In the damp underground warehouse, most of the captured fighters were brought in by medicine, so they almost looked weak and couldn't shout at all. Even if they saw Xiao ran and Yang Xiaofeng running away, they couldn't ask them for help.

However, Lin Feng is different. Lin Feng is now Beier spirit and has nothing at all. It happened that the two teased and forced second ancestors pretended to be forced in his face. Lin Feng naturally didn't mind playing them well.

"No! Somebody! Someone is running away... "

Lin Feng shouted proudly at the top of his voice, as if I couldn't escape and you two didn't want to escape.

Immediately, they scared Xiao ran and Yang Xiaofeng to death, and hurriedly shouted, "I'll strangle you! What are you shouting? Stop shouting... Please, stop fucking shouting! "

"Call again and you'll come! You... "

If it is an ordinary warrior shouting, it may not have any effect. After all, the doors of the warehouse are made of steel plates, and the sound insulation effect is better.

Lin Feng is a cultivator! He shouted so loudly that the two martial artists on the fifth floor the day after tomorrow who were watching outside immediately heard him.

"What's going on? Why is there a sound in the warehouse? Go! Go in and have a look... "

"Yes! Go in and have a look. I'll make up for it in a while. There can't be any accident! "

When the two guards heard the sound, they clicked and opened the door of the warehouse. As soon as they opened the door of the warehouse, they saw Xiao ran and Yang Xiaofeng who had opened the rope.

"Sleeping trough! These two boys still want to run away... "

"Come on! Catch them both. If you don't knock them out this time, it seems that you can't! "

While talking, two martial artists rushed in. Xiao ran and Yang Xiaofeng saw that they wanted to die. Originally, there was still a glimmer of life to escape. As a result, he installed a force in front of Lin Feng. Who knows that this guy really called the guard.

"Shit, Xiaofeng, I'm dead this time!"

"Blame that bastard! Grass! I knew I killed him just now... "

"Escape separately... Find a way to run out. As long as one of us runs out, we can let the people of the family save us."


They knew they were not the opponents of the two guards, but they still resisted. The consequences can be imagined. Lin Feng watched them two and was beaten into pig heads by two guards on the fifth floor the day after tomorrow.

"Ouch! Two brothers, stop fighting, my face is swollen... "

"Woo woo! Don't fight! oh dear! Don't fight... It hurts me... "

Just now, the two of them, who looked like death at home, are lying on the ground like their grandson, weakly begging for mercy. There's no way. After all, they are the second ancestor childe who has been pampered since childhood. Where did they get such a fat beating?

"Hum! Let you dare to escape. I thought you were a childe with delicate skin and tender flesh, so I was more polite to you. It seems that if you don't suffer a little, you must want to run away. "

One of the guards tied Xiao ran and Yang Xiaofeng tightly with two ropes. At the same time, he slapped them twice in the face and beat their mouth with blood.

"How's it going? Gentlemen, didn't I advise you just now? Don't pretend to be forced. Pretend to be forced to be struck by thunder. Have you suffered now? Do you think you can escape from here with your three legged cat Kung Fu the day after tomorrow? "

After the guard left, Lin Feng was so happy that he looked at the panda eyes on the two faces tied up again and said with a smile.

"Bah! It's all your fault! What do we have against you? You can't escape from harming us like this. You have to take us as a cushion... "

Spit a mouthful of blood, Xiao ran glared at Lin Feng and complained.

"Yes! We just said a few words in front of you. That's how you hurt us. " Yang Xiaofeng also said wrongfully, "you know, how much I paid to untie the rope just when I arrived..."

"Ha ha! I don't mean anything. I just want you two second ancestors to taste the hardships of life. "

Lin Feng didn't expect to meet two such fun second goods in such a warehouse cell. Naturally, he couldn't help teasing them for a while.

"Hum! Xiaofeng, ignore this guy. If we do it again, we won't believe we can't escape. " Xiao ran cheered up and said.

"What else? Don't you see? The blade has been taken away by the two guards just now. Don't tie the rope tighter... How can we escape? " Yang Xiaofeng said pessimistically.

"Hey, hey! Xiaofeng, you just don't have any experience in wandering the Jianghu. Your Yang family really can't do it! Ah! "

Then Xiao ran smiled and stretched out his right foot and said, "double insurance! There is also a blade in my shoe! As long as we follow what we just did, we will succeed again. "

"What? You want me to pick up your smelly shoes? No! No! I don't want to die... "

Hearing this, Yang Xiaofeng's eyes were filled with tears. Today is estimated to be the darkest day in his seventeen years of life.

"Yes! You two are going to run away again, aren't you? It seems that I'm going to call someone again... "

Lin Feng was really happy. When he was going to make a mischief again, the door of the warehouse was opened again. This time, not only the two guards came in, but also more than a dozen minions on the third and fourth floors the day after tomorrow.

"This time, there are 53 martial artists, all of whom are below the third floor the day after tomorrow. Except for the two young masters of the Yang family and the Xiao family in the capital, the others are not famous in the Jianghu." A guard with a special communicator seems to be reporting to someone.

"Yes! Guild leader, we know. Now take them all. "

After receiving the instructions, the guard immediately waved his hand, so more than a dozen minions in the back pushed cars and pressed out the 53 martial artists in the warehouse.

"Hello! Where are you cowards taking us? I'm the young master of the Xiao family. Dare you touch me... "

"I'm the young master of the Yang family. You let me go! I'll give you all the money... "

The two second generation ancestors were frightened by this posture and kept howling like pigs about to be sent to the slaughterhouse. However, Lin Feng quietly closed his eyes and refreshed himself. His spiritual knowledge kept sweeping the four directions. He knew that the next stage was the important play. Why did the two leaders of the great saint Gang catch so many low-level martial artists?

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