared and kept complaining about another second ancestor.

"What? Yang Xiaofeng, are you mistaken. I just made a suggestion. Finally, I said excitedly that I must come and see what the hell the great saint Gang is. It's you! "

Xiao ran said with an unconvinced face, "moreover, I don't believe that this great saint Gang really dares to do to us. Anyway, we are also the sons and young masters of the five guwu aristocratic families in the capital. If they dare to touch us, be careful to uproot their great saint gang when our family elders come. "

"Save it! Xiao ran, how much influence do you think our ancient martial family will have after leaving the capital? And didn't you hear that just now? We all know who we are, but these guys don't care at all. "

For this, Yang Xiaofeng seems to have accepted his fate, "I just want the locator installed on me to let the elders of my family find it."

"Yes, yes, yes! I didn't think of that! Xiaofeng, you reminded me. ha-ha! We are all equipped with global positioning system. As long as we don't contact our family for a day or two, they will feel wrong and save us according to this positioning system. "

Hearing this, Xiao ran immediately laughed. After all, they are the children of the ancient martial family and have some necessary safety measures and equipment.

However, when Lin Feng heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said, "you two think too naive? First of all, not to mention anything else, it's just this underground base. In such a deep underground, whether there is a signal or not is a question. Besides, as their secret base, there is absolutely no need to think about it. It has done signal shielding and interference processing. How much is a signal jammer! It can be imagined that even if you have a powerful tracker, it will have no effect here. "

Lin Feng's sudden voice startled the two second generation ancestors. Because the martial artists lying here are either still in a coma or their mouths are blocked. Not many can talk like them.

"Who are you? Mingming is now caught here like us and makes such sarcastic remarks. Aren't you afraid of being killed by these people of the great saint? " Xiao ran stared at Lin Feng and said.

"Yes! Why don't you expect us to be better? Besides, if we were really saved, we might be saved together with you. You crow mouth! "

Yang Xiaofeng is also very disgusted with what Lin Fenggang just said, although through Lin Feng's narration, he knows that 80% of the positioning signals can't get through.

"You are not qualified to know who I am. It's you. Tell me! What are you guys from? It's not a small tone just now. Who's your son? "

Lin Feng is very interested in the two second generation ancestors who suddenly appear here, but he doesn't know whether they belong to the Xiao and Yang families in the capital he knows.

"Hehe! You speak louder! We have no right to know who you are? What do you think you are? A martial artist on the second floor the day after tomorrow, just like us now, is tied here. What else can he play? Why should we report ourselves to you? " Xiao Ran's face was arrogant. Lin Feng easily thought of Xiao nishang, who was also arrogant.

"Yes! Xiao ran, ignore him. A sanxiu who didn't know where he was caught wanted to make friends with us. We'd better find a way to escape while they don't take good care of us? "

Yang Xiaofeng tried to move his body, sweating all over, and finally sat up from his prone position.

"Yes! Their hemp rope was too tight to break free. However, Xiaofeng, there is a self-defense blade on the sole of my shoe. Go and drag my shoes, and then use the blade to cut the rope. "

Neither of them paid any more attention to Lin Feng. Instead, they began to ponder and discuss the plan to break free and escape, which made Lin Feng look at it with new eyes. He thought that after the two second generation ancestors were caught, they would only cry and pretend to be poor! Unexpectedly, there are still two brushes. It seems that the ancient martial arts education of the Xiao and Yang families can be regarded as quality education. They don't teach some wine bags and rice bags like other aristocratic families.

"What? Are you kidding? Xiao ran, I'm tied all over now. I can't move my hands and feet. I'm like a cicada pupa. How can I take off my shoes for you? "

For Xiao Ran's plan, Yang Xiaofeng shook his head and said he couldn't do it.

"Why not? Yang Xiaofeng, did your elders teach you in vain? You can't move your limbs. Don't you have a head? Hurry up... Help me take off my shoes. As long as I take off my shoes, the blade will fall out... "

With that, Xiao ran tried to move his body and stretched out his left foot with the blade in front of Yang Xiaofeng.

"Sleeping trough! Xiao ran, do you have Hong Kong feet? Why is it so smelly? I haven't taken off my shoes yet! "

The Xiao Ran's feet just came over, and Yang Xiaofeng immediately turned his eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense! Do you still want to escape? Hurry up... Or they'll come soon, and we won't have a chance. " Xiao ran went further, moved his body, and almost stuffed his foot into Yang Xiaofeng's mouth.

"Shit! In order to survive, my young master fought... "

With a strong eye odor, Yang Xiaofeng had tears in his eyes. As soon as he was cruel, he bit Xiao Ran's shoes with his mouth, shook his head and took off his shoes.

(brother Huo, there is good news and bad news. Which one do you want to listen to first? what? Bad news! The bad news is, unfortunately, it's ten o'clock. Although I see everyone working hard to brush book reviews and the activity is rising rapidly, it still hasn't reached 3000, only 2773. Brother Huo said that the plus condition is to arrive at 3000 before ten o'clock.

And the good news? That is, although the comment activity has not reached 3000, everyone is really enthusiastic, hard and hard! Therefore, brother Huo decided to add more! That is, there will be a watch later! But don't slack off! Brush more book reviews when you are free... Every extra activity is crucial throughout June!)

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