
As soon as the bleak shoes were taken off, the smell quickly spread throughout the warehouse.

Even Lin Feng, who is five or six meters away, can't be spared. Smelling the smell, he really wants to die. Even if Lin Feng is a cultivator, he can't bear it anymore. He quickly closes all the breathing pores of his body, adopts the internal circulation of cultivation, and doesn't breathe the polluted air in the warehouse anymore.

"Sleeping trough! Xiao ran, you... Have you never washed your feet in your life? I'm going to throw up! I'm really going to vomit... Wow... "

Even Lin Feng lying so far could not smell it. Yang Xiaofeng, who stubbornly bit off Xiao Ran's shoes with his mouth, vomited in an instant.

"No? Yang Xiaofeng, it's a pity that you don't become an actor. Although the taste of my young master's feet smells bad, don't exaggerate. "

Xiao ran sniffed himself, and then said to Yang Xiaofeng who vomited, "although there is a little smell, it should still be within the range that human beings can bear! Besides, you are still a warrior! Why can't you stand this pain? "

"A little stink? Xiao ran, do you want to say it? "

Yang Xiaofeng, who vomited for a long time, held his breath and said, "shit! Xiao ran, why didn't you take off your shoes when those guys caught us? With the stench of your foot, you can definitely stun them. Believe it or not? "

"Come on! Hurry up, Yang Xiaofeng, don't talk nonsense, hurry up... The blade is in the shoe. You quickly take out the blade, and we can escape... "Xiao Ran's face turned red and shouted hurriedly.

"What? You want me to... Have a mouth to take out the blade from your smelly shoes? No! Never do it! Even if I die, I won't do it... "

Hearing this, Yang Xiaofeng was really dying. Just now he was just a slight touch, and the smell had already vomited him. Now he even had to face the bleak smelly shoes and pick up the blade with his mouth. This is the most terrible torture in the world.

"No? Yang Xiaofeng, there's no time. Hurry up! Where do my feet smell so bad? Besides, even if it's really smelly, it should dissipate a little now... "Xiao ran urged.

"Yes! Indeed, it has dissipated a lot. Xiao ran, look around... There, here... These martial artists were in a coma. Do you know why they wake up now? " Yang Xiaofeng nuzui said.

"What? Why did they suddenly wake up? " Xiao ran also said strangely.

"What else does NIMA have to ask? Of course, I was awakened by your feet! "

As soon as Yang Xiaofeng said this, a group of martial artists close to them suddenly bowed their heads and fainted.

Even, one or two of the martial artists who didn't block their mouth, before fainting, exhaled and shouted, "this beriberi is poisonous..."

"See? Xiao ran, after you woke them up, they fainted again. Look, how smelly your feet are? "

Yang Xiaofeng wept and said, "even if I died in the hands of the Da Sheng Gang today, I will never take your smelly shoes."

"Hey, hey! Xiaofeng, it seems that my feet really stink. But now it's about our lives! Just feel wronged! Go... Take out the blade from my shoe? Or we'll both have to finish! "

"No! I will not go... "

"Please, Xiaofeng, aren't we the best friends? Such a good friend, do you still mind my feet smelling? "

"If I had known your feet were so smelly, who would be a good friend with you?" Yang Xiaofeng is about to cry.

"Just once! It's a matter of life and death! We are only sixteen or seventeen years old. We haven't even broken a place. How can we die here? Right? Didn't you say you always wanted to be the flower of your school? If you die, think about it. The school flower is someone else's. " Xiao ran hurriedly lobbied Yang Xiaofeng from another aspect.

"This... Yes! I'm still a virgin! How... What a pity to die like this! "


Finally, under Xiao Ran's good and bad words, Yang Xiaofeng was finally forced to accept this strange setting. He finally moved to Xiao Ran's smelly shoes, took a deep breath, held his stomach's breath, frowned and fell down, and his mouth groped in Xiao Ran's shoes.

"I'll go! This boy named Yang Xiaofeng is really fighting! It's quite good! This boy! I changed my view of the second ancestor. I can bend and stretch. I can't even talk under such smelly shoes. What else can I do? There is a future! "

Lin Feng, who was watching silently, couldn't help but give Yang Xiaofeng a thumbs up, but I don't know why. Looking at Yang Xiaofeng lying on his bleak shoes, constantly exploring the blade, Lin Feng's heart is a capital heartache!

"Did you find it? Xiaofeng, hurry up. We must hurry up. " Xiao ran was on one side, looking worried and hurried.

"Hoo! I found it... Xiao ran, really... Can you wash your feet next time you come out with me? No... is it rubbing your feet hard? I'm really going to faint by the smell. Fortunately, my willpower is strong! Other people's willpower is used in very heroic places. As a result... My willpower is all to resist your feet smelling... "Yang Xiaofeng pulled the blade out of his bleak shoes with great difficulty. He breathed a sigh of relief and complained wrongly on his face.

"I see! I see... Now, hold the blade in your mouth and grind my rope open? " Xiao ran smiled and said, "it's a big deal. When I go back, I'll give you the football signed by the limited edition star my father gave me?"

"That's a deal! Don't go back. "

With that, Yang Xiaofeng picked up the blade again and grinded it for dozens of times before breaking the bleak rope.

"Ha ha! Now we are free. "

As soon as Xiao ran was free, he immediately untied the rope on Yang Xiaofeng, and then walked proudly to Lin Feng, smiled and said, "how about it? Didn't you just drag? What else do you say? We're not qualified to know your origin? Still trying to get close to us? Tut tut... Why are you still tied when you are so broken? Look at us, relying on our own wisdom and... Yes! willpower! You can easily extricate yourself from the difficulties... "

"Do you envy us? Tut tut! Do you regret it? If you had just spoken a little better to us, maybe we would have been kind enough to untie you now! Ha ha... "Yang Xiaofeng also wiped his mouth and smiled proudly in front of Lin Feng.

Sixteen or seventeen year old aristocratic families like Xiao ran and Yang Xiaofeng are naturally arrogant and self righteous. As soon as they were untied, they came to Lin Feng and wanted to show off and get angry.

When Lin Feng heard these words, he couldn't help being happy and said with a smile, "Oh? Congratulations! But do you think... You are qualified to win in front of me now? I didn't want to see you just now. Believe it or not, now... "

"How about now? You are just a martial artist on the second floor the day after tomorrow. You are still tied to death. Do you want to teach us a lesson? Ha ha... Stop bragging. If we don't teach you a lesson, you should be thankful. Want to teach us a lesson? "

Yang Xiaofeng and Xiao ran didn't think Lin Feng was threatening or terrible at all, but when they were proud, Lin Feng smiled badly, then raised his voice and shouted, "come on! Somebody! No... come on! Someone wants to run away! Somebody! No... come on... "

(PS: the fifth watch of the extended version is sent! Is the comment activity 3000 plus more Oh! Although so far, the activity is 2911, less than 3000, brother Huo has read every book review of you! I'm very moved and excited. For a long time, I haven't interacted with readers and fought for anything together.

I neglected to interact with you, which also caused my personal codeword laziness and procrastination! Back then, I was a man of the hour who kept the minimum at five watch a day and burst at thirty watch a day from time to time! My nature!

It's been too long to be suppressed. Then... Can we wake up the Codex of the fire brother this month, and see everyone's speed? Wutong army's water book review, water out of the world! Brother shuichuhuo has a lot of updates. Come on... It's about 12 o'clock. In the new week, the activity will be cleared, but I believe everyone will brush to 1000 and break through 3000 soon... Strive for the first place in the activity book review!)

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