Bang bang!

The peony blossoms, without the slightest warning, burst one after another like a bomb.

The roots of the peony also burst into countless splashes of blood. A very foul smell immediately spread throughout the underground garden.


Feeling all this, Lin Feng's heart had sunk, and then recklessly pushed out with an angry wave. All the members of the great saint sect were shot out with a violent wave.

"Great Xia! No... it's Mahatma, help! Help us both! "

Xiao ran and Yang Xiaofeng, the two second generation ancestors, have been scared to their knees. The sound of explosion in their ears, the blood splashing on their bodies, with corrosiveness, immediately caused a terrible burn on their skin, which is extremely painful.

"My face... My body, ah..."

Yang Xiaofeng rolled painfully on the ground, because they were the two closest to the peony, so almost all their bodies were splashed with the terrible blood.

"It's over! It's over... I'm going to disfigure... "Xiao ran cried out in despair as he watched his skin burn and corrode bit by bit.

"What trouble! You two, get out of here... "

Sighed. In an emergency, Lin Feng could only fly forward, grabbed them with one hand, and then suddenly threw them out.


Xiao ran and Yang Xiaofeng fell to the ground and fainted one after another. Fortunately, their blood left the area and did not continue to corrode.

But at this time, Lin Feng was the only one left in the underground garden area. The pieces of exploded peony debris began to gather quickly, and then quickly condensed into a bloody human form on the ground.

"Great saint!"

The two Xiao brothers who were shocked out also realized that something was wrong and wanted to rush inside to support Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng waved his hand and said to the two of them, "don't come here. You two evacuate the gang immediately. I'll take care of it here! It's time to come. You can't help. "

From the beginning of realizing that this is a trap, Lin Feng has guessed that the mysterious woman should always be in this underground base. The reason why her spiritual consciousness can't find her is entirely because she adopts a very hidden hiding strategy, or... This is a way that makes Lin Feng feel extremely terrible.

Now, everything is beginning to verify.

The fragments of peony slowly condensed into a blood red figure, and a burst of frightening laughter sounded around.


This is a woman's voice, but you can't tell whether she is old or young, some hysterical, and with a trace of desperate fear.

This burst of laughter rang out in the whole underground garden, not... It should be said that the whole underground base.

As the laughter grew stronger and stronger, the fragments of those peonies became less and less, and the gathered human shape became more and more clear.

"Ah! Da Sheng, it's her. She's a green girl! Oh, my God! How could she... How could she be that blood peony? "

The Shaw Brothers were completely shocked when they saw the formed figure.

How can the fragments of those petals and the roots of those peonies finally condense into a human shape? And a living human form? The laughter that filled the whole space also made them scared. What kind of fear is this?

"Sure enough! Who are you? I dare to pretend to be the great saint. Don't play tricks here. Show your true body! "

Fearless, Lin Feng stood in place and watched the blood peony condense into a red figure bit by bit. He could feel the huge energy contained in the red figure.

"Ha ha ha..."

There was no answer. The terrible woman's laughter still came out of the air.

"Great saint! We... "

Xiao brothers also wanted to support Lin Feng, but Lin Feng waved his hand and pulled out Feng Tong's sword.

"Since you still want to play tricks, don't blame Ben Dasheng for being rude."

Holding the sword, Lin Feng's eyes coagulated and swept with his sword.


Before the red figure was completely condensed and formed, it was cut in half by Lin Feng's sword, and then scattered all over the ground.

"The great sage is mighty!"

Xiao brothers immediately gave orders to all the gang members to retreat to a safe place on the ground. Then they risked to stay where they were. When they saw Lin Feng waving his sword, they cut off the terrible figure and cheered immediately.

"It's not that simple..."

However, Lin Feng did not relax at all. He knew that the blood peony would not be killed by himself so easily. Just look at the petals scattered on the ground. They wriggled again bit by bit, and then began to gather together faster than the last time.

"Look, you're not dead!"



When the red figures were about to gather together again, Lin Feng waved another sword. Feng Tong's sword flashed a sharp light and cut her into pieces again.

However, the situation did not get better. The scattered petals began to gather into human form again and again.

Moreover, what made Lin Feng feel even more frightened was that this time, the speed of her peristalsis and cohesion turned out to be happier again.

With another wave of Fengtong sword, Lin Feng's face suddenly changed, because he unexpectedly found that the energy in Fengtong sword suddenly decreased a lot.

"What's going on? Could it be said that she was deceived... She was intentional, and she could... Forcibly absorb the vitality and power of Fengtong sword when I attacked with Fengtong sword... "

Finally, after two more attacks, Lin Feng realized that he had been fooled by the blood peony. The attack of Fengtong sword not only can't cause a slightest harm to her, but has become her vitality supply station.

"Ha ha ha..."

Seeing that Lin Feng stopped attacking, the human figure gathered together quickly began to evolve into a woman's exquisite face, but revealed a frightening panic fear.

The same laughter, but this time, the woman with the red figure spoke: "great saint, great saint! It really deserves its reputation! The power of your sword is really a delicacy for me! Ha ha... Please don't pity others, just ravage my family! Use your sword to stab my flower heart... "

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