"Great saint! Be careful! "

The Xiao brothers were stunned when they saw it from a distance, and they were afraid for a while. They didn't think that Yu Qingqing, who had been in contact with themselves and others for several times, would be the leader of the red clothes sect of the other side sect. What's more, she was the blood peony planted.

Seeing that her two hands turned into vines of peony flowers and surrounded Lin Feng, Xiao brothers were also worried in their hearts! For fear that Lin Feng will suffer losses in her hands, they are expected to die.

"With such a little means, do you want to suck up my vitality? Whether you are a man or a demon, let me show you the power of this great saint today. "

Although there is no Fengtong sword in her hand, Lin Feng will not be caught like this. The cardinal is really powerful. Although she is not a cultivator, Lin Feng feels some breath on her. She is neither human nor demon, but she is not invincible.

"Hard mouth! After a while, I'll see how I turn you into my flower fat... "

Yu Qingqing showed a ferocious face. It was like a coquettish face just now. Now it's so terrible, like a bloody female ghost in the movie.

Whew, whew!

Two huge vines were tied to Lin Feng, but Lin Feng didn't dodge at all. Instead, he smiled and let Qingqing wrap himself up.

"Great saint!"

The Xiao brothers wanted to rush forward to save Lin Feng, but Yu Qingqing's other small vine waved and slammed them away.

"Quack! The legendary powerful cultivator is nothing more than that! Today, let our leader have a good taste. How delicious the great saint's tender meat is... "

Looking at Lin Feng, who was heavily tied up, Yu Qingqing, the leader of the Great Church in red, opened his mouth and directly sent Lin Feng to his mouth. The breath he breathed out was full of rotten and bloody smell. Ordinary people would definitely faint when they smelled this smell.

Under such circumstances, Lin Feng still smiled with no fear. Looking at Yu Qingqing, he smiled and said, "do you want to eat me very much? It seems that the strength of a cultivator is a great tonic to you. If I guessed correctly, you guessed that I was a cultivator when you knew me from childhood, right? "

"Yes! I have seen from many ancient books that there were powerful practitioners on the earth. But I don't know why they have disappeared, but there are still some inheritance of practitioners. Every once in a while, there are always records similar to the presence and absence of descendants of practitioners... "

Yu Qingqing, who was no longer an adult, shouted in a strange tone, "I didn't expect that I was so lucky to catch a cultivator at the critical moment of cultivation. GA GA...... "

"Good luck? Nonono... I don't think so. You should have bad luck when you met me? Thanks to your careful planning for several months, you helped me set up the great saint sect. "

Although Yu Qingqing tied him up and couldn't move at all, Lin Feng could still talk and laugh.

"Do you still want to resist when you are dying? You don't have a flying sword and your body can't move. How can you turn the plate? Gaga! I'm going to suck you dry today... "

Say it! Yu Qingqing, with her mouth full of blood, unexpectedly stretched out several tentacles like suction cups from her mouth and directly pasted them on Lin Feng's body. On those tentacles, there were hollow thorns in the middle like needles, stabbing Lin Feng's body like an injection.

"I'll go! Damn it, don't you know I'm most afraid of injections? "

As soon as he saw that at least a thousand thorns were coming towards him, Lin Feng trembled and stopped dealing with Yu Qingqing. His spiritual knowledge communicated with his divine water space, and then poof, countless black stagnant water poured out out of thin air.

"Dead witch! Ugly... Don't you want to suck me dry? ha-ha! Now let you suck, see how much you can suck... "

The stagnant water came out of Lin Feng and rushed towards Yu Qingqing's needle like thorns. Under Lin Feng's water control formula, it directly poured into the innermost part of Yu Qingqing's flower heart.

Hiss, hiss

Where dead water goes, there is no grass, which corrodes everything.

"Ah! what is it? Why does my body, ah... Begin to melt away... "

The stagnant water appeared too suddenly and too quickly, which caught Yu Qingqing unprepared.

Yu Qingqing, who was originally very proud, suddenly felt that countless flames were burning and corroding all over her body. Those tentacles quickly turned into black pus, and pieces of decay in her body turned into ashes. She suddenly looked up and shouted, and her face began to corrode slowly. She was unwilling to rush at Lin Feng.

"I'll die with you..."

Almost every second, Yu Qingqing's body began to be corroded by black water from inside to outside. She was unwilling to fight for the last bit of vitality and had to drag Lin Feng to die together.

However, the backwater was originally controlled by Lin Feng and did not hurt Lin Feng at all. Before Yu Qingqing rushed to Lin Feng, he couldn't help showing the prototype again and turned into clusters of blooming peonies.

Unfortunately, these peonies just appeared, and before they had time to bloom, they withered in sequence, and then turned into black ashes.

"Great saint! I'll never die with you... You wait for endless revenge from my other side! "

Countless peonies bloom!

Countless peonies failed!

The smelly black blood dried up, but Yu Qingqing's unwilling words echoed in the whole underground space, full of resentment and curse.

"What kind of existence is the other shore religion?"

Seeing all the peonies turn to ashes under the power of the dead water, Lin Feng's mood is not relaxed at all, because he found that these peonies have no breath of life through the dead water.

This means that Yu Qingqing, who had just been "killed" by him, did not really die. These peonies are just a carrier of her remote control. This carrier is destroyed, and her noumenon is at most subject to some reverse phagocytosis, which will not have devastating consequences.

In addition, the white leader who died last time still escaped and returned to the other side to teach the red leader Yu Qingqing, which made Lin Feng more aware that the other side religion is a powerful enemy. I'm afraid all their great leaders have unique means to protect their lives.

"Da Sheng, is that witch dead completely?"

Seeing that all the peonies had been destroyed, the Xiao brothers hurried forward and asked in horror.

Happy Dragon Boat Festival! Third, it's so late that I can't help it. In addition, I'll push a new book "eternal holy king" by good friend Jun Luohua. Many good friends have opened new books recently. Fantasy hot blood, you are interested, go and have a look!)

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