There's nothing wrong. The moment the two sect leaders opened the door, Lin Feng put on the great saint mask he hadn't worn for a long time from the divine water space.

Great sage, who also?

It is the water curtain cave of Huaguo Mountain, and the monkey king, the great saint of the whole sky, is it!

Lin Feng likes to watch journey to the West since he was a child. He is not afraid of anything else because there is such a monkey in it. Dare to sit in the LingXiao Temple of the Jade Emperor and pee on the hands of the Tathagata Buddha, but he can carry an iron rod and cut off demons and Demons all the way to escort the Tang monk to the west to get scriptures.

Now, Lin Feng has grown up and knows that those myths do not exist, but the spirit of the great sage has been inherited by Lin Feng.

He, calling himself the great saint, was fearless.

He, calling himself the great saint, swept the toilet.

When Lin Feng turned around wearing this great saint mask, the two gang leaders were angry. They stared wide, and the expression on their faces solidified instantly. There was something to say in their throat, but it seemed frozen there, choking and speechless.

"Eh? Great Xia, where did you get a mask? Why did the two guild leaders suddenly wear them after learning from them? ha-ha! It's scary... "

Xiao ran looked back at Lin Feng's appearance. He was startled first, and then laughed and joked.

Instead, Yang Xiaofeng turned his head, pointed to the mask on Lin Feng's face, pointed to the two sect leaders of the great saint sect, and shouted: "Xiao ran, look! The masks worn by these two guild leaders are Tang Monk and Sha monk, and... Our great Xia wears... It seems to be the masks of Sun Wukong and sun Dasheng. They... My God! Are they together? "

"My mother!"

When Yang Xiaofeng reminded him, his pupils widened, and a sharp cry came out in his throat. He pointed to Lin Feng and the two great help in great fear. He muttered strangely: "Sun Dasheng, Tang Monk and Sha monk! Let me go. Even the mask is the same. I know... Da Sheng Gang, Da Sheng Gang, shouldn't it... Great Xia, you are the real leader of Da Sheng Gang? "

Thinking of this, Xiao Ran's legs softened completely. The two sect leaders of the great saint sect were terrible enough, but he never thought that the real boss of the great saint sect had been hidden around him.

No wonder! No wonder the great Xia knew that he was caught here and could talk and laugh all the time. He was not nervous and worried at all. At the beginning, Xiao ran thought it was a funny force who likes to pretend!

But now it seems that the person who really teases and forces and silly comparison is himself. The great Xia of others is a real cow. He doesn't have to pretend. His whole body reveals that kind of Golden COW spirit.

He opened his mouth and Xiao ran didn't dare to go any further, because in his opinion, the Da Sheng Gang is not a good thing at all. Looking at the cannibal peony, so many dead martial artists know. If Lin Feng is the real leader of the Da Sheng Gang, he and Yang Xiaofeng will be doomed. It is estimated that even if they are not treated as flower fat, they will come to no better end.

Shut up and watch the change... It's fate. Xiao ran and Yang Xiaofeng have no choice.

Just a moment after Xiao ran guessed Lin Feng's identity, the two masked sect leaders knelt down on one knee towards Lin Feng without warning and shouted respectfully, "see you, great saint!"

See you later?


Sure enough, the great Xia is the core soul of the whole Da Sheng gang and is named the "Da Sheng" of the gang name. The two masked guild leaders are the two Xiao brothers Lin Feng accepted in Tianchi, Changbai Mountain. With the help of Lin Feng's divine water, they easily broke through the peak cultivation of the day after tomorrow and became one of the best experts in the Jianghu and Wulin.

At the same time, the gang members of the hundreds of great saints who followed the Xiao brothers were stunned at first, and then saw that even the two gang leaders knelt down. Of course, they didn't dare to hesitate at all. They all knelt down on one knee with a neat bang, arched their hands and shouted respectfully to Lin Feng:

"See the great saint!"

This posture, this battle, and in such a strange atmosphere and underground space, Xiao ran and Yang Xiaofeng's faces were so nervous that they were sweating, especially when they thought that they had been so rude to Lin Feng before, they beat drums in their hearts.

"Xiao... Xiao ran, look, so many people are kneeling. I... should we also mean it? "

Looking at so many great saints on the 5678th floor the day after tomorrow, all of them knelt down towards Lin Feng on one knee. Yang Xiaofeng also pulled tightly, pulled the bleak sleeves next to him, and said weakly.

"Kneel... Kneel quickly. How do I feel? If I don't kneel, I will die in a moment?"

Seeing that it was like a cult organization and a battle of preaching and selling, Xiao ran, who was afraid of death, immediately took Yang Xiaofeng and turned around, knelt down with a puff towards Lin Feng, arched his hand and pretended to be very pious and respectful and shouted, "see the great saint!"


The whole underground garden was so quiet that even the terrible man eating peony was afraid of Lin Feng's majesty and dared not move a leaf.

However, Lin Feng's spiritual consciousness released the threat and awed all the great saints, so that they didn't dare to have the slightest idea of resistance and disrespect in their hearts, and weakened their willpower. Then Lin Feng began to explore and search them with spiritual consciousness.

Ten minutes later, Lin Feng didn't speak. All the people knelt on the ground and didn't dare to move. Even if the sweat fell on the tip of the nose and itched, they had to bear it and didn't dare to scratch it. Because they instinctively feel that if they do so, it will be extremely dangerous.

Half an hour later, no one dared to move or speak without permission, including the Xiao brothers. They half knelt on the ground, lowered their heads to show absolute obedience, and waited for the orders and orders of Lin Feng, the real "great saint".

"Strange! Why didn't you find it? Among all the gang members here, there is no suspicious woman at all, and none of them is controlled or... Has the smell related to this man eating peony. "

After searching carefully with spiritual knowledge for half an hour, Lin Feng frowned severely. He couldn't find the slightest clue about his doubts.

(too tired! I fell asleep while writing, then woke up and continued to write a few words, and fell asleep on the table. So repeatedly, I finally finished this chapter! There is another chapter, fulfill your promise and continue to stay up late to write! Mom, red bull can't stand it! Brother fire needs everyone to stand it! Vote, comment, subscribe, reward... Hit it hard! I'll wash my face and come back to write the last chapter!)

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