Terrible laughter, with such disgusting words, as soon as the woman in red appeared, Lin Feng almost spit out the supper he ate last night.

"It's her, Mahatma! The young girl we are talking about is her...... "

At this moment, the Shaw Brothers completely recognized that the woman who falsely preached the great will was the woman in red in front of them.

"Who on earth are you, the devil, who dares to pretend to be me?"

Persistent Fengtong sword, Lin Feng cautiously looked at the woman in red and asked.

"Holy master! My family is not a person who pretends to be you, but... A woman who wants to be you! "

With the sharp and bewitching voice, the woman in red was wearing a layer of light red yarn. Her graceful posture began to flirt in front of Lin Feng.

"Get out! Disgusting woman... Look at the sword! "

The woman in red said that Lin Feng had goose bumps all over her body. Even if she looked beautiful and charming now, Lin Feng felt uncomfortable as long as she remembered the terrible man eating peony she had incarnated before, and killed her again with Fengtong sword.

"The great sage is here. I just want to taste your sword!"

The woman in red smiled strangely at the corners of her mouth, and then suddenly the whole person scattered again and turned into a huge bright red peony. The blooming petals came directly towards Lin Feng's Fengtong sword.


Lin Feng's sword directly pierced into the flower center of the peony flower. It was as if it had pierced into the mire, and it kept sinking. Moreover, the flower center of the peony flower was filled with a disgusting and rotten liquid, which began to flow up along Lin Feng's Fengtong sword.

"Disgusting woman, play with me? I'm the ancestor of playing with water! "

Feeling the corrosiveness of this disgusting liquid, Lin Feng tilted his mouth slightly, then immediately launched the water control ability, and directly pushed the water back to the flower center of peony.


The peony flower showed a trace of surprise. She had never encountered such a situation. Unexpectedly, someone other than herself could control the poison.

"It seems that this poison can't deal with you! The slave family will come to serve the great saint in person... "

Suddenly, the petals of the peony were all wrapped together. Lin Feng was caught off guard. Even Feng Tong's sword completely missed, and he fell into the flower center of the peony and couldn't pull it out.

"Damn it, there is a faint layer of protection outside the peony. My spiritual consciousness can't penetrate now, and my water control ability can't work on her... "

Lin Feng is of water attribute and has practiced the "congenital Kui water formula", but his water control ability is not omnipotent. Before, even when dealing with some fighters, we would encounter some resistance. Now, to deal with the woman in red, her water control ability can't penetrate into her body.

Otherwise, Lin Feng can directly turn her beautiful Peony into a dry flower as long as she makes a sudden effort.

"It seems that this woman's spiritual strength is equal to me? My ability to control water is ineffective for her. "

After taking a few steps back, Lin Feng was even more frightened.

Fengtong sword, invalid.

Water control capability, invalid.

Lin Feng's two greatest abilities, which he relied on most, had no effect on the woman in red. Even when using Fengtong sword, the vitality in her body would be absorbed by her continuously.

Moreover, the most important thing is that from the appearance of the woman in red to now, Lin Feng doesn't know what the woman in red came from.

"Gaga, Gaga... Great sage, why don't you use a stick? Now the sword has fallen into my hand. So, this is the flying sword that Bai Yi said? Great sage, why don't you return the sword to me and fly one to me? "

The peony flower turned into a woman in red again. Holding Lin Feng's Fengtong sword, she even licked the liquid with her scarlet tongue. It looked really disgusting.

"White? What you said... Is it the white master of the other side sect? "

Hearing the words of the woman in red, Lin Feng finally knew, "Xiaobai doesn't seem to be dead. Are you from the other side?"

"Holy master! You finally know my family. Let me introduce myself! They all call me the great leader in red, but... Great saint, you can call my real name Yu Qingqing, pro hot spot, just call me Qingqing. "

The woman in red took Lin Feng's Fengtong sword and said with a smile, "it's really not easy to invite the great saint out! If I hadn't created the great saint Gang, I wouldn't know where to find the great saint! "

"The great leader in red? Sure enough, you are taught by the other side. You are much better than Xiaobai. If the last time I met not Xiaobai, but you... I'm afraid it's already broken. "

Knowing the identity of the woman in red, Lin Feng completely figured everything out. The great saint sect is just a trap pocket. It is the bait that Yu Qingqing, the leader of the Great Church in red, made to attract him. Moreover, from what happened today, we can see that this is a cruel and scheming woman.

Including when Lin Feng scanned the peony with her spiritual consciousness, she couldn't find that the whole peony would be turned out by her. It is conceivable that if yu Qingqing felt that she was not Lin Feng's opponent, she would not appear.

The reason why she dared to appear after Lin Feng showed her great saint identity was that she was fully sure to "eat" Lin Feng.

"Great saint, it's not too late to meet my family now! I have made a bed for the great saint in the other side sect. Will you follow me back to worship and get married? "

Playing with Lin Feng's Fengtong sword, Yu Qingqing, the great leader in red, has a flattering smile on his face.

"Do you think I can't help you without the flying sword?" Lin Feng stepped back two steps and kept a distance from Yu Qingqing. At the same time, his mind was searching for countermeasures quickly.

"Come on! Great sage, your flying sword is really a good thing. There is a power that fascinates me. It's delicious! Do you have any more, great saint, just face my flower heart. I can use the nectar just now to give back to you... "

Yu Qingqing's hands turned into vines of peony flowers, then shook them from both sides, blocked Lin Feng's back road, and then made a quack, "quack! If my guess is right, Mahatma, you should be a legendary cultivator! I want to drain your energy, so that my cultivation can be further... Gaga...... "

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