"He... He is the great saint! Brother Peng, look... It's him... "Ren Dezhong screamed.

"I'll go! It's really that man, ah Zhong. No wonder he said... He's the boss of our boss. Unexpectedly... Our great saint Gang still has this relationship with your dragon group... "

After brother Peng was released, he had understood the relationship between the great saint gang and the dragon group, so he could stand here with Ren Dezhong in peace and meet the great saint.

However, when they saw the young and gentle Lin Feng, the ultimate boss of the great saint Gang whom they adored and admired, the shock in their heart was really unspeakable.

"So it is. No wonder the dragon group asked me to cooperate with all the orders of the great saint..."

At this moment, Ren Dezhong's eyes are full of little stars who risk worship. When Lin Feng showed the elder S-level badge before, it was enough to shock him. Now he found that Lin Feng was the big boss behind the scenes of the Da Sheng Gang, which completely overturned his imagination.

Just like those big brothers who eat both black and white in Hong Kong movies, they have dual or even multiple identities. No matter where they go, they are followed by a large group of younger brothers, who are admired and saluted by countless people.

"Da Sheng, the gang has been reorganized now. We will focus on the next work of Da Sheng Gang according to your plan."

Xiao Zhuo is also excited now. After all, with the direct leadership of Lin Feng, the resources and financial resources obtained by the whole Da Sheng Gang have risen to several levels, and there is no need for sneaky development forces anymore.

"Yes! I'm relieved to give it to your two brothers. By the way, what about the flying evil Liu Laosan? Why didn't you see him? Didn't he act with you? " Lin Feng asked strangely again.

"Dasheng, Liu Laosan is also serving the Dasheng gang. However, he has many enemies in the Jianghu and is suitable for intelligence work, so he hasn't appeared all the time. Instead, he began to build our own intelligence network through the Da Sheng gang. "

Xiao Yulong added, "at present, Liu Laosan has basically penetrated into all the sects and factions in the Jianghu. Although they are not the core disciples, with the help of these eyes and ears, we have mastered all the changes of these sects and forces. "

"Oh? It seems that Liu Laosan is really a talent. It was really right to save him at the beginning. What about... The nigger! Did you get in touch? I can't reach him recently. " Lin Feng asked again.

"Well! Mahatma, the nigger is mainly active abroad. He is still lurking in the Reaper organization, but he has... Secretly developed the powers among the reapers to serve our Mahatma gang. " Xiao Zhuo said and smiled, "this guy is really suitable to be a divine stick. Since he saw your power, he claims to be your loyal believer. What he developed abroad is not called the great saint sect, but called the great saint sect..."

"Ha ha! It seems that you are all talents! OK! Everything is done according to the plan I ordered just now. We must seize the time to develop. Otherwise, how can we face those powerful enemies? "

The future is unknowable and the enemy is powerful. Be prepared for danger in times of peace. Lin Feng can't ignore the coming danger because of his current comfort.

Including Lin Feng's own accomplishments, we should also find ways to break through quickly. This time, there was still a lot of harvest in the treasure house of the Da Sheng gang. According to Lin Feng's previous orders, the Xiao brothers mainly looked for some strange materials and treasures.

This includes many good-looking spirit stones, some rare refining materials, and even some spirit grass of thousands of years.

If Lin Feng went to find it himself, even if he had spiritual knowledge and treasure hunting mouse Mengmeng, it would take time and effort in such a large Chinese country. Even if he looked for it for a year or two, he might not have achieved so much.

This is the difference between being alone and having one's own power. Moreover, in the future, the Da Sheng gang will take off and develop again, and there will be a qualitative leap in any aspect.

"Great saint, I just came down to report. The two second ancestors who are locked up with you wake up. What should we do? Do you want to kill them? They have seen your true body... "

When a hand came down to report, Xiao Yulong put in a word and asked.

"No! These two guys are very interesting, and they are also from the ancient martial family in the capital. They have a little relationship with me. All right! I'll leave it to you. I'll go and see those two guys, and then... I'm ready to go back to the capital. "

Thinking of Xiao ran and Yang Xiaofeng, Lin Feng took off his mask and walked towards their room.

"Xiao ran! You say we're here now... Where is this? Are you dead? Is it true what happened before? "

After Yang Xiaofeng woke up, he was in a trance. Especially in this dark room, he couldn't tell whether it was a dream or a reality.

"NIMA! Of course it's true, Xiaofeng. Touch your face. It's over! I must be disfigured. I feel how all of them are potholes! It's the poison of that witch! I remember we were sprayed on our bodies and faces by the venom before we fainted... "

Xiao ran burst into tears. He looked pretty good. He was a little white faced playboy, but now he was disfigured by Yu Qingqing's peony venom. His face was pit by pit, similar to that after being burned and scabbed.

However, fortunately, the room has no lights and is almost completely closed, so they can't see each other at all, otherwise they will be severely frightened by each other.

"Ah? So what? Xiao ran, how about... Let's go to Bangzi country for cosmetic surgery! Spend some money, should you be able to get it back? However, it is a miracle that we can survive this time! Think about it! So many martial artists locked up with us are all dead! It's terrible. What ghost flower can really eat people... "

Thinking of the previous horror scene, Yang Xiaofeng was still terrified. He felt lucky enough to keep his life.

"Fuck you, where is the original one for cosmetic surgery? By the way, what about the great saint? It was the great saint who saved us. How is he now? Did he win, or did the flower demon win? If the great sage wins, it's OK. If the flower demon wins, don't we... "

Before Xiao ran finished speaking, Lin Feng opened the door, came in, smiled and said, "it's over! The flower demon defeated me and locked me in. I'm going to stew the three of us in a while! "

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