Because this is in the underground base, there is no natural light except the light. So, whether it's day or night, it looks the same.

At this time, Lin Feng estimated that it should be almost midnight. It should have been time to rest and sleep, but his spiritual sense found that all members of the Da Sheng Gang base were on high alert, as if something big was going to happen.

"What the hell is going on? Seems a little different from what I thought? Where on earth are they going to send us? "

Lin Feng's heart was full of doubts, which was why he didn't announce his identity at the beginning, because although he had a guess about the two leaders of the great saint sect, there were still many things he couldn't figure out.

If it is really the two of them, how can they establish such a huge force in such a short time? Moreover, what is the use of catching low-level warriors? According to the previous dialogue between brother Peng and ah Zhong, we can know that several batches should have been arrested before, and these martial artists have no return, and they are probably dead.

"It's reasonable to say that if they work for me, they should be very low-key! How could they mobilize so many people and... Do something like a cult? "

Just when Lin Feng was confused, this group of people had pushed them into the core area that Lin Feng's spiritual consciousness could not sweep before.

"The secret is in this core area?"


Lin Feng's spiritual knowledge swept in, and the tight door in front of him was opened from inside. To Lin Feng's surprise, it was not a room or warehouse, nor an underground cave, but a very beautiful garden.

Even, above the head of this garden, there are several huge special light bulbs, which imitate the external sunlight and release hot light all the time.

"What is this? Why do you plant such a large area of... Peony in such an underground place? "

Yes, at first glance, there is only one kind of flower planted in this gorgeous garden, that is the most famous peony in Luoshi.

A large cluster of peony flowers revealed an unusual charm, which made Lin Feng feel unnatural. However, when he used his spiritual knowledge to sweep, he seemed to find nothing unusual. These peonies were just like ordinary peonies.

"Hello! What are you bastards bringing us here for? Let me go, I'm Xiao Shao...... "

Xiao ran was still shouting, but he was slapped by the guard and shut his mouth.

"What's the noise? Young masters of aristocratic families like you will probably pee in a moment. Ha ha! "

The guard laughed a few times, then looked at the time and said to another guard, "the guild leader didn't come this time. We have no problem eating?"

"Don't worry! It's the same process every time. There's no problem. However, at that time, we have to stay away. Although this thing can't eat martial artists with more than four floors the day after tomorrow, the juice spitting out can be severely corrosive! "

Another guard laughed a few times, then looked at his watch and said, "there are five minutes left. Let everyone else step back! Just let's prepare... "

"Well! All of you, step back! Don't come in without my order... "

At the command, the minions all retreated one after another, but Lin Feng was very strange. He clearly swept it several times with his spiritual knowledge. There was no problem with the peony in front of him? Five minutes left. What the hell are they waiting for?


Midnight, twelve!

When the new day came, the whole underground garden began to shake violently.

"Ah? Earthquake! You're gonna let us go? Run for your life! Earthquake, don't you know? Still standing foolishly... Not afraid of death? "

Feeling the violent vibration under him, Xiao ran was so frightened that he shouted. Yang Xiaofeng also shouted, "I don't want to die yet! I'm still a virgin... "

"What's the noise? Two young masters, young masters of the great aristocratic family! I haven't seen anything in the world. Next, ha ha... Let's open your eyes! "

Say it! The guard directly grabbed a dying warrior on the second floor of the day after tomorrow and broke his neck without mercy.


Blood gushed out of the main artery and spilled all over the ground. The guard threw his head into the flowers. Then the guard watered the flowers like a water pipe, holding the headless corpse towards the most brightly blooming peony flowers.

Hiss, hiss

The blood of the warrior poured on the peony flowers, and suddenly sent out a burst of white smoke. Lin Feng also widened his eyes and watched the peony flowers and vines that could not move quickly shrink and gather together.

"This... What's the matter with NIMA? Has the peony become a essence? "

Seeing here, even if Lin Feng was a cultivator, he couldn't help opening his mouth and sighed.

As for the other fighters, not to mention, their eyes widened and their whole body twitched with fear.

"Oh, my God! Monster! This... This peony is a monster! "

"Help! Let us out, let us out... "

Seeing this scene, Xiao ran and Yang Xiaofeng were completely stunned. Even if they were the children of the ancient martial family, they had seen so much since childhood, but they had never seen such a terrible scene!

"Ha ha! I'll tell you! These two second generation ancestors will be scared to pee their pants. However, this is just an appetizer. The real power is in the back! "

Seeing the frightened expressions of the two second generation ancestors, the guard laughed, and then threw the blood dried body of the warrior into the flowers. In an instant, it was surrounded by the peony flowers around, and the delicate petals turned into bloodthirsty teeth at this moment.

Click, click!

It was the sound of bones being bitten off. The headless body was swallowed up by the terrible peonies in less than ten seconds.

The whole underground garden, hundreds of peonies, turned into terrible sharp teeth and big mouths at this time.

"The peony is so weird! Moreover, all peony flowers are activated by blood almost in an instant. Otherwise, even if I scan with spiritual consciousness, there will be no abnormality at all, and all peony flowers actually grow from a root... "

After scanning peony flowers with spiritual consciousness again, Lin Feng found that it was very different from just now.

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