Although Xiao Ran has a lot of opinions on Lin Feng's protection plan of drawing a circle, at this time, he doesn't believe who else Lin Feng can trust?

At such an urgent and dangerous juncture, if Yang Xiaofeng chooses to escape and escape from the protective circle drawn by Lin Feng, he must be dead. All around are such terrible peony vines. There may be a glimmer of vitality left in the circle.

"Hold on! Be sure to hold on... "

When Yang Xiaofeng was forcibly held, Xiao Ran's heart was also shouting and praying.


A clear and loud sound, even a forced breaking sound.

Xiao ran widened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him strangely. The threatening vine unexpectedly met a glittering thing similar to the boundary, and then immediately broke into two sections.

"I'll go! Isn't that handsome? What is this NIMA? This circle, isn't it great? "

He rubbed his eyes ruthlessly, and Xiao ran pushed Yang Xiaofeng, who was also silly, "see? Xiaofeng, did you just see it? This circle is really useful, and... It's so crazy that it's cool! "

"What the hell is going on? Xiao ran, am I dreaming! This circle is like a protective cover, so that those peonies can't get close to us at all? "

Yang Xiaofeng, who thought he would die, looked at everything in front of him like a dream.

Pop pop

The peony flower seemed to become angry with shame. Suddenly, it raised more rhizome whips and pulled them towards Xiao ran and Yang Xiaofeng.

"Ah! I'll go, Xiao ran, there's a lot more... How can we stand NIMA? " Yang Xiaofeng trembled with fear.

"What are you afraid of? We have a circle drawn by the great Xia. How many come and how many go out. "

Xiao Ran's courage is a little bigger, and the key is that he has thoroughly seen Lin Feng's cow force, especially the faint force smell of Lin Feng's contempt expression standing on that face. It's just to pretend to force to the limit. Isn't this the realm of the peak of life that Xiao ran has always wanted to pursue?

However, Xiao Ran's previous pretending force was forced, and there was no strength support at all. Among those evil friends in the capital, what he relied on was the identity of the young master of the Xiao family. Where is Lin Feng so domineering? In a faint word, the circles drawn with his feet can have such great power.

Boom! Boom!

Sure enough, as Xiao ran expected, the circle over their heads was like a sharp guillotine, and the roots of those peonies were cut off as much as they came.

What made them feel extremely terrible was that the broken roots spewed out fishy blood, which made people feel sick and want to vomit.

"Ha ha! See? Xiaofeng, these peonies don't dare to come near us. They will die as many as they come. Ha ha... Don't be afraid. We are covered by great Xia! "

After blocking the attack of a wave of peonies, Xiao ran put his heart in his stomach, and then flattered Lin Feng while comforting his frightened good friend Yang Xiaofeng.

The reason why Lin Feng did this was, on the one hand, waiting for the two sect leaders of the great saint sect to appear, on the other hand, he covered the whole underground garden area with spiritual knowledge and closely observed the slightest movement and reaction of the peony flower.

Outside the underground garden, two leaders of the great saint sect who heard the news rushed over. They were wearing masks on their faces, one wearing a Tang Monk's mask and the other wearing a sand monk's mask. Obviously, they didn't want people to recognize them.

When they reached the gate of the underground garden, they immediately asked the guard to open the gate. Both of them have reached the peak of cultivation the day after tomorrow, so they feel that they don't need to be afraid of any opponents.

Kaka, Kaka

When the gate of the underground garden was opened from the outside again, Yang Xiaofeng cried in surprise: "great Xia, the door is open, let's run away!"

"Run what? Run! Xiaofeng, great Xia, you have to pretend to be forced! How can you escape? What kind of bird are the sect leaders of the great saint sect! In front of our great Xia, there is only a second kill... "

From the circle on the ground, Xiao ran was fully aware of Lin Feng's power, which can't be made by ordinary martial artists. Even, in Xiao Ran's cognition, I'm afraid even the martial artist of his grandfather's innate realm can't do it.

Take another look at Lin Feng's faint domineering spirit that doesn't have to be deliberately displayed on his face. This is clearly the performance that the pretending force has broken through the limit of the universe. This kind of supreme invisible pretending force is the most terrible.

"Guild leader, it's him... Those two are the young masters of the Xiao family and the Yang family in the capital. I suspect he is probably the expert who secretly protects the children of these two aristocratic families."

The guard pointed to Lin Feng with his back to the door and reported.

"Even if you dare to run to our great saint's sect, no matter who you are, even if the heavenly king Lao Tzu comes, he will never save you."

The sect leader with the Tang Monk mask shouted fiercely, "this is not a place where everyone can go wild."

In the past few months, they have worked hard, integrated a lot of forces and expanded a lot of territory, which is almost unfavourable. Especially when they joined hands, even some elders of the day after tomorrow's peak cultivation of the ancient martial arts sect came to find their bad luck, but they couldn't succeed. On the contrary, they were beaten away by his brothers with injuries.

"Big brother! Wait... You see... Why can't blood peony do anything about them, even our people... Blood peony dare not come near? On the ground... My God! Why are so many blood peonies cut off? "

Another sect leader with a sand monk mask observed the situation in the underground garden, widened his eyes and cried strangely. After all, they both know the power of the blood peony very well. Even if they join hands, they can only barely save their lives in front of the blood peony.

Although the blood peony can't absorb the Qi and blood power of martial artists with more than four layers the day after tomorrow, that doesn't mean it can't kill the martial artists with the peak the day after tomorrow!

"You... Who the hell are you? Who sent you? Say it quickly, or we won't blame you for being rude. "

Although he was afraid of the strange situation at the scene, the guild leader with Tang Monk mask still stared at Lin Feng and forced him to ask.

"Can't you recognize who I am?"

With Lin Feng's faint and thick voice, he slowly turned around, but he didn't know when he had a mask on his face.

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