"Oh! Great Xia, kill that man! He's breaking the news! If their guild leader comes, we will all die. "

Seeing this, Xiao ran also shouted. Finally, he saw the hope of life. He didn't want to be buried again by the pretending force of the blowing up young man in front of him.

"Ha ha!"

But Lin Feng ignored them and sneered twice.

But at this time, the terrible man eating peony spread in the underground garden began to expand rapidly.

I know

The creeping action of the vine roots looks like thousands of green snakes wriggling.

"Ah ah..."




One warrior after another was bitten by these peony flowers, and then swallowed them one by one. No one could help feeling frightened when watching this scene.

"Great Xia! Help us! Save us... "

"Please, great Xia, really... Those terrible peonies are about to rush up. You must save us! "

Seeing that the vine of the peony flower was about to spread, Xiao ran and Yang Xiaofeng cried out in a hurry.


Taking a step forward, Lin Feng took one in one hand, then threw them fiercely, threw them closer to the exit, and untied the ropes on them at the same time.

As for the other fighters, Lin Feng did not intend to save them. Because these people are full of murderous spirit and blood, and they are not good people at all.

In fact, the people of Da Sheng gang are very selective in catching low-level martial arts. Basically, they all choose to become martial artists by chance. They have one or two levels of cultivation, but they have been mixed in the society of ordinary people. They use their ancient martial arts to kill innocent ordinary people.

Lin Feng can feel these murderous spirits from them. Basically, in addition to the two second generation ancestors Xiao ran and Yang Xiaofeng, there are more than two ordinary lives in the hands of every low-level martial artist.

Lin Feng doesn't need to have any compassion for such warriors who bully and kill ordinary people by relying on ancient martial arts, let alone save them. Moreover, Lin Feng really wanted to see what the peony flowers in this vein could do. After eating these warriors, what tricks could they turn out.

"Ah! Great Xia, you... Look, so many people have been swallowed alive by these peonies. finished! finished! I will never face the peony again... No! I dare not face any flowers in the future... "

Seeing this scene in front of us, the bodies of dozens of low-level warriors changed from living people to corpses, then white bones, and finally even bones became chemical fertilizer for peony flowers in almost ten seconds.

The horror of this can't be realized without seeing it with your own eyes. Not to mention, Xiao ran and Yang Xiaofeng both narrowly escaped death. The real kind of narrowly escaped death. If Lin Feng didn't pull them hard at last, they might not even have a bone left now.

"Just stay here and die! I have reported to the sect leader...... "

Seeing this, the informer immediately turned around and escaped from the underground garden. Then he pressed the remote control in his hand and paid attention to the whole gate of the underground garden, regardless of his injured companion.

"Ah? The door is closed. Look, great Xia... If you had just listened to us and subdued the man earlier and didn't let him tell the news, it wouldn't be the scene now. "

Just got rid of the danger, and now I'm trapped inside again. I looked at Lin Feng with a bleak face and said with a sad face, "great Xia, do you have a way to go out? This door is made of steel plate. Even martial artists in the later stage of the day after tomorrow can't wear it. "

"Great Xia! The lives of our brothers are in your hands. We must find a way to escape immediately! Otherwise, these peonies will spread here sooner or later. We will certainly become the same as them. I don't want to die like this! " Yang Xiaofeng also hurried forward and begged Lin Feng.

"What are you afraid of! I'll draw a circle for you two. Those peonies will never dare to touch you. "

Lin Feng smiled and drew a circle under Xiao ran and Yang Xiaofeng with his feet, just as sun Dasheng drew a circle for Tang monk when he played three dozen Baigujing.

Similarly, in order to prevent the injured fifth floor guard from being swallowed up by peonies, Lin Feng drew a circle for him. After all, the guard's cultivation is also good and loyal to the great saint sect. Lin Feng doesn't want him to die under the sharp teeth of the peony petals.

"Ah? Draw a circle? Great Xia, are you kidding? Just you... No! Is it really useful to draw a circle with your feet? "

Originally, he placed all his hopes on Lin Feng, but when Xiao ran saw Lin Feng's playful practice, he expressed deep doubt in his heart.

"Yes! Great Xia, those peonies are about to climb up... Why don't we try smashing the door! " Yang Xiaofeng also said uneasily.

"If you want to die, you can try to get out of this circle..."

Lin Feng said faintly, but he was laughing in his heart. On the surface of this circle, Lin Feng only moved his feet a few times when painting, but in fact, Lin Feng was combined with the cultivator's protective array. Those peony flowers didn't even open their intelligence. They only had the most basic foraging instinct. It was impossible to break into such a high-end array circle.

"What should I do? Xiao ran, is this... What the great Xia said really reliable? Those peonies are going to rush up! " Yang Xiao looked at the peony flowers with a big mouth. His heart was hairy.

"Whatever! What else can we do? I can only... I can only trust the great Xia's circle... "

Xiao ran also had no bottom in his heart, but there was no other way. He could only choose to trust Lin Feng when he was so domineering.


The peony flower, which absorbed the blood essence of dozens of martial artists, also became much thicker and shook up in the air, just like a powerful whip. The whole underground garden looks as if it will soon be completely occupied by the peony.

"Come here! The cannibal peony is coming. Xiao ran, what should I do? Run or not? Oh, my God! A whip came... "

Watching the peony rhizome whip whipped down, Yang Xiaofeng was stunned. When he just wanted to run away, Xiao ran grabbed him and shouted, "don't run! Xiaofeng, if you run out, you'll really hang up... "

(I took the train back to my hometown for more than ten hours, took the bus for five or six hours, ran around all afternoon and night, and finally got things done. Then I hurried back to the code word. When I sent this watch, I saw that the activity was more than 1000, indicating that I had to go to the fourth watch today. I bought it! Drink two cans of red bull! It must be four o'clock, that is, it will be very late and stay up late... Let's see it tomorrow morning!)

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